Presentation: The Politics of Health Policy

The Politics of Health Policy

Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health


WEEK 5: The Political and Economic Determinants of Health & Social Policies, Part II: Debates on Income Inequality and Social Cohesion – Employment, Income and Health in the U.S.
February 19, 2016


Elise Gould
Senior Economist
Economic Policy Institute

Economic Inequality

  • Incomes
  • Wealth
  • Health
  • Mobility
  • Poverty

Growing economic inequality is rooted in wage inequality

  • Wage trends
  • Gender and racial wage gaps
  • Wages by educational attainment
  • Health and pension coverage

Why did this happen? What can we do about this?

  • CEO pay
  • Labor standards (e.g. minimum wage, overtime)
  • Unions
  • Prioritize full employment (e.g. Federal Reserve policy)

What can happen if we do raise wages?

  • EPI wage calculator
  • Closing gender and inequality wage gaps
  • Reduce poverty
  • Increase incomes

Average annual family income growth, by income group, 1947–2012

1947–1979 1979–2007 2007–2012
Bottom fifth 2.5% 0.0% -2.7%
Second fifth 2.2% 0.4% -2.1%
Middle fifth 2.4% 0.6% -1.7%
Fourth fifth 2.4% 0.9% -1.3%
Top fifth 2.2% 1.5% -0.4%
Top 5 percent 1.9% 2.0% 0.1%
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Note: Data are for money income.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement Historical Income Tables (Table F-3)

Updated from: Figure 2C in The State of Working America, 12th Edition (Mishel et al. 2012), an Economic Policy Institute book published by Cornell University Press in 2012

Change in real annual household income, by income group, 1979–2011

Bottom 90 percent 91st–99th percentile Top 1 percent
Jul-1979 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Jul-1980 -3.0% -3.0% -4.8%
Jul-1981 -3.2% -3.8% -5.3%
Jul-1982 -4.2% -4.5% -0.8%
Jul-1983 -4.9% -1.8% 8.8%
Jul-1984 -0.5% 5.7% 20.1%
Jul-1985 0.1% 6.3% 28.4%
Jul-1986 3.4% 14.5% 68.4%
Jul-1987 3.6% 14.5% 36.0%
Jul-1988 5.3% 17.8% 70.6%
Jul-1989 7.0% 20.1% 59.1%
Jul-1990 7.0% 16.6% 52.8%
Jul-1991 5.7% 14.7% 36.7%
Jul-1992 6.8% 18.1% 55.1%
Jul-1993 8.1% 18.7% 49.1%
Jul-1994 9.3% 20.8% 53.5%
Jul-1995 12.2% 25.9% 70.6%
Jul-1996 13.6% 30.3% 87.6%
Jul-1997 15.8% 36.4% 115.4%
Jul-1998 19.5% 42.1% 143.0%
Jul-1999 22.5% 48.1% 163.3%
Jul-2000 22.0% 51.7% 186.7%
Jul-2001 21.9% 43.3% 126.7%
Jul-2002 19.1% 39.3% 100.5%
Jul-2003 19.5% 42.5% 112.6%
Jul-2004 23.3% 49.2% 153.3%
Jul-2005 25.3% 57.4% 205.3%
Jul-2006 27.6% 61.6% 229.0%
Jul-2007 30.0%  66.2%  244.4%
Jul-2008 25.4% 55.1% 178.5%
Jul-2009 24.6% 48.5% 118.6%
Jul-2010 24.8% 52.6% 153.6%
Jul-2011 23.3% 53.2% 149.1%
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Note: Data are for comprehensive income.  Shaded areas denote recessions.

Source: Authors' analysis of data from the Congressional Budget Office (2014)

Share of total wealth growth accruing to various wealth groups, 1983–2010

Bottom fifth -2.6%
Second fifth -1.3%
Middle fifth -1.5%
Fourth fifth 4.3%
80–90% 10.9%
90–95% 16.0%
95–99% 35.9%
Top 1% 38.3%
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Source: Authors' analysis of Wolff (2012)

Median household wealth (for families with wealth greater than zero) and share of households with zero or negative net wealth , by race and ethnicity, 1989–2013 (2013 dollars)

Share of zero or negative net wealth  Median household wealth
White, non Hispanic 16.6%  $134,230
Black 40.5%  $11,030
Hispanic 34.1%  $13,730
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Source: EPI analysis of Survey of Consumer Finances Combined Extract Data

Life expectancy for male Social Security-covered workers (age 60) by earnings group, 1972–2001

1972 2001
Bottom half of earnings distribution 77.7 79.6
Top half of earnings distribution 78.9 85.4
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Source: EPI analysis of Waldron (2007).

Life expectancy, by year of birth, gender, and wealth decile

Life expectancy, by year of birth, gender, and wealth decile
Source: Brookings Institution; U. of Michigan Health and Retirement Study
By: The New York Times

Intergenerational mobility and income inequality in 22 countries

Country Intergenerational earnings elasticity Gini coefficient
Argentina 0.49 0.458
Australia 0.26 0.352
Brazil 0.58 0.539
Canada 0.19 0.326
Chile 0.52 0.523
China 0.6 0.415
Denmark 0.15 0.247
Finland 0.18 0.269
France 0.41 0.327
Germany 0.32 0.283
Italy 0.5 0.36
Japan 0.34 0.249
New Zealand 0.29 0.362
Norway 0.17 0.258
Pakistan 0.46 0.327
Peru 0.67 0.48
Singapore 0.44 0.425
Spain 0.4 0.347
Sweden 0.27 0.25
Switzerland 0.46 0.337
United Kingdom 0.5 0.36
United States 0.47 0.408
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Note: The higher the Gini coefficient, the higher the inequality. The higher the intergenerational earnings elasticity, the lower the extent of mobility.

Source: Authors' adaptation of Corak (2012, Figure 2)

Probability that sons of fathers in the bottom 20 percent of the earnings distribution end up in the bottom or top 40 percent as adults, by country

Low-earning father, son in bottom 40 percent Low-earning father, son in top 40 percent
United States 66.7% 18.1%
United Kingdom 53.8% 29.6%
Norway 51.6% 27.8%
Finland 51.2% 28.5%
Sweden 50.1% 28.5%
Denmark 47.3% 33.3%
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Source: Authors' analysis of Jantti et al. (2006)

Poverty rate, actual and simulated, 1959–2013

Simulated poverty rate* Actual poverty rate
1959-01-01 22.0% 22.4%
1960-01-01 21.9% 22.2%
1961-01-01 21.8% 21.9%
1962-01-01 20.6% 21.0%
1963-01-01 19.8% 19.5%
1964-01-01 18.6% 19.0%
1965-01-01 17.1% 17.3%
1966-01-01 15.4% 14.7%
1967-01-01 14.9% 14.2%
1968-01-01 13.7% 12.8%
1969-01-01 13.0% 12.1%
1970-01-01 13.3% 12.6%
1971-01-01 12.6% 12.5%
1972-01-01 11.1% 11.9%
1973-01-01 9.4% 11.1%
1974-01-01 9.9% 11.2%
1975-01-01 10.4% 12.3%
1976-01-01 8.7% 11.8%
1977-01-01 7.3% 11.6%
1978-01-01 5.5% 11.4%
1979-01-01 4.7% 11.7%
1980-01-01 5.3% 13.0%
1981-01-01 4.6% 14.0%
1982-01-01 5.9% 15.0%
1983-01-01 4.3% 15.2%
1984-01-01 1.6% 14.4%
1985-01-01 0.1% 14.0%
1986-01-01 -1.1% 13.6%
1987-01-01 13.4%
1988-01-01 13.0%
1989-01-01 12.8%
1990-01-01 13.5%
1991-01-01 14.2%
1992-01-01 14.8%
1993-01-01 15.1%
1994-01-01 14.5%
1995-01-01 13.8%
1996-01-01 13.7%
1997-01-01 13.3%
1998-01-01 12.7%
1999-01-01 11.9%
2000-01-01 11.3%
2001-01-01 11.7%
2002-01-01 12.1%
2003-01-01 12.5%
2004-01-01 12.7%
2005-01-01 12.6%
2006-01-01 12.3%
2007-01-01 12.5%
2008-01-01 13.2%
2009-01-01 14.3%
2010-01-01 15.1%
2011-01-01 15.0%
2012-01-01 15.0%
2013-01-01 14.5%


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* Simulated poverty rate is based on a model of the statistical relationship between growth in per capita GDP and poverty that prevailed between 1959 and 1973.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement Historical Poverty Tables (Tables 2 and 4), Bureau of Economic Analysis National Income Product Accounts public data, and Danziger and Gottschalk (1995)

Impact on poverty rate of economic, demographic, and education changes, 1979–2013

Factor Effect
Inequality 7.1
Growth -3.4
Education -2.9
Family structure 1.6
Race 1.1
Interaction -0.5


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Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement microdata based on Danziger and Gottschalk (1995)

Non-elderly poverty rates, market-based and post-tax, post-transfer, 1989, 2007, 2013

Market-based Post-tax, post-transfer
1989 16.0% 11.8%
2007 16.2% 10.5%
2013 19.5% 12.1%


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Note: Non-elderly population refers to those under age 65. Market-based poverty rates are those based on income earned from work and capital, before factoring in government-provided support. Post-tax, post-transfer poverty rates are those after all government supports (such as cash transfers, in-kind programs, and tax benefits) have been included.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement

Growing economic inequality is rooted in wage inequality

Disconnect between productivity and a typical worker's compensation, 1948–2014

Year Hourly compensation Net productivity
1948  0.0% 0.0%
1949 6.3% 1.5%
1950 10.5% 9.3%
1951 11.8% 12.3%
1952 15.0% 15.6%
1953 20.8% 19.5%
1954 23.5% 21.6%
1955 28.7% 26.5%
1956 33.9% 26.7%
1957 37.1% 30.1%
1958 38.2% 32.8%
1959 42.5% 37.6%
1960 45.5% 40.0%
1961 48.0% 44.3%
1962 52.5% 49.8%
1963 55.0% 55.0%
1964 58.5% 60.0%
1965 62.5% 64.9%
1966 64.9% 70.0%
1967 66.9% 72.0%
1968 70.7% 77.2%
1969 74.7% 77.9%
1970 76.6% 80.4%
1971 82.0% 87.1%
1972 91.2% 92.0%
1973  91.3% 96.7%
1974 87.0% 93.7%
1975 86.8% 97.9%
1976 89.7% 103.4%
1977 93.1% 105.8%
1978 96.0% 107.8%
1979 93.4% 108.1%
1980 88.6% 106.6%
1981 87.6% 111.0%
1982 87.8% 107.9%
1983 88.3% 114.1%
1984 86.9% 119.7%
1985 86.3% 123.4%
1986 87.3% 128.0%
1987 84.6% 129.1%
1988 83.9% 131.8%
1989 83.7% 133.6%
1990 82.2% 137.0%
1991 81.9% 138.9%
1992 83.0% 147.5%
1993 83.4% 148.4%
1994 83.8% 150.7%
1995 82.7% 150.8%
1996 82.8% 156.9%
1997 84.8% 160.5%
1998 89.2% 165.7%
1999 91.9% 172.1%
2000 92.9% 178.5%
2001 95.6% 182.9% 
2002 99.5%  190.7%
2003 101.6% 200.2%
2004 101.0% 208.3%
2005 100.0% 213.6%
2006 100.2% 215.6%
2007 101.7% 217.8%
2008 101.8% 218.3%
2009 109.7% 224.9%
2010 111.5% 234.4%
2011 109.1% 234.8%
2012 107.3% 236.6%
2013 108.3% 236.9%
2014 109.0% 238.7%
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Note: Data are for average hourly compensation of production/nonsupervisory workers in the private sector and net productivity of the total economy. "Net productivity" is the growth of output of goods and services minus depreciation per hour worked.

Source: EPI analysis of data from the BEA and BLS (see technical appendix of Understanding the Historic Divergence Between Productivity and a Typical Worker's Pay for more detailed information)

Source: Economic Policy Institute analysis of data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis' National Income and Produce Accounts and the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Price Indexes and Labor Productivity and Costs programs (see technical appendix of Understanding the Historic Divergence Between Productivity and a Typical Worker's Pay for more detailed information)

When it comes to the pace of annual pay increases, the top 1% wage grew 138% since 1979, while wages for the bottom 90% grew 15%: Cumulative change in real annual wages, by wage group, 1979–2013

Top 1% Bottom 90%
1979 0.0% 0.0%
1980 3.4% -2.2%
1981 3.1% -2.6%
1982 9.5% -3.9%
1983 13.6% -3.7%
1984 20.7% -1.8%
1985 23.0% -1.0%
1986 32.6% 1.1%
1987 53.5% 2.1%
1988 68.7% 2.2%
1989 63.3% 1.8%
1990 64.8% 1.1%
1991 53.6% 0.0%
1992 74.3% 1.5%
1993 67.9% 0.9%
1994 63.4% 2.0%
1995 70.2% 2.8%
1996 79.0% 4.1%
1997 100.6% 7.0%
1998 113.1% 11.0%
1999 129.7% 13.2%
2000 144.8% 15.3%
2001 130.4% 15.7%
2002 109.3% 15.6%
2003 113.9% 15.7%
2004 127.2% 15.6%
2005 135.4% 15.0%
2006 143.4% 15.7%
2007 156.2% 16.7%
2008 137.5% 16.0%
2009 116.2% 16.0%
2010 130.9% 15.2%
2011 134.1% 14.6%
2012 148.4% 14.7%
2013 137.7% 15.2%
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Source: EPI analysis of data from Kopczuk, Saez, and Song (2010) and Social Security Administration wage statistics

Reproduced from Figure F in Raising America’s Pay: Why It’s Our Central Economic Policy Challenge

Source: EPI analysis of data from “Earnings Inequality and Mobility in the United States: Evidence from Social Security Data Since 1937,” by Wojciech Kopczuk, Emmanuel Saez, and Jae Song, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2010; updated through 2013 with data from the Social Security Administration Wage Statistics database.

Reproduced from Figure F in Raising America’s Pay: Why It’s Our Central Economic Policy Challenge, by Josh Bivens, Elise Gould, Lawrence Mishel, and Heidi Shierholz, Economic Policy Institute, 2014.

Middle-class wages are stagnant—Middle-wage workers' hourly wage is up 6% since 1979, low-wage workers' wages are down 5%, while those with very high wages saw a 41% increase: Cumulative change in real hourly wages of all workers, by wage percentile,* 1979–2013

YEAR Very high wage Middle wage Low wage
1979/01/01 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1980/01/01 -1.90% -1.00% -5.50%
1981/01/01 -1.70% -3.60% -4.00%
1982/01/01 0.20% -2.20% -7.70%
1983/01/01 3.40% -2.70% -10.50%
1984/01/01 4.20% -2.20% -12.70%
1985/01/01 6.00% -1.30% -14.10%
1986/01/01 7.60% 0.50% -14.30%
1987/01/01 7.40% 0.60% -14.50%
1988/01/01 10.10% 0.00% -14.50%
1989/01/01 7.50% -0.60% -14.60%
1990/01/01 9.60% -0.60% -13.10%
1991/01/01 10.30% 0.00% -11.50%
1992/01/01 8.50% 0.80% -11.70%
1993/01/01 7.60% 0.10% -12.00%
1994/01/01 13.10% -1.60% -12.90%
1995/01/01 13.20% -2.40% -13.10%
1996/01/01 13.80% -2.80% -13.50%
1997/01/01 15.20% -0.50% -10.60%
1998/01/01 18.00% 2.30% -5.70%
1999/01/01 21.50% 5.40% -4.30%
2000/01/01 25.20% 5.10% -3.40%
2001/01/01 27.70% 7.40% -0.40%
2002/01/01 32.00% 8.30% 0.70%
2003/01/01 30.30% 9.60% 0.30%
2004/01/01 31.60% 9.60% -1.10%
2005/01/01 32.50% 8.30% -2.80%
2006/01/01 33.20% 8.70% -2.20%
2007/01/01 36.10% 7.80% -1.00%
2008/01/01 37.60% 8.30% -1.90%
2009/01/01 39.00% 10.10% -1.10%
2010/01/01 38.70% 8.60% -1.90%
2011/01/01 37.10% 5.70% -4.30%
2012/01/01 39.00% 5.00% -5.90%
2013/01/01 40.60% 6.10% -5.30%


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* Low wage is 10th percentile, middle wage is 50th percentile, very high wage is 95th percentile.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

Reproduced from Figure F in Why America’s Workers Need Faster Wage Growth—And What We Can Do About It

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata from the CPS survey con­ducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics [machine-readable microdata file]. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau.

Reproduced from Figure F in Why America’s Workers Need Faster Wage Growth—And What We Can Do About It, by Elise Gould, Economic Policy Institute, 2014

The gender wage gap is largest among top earners: Women’s hourly wages as a share of men’s at various wage percentiles, 1979–2014

10th percentile 50th percentile 95th percentile
1979-01-01 86.7% 62.7% 62.9%
1980-01-01 83.2% 63.4% 64.8%
1981-01-01 88.7% 64.2% 63.6%
1982-01-01 88.9% 64.8% 64.8%
1983-01-01 89.3% 66.5% 62.9%
1984-01-01 87.2% 67.4% 64.1%
1985-01-01 85.8% 67.1% 63.2%
1986-01-01 84.7% 66.9% 66.2%
1987-01-01 83.5% 69.1% 65.8%
1988-01-01 81.5% 71.1% 68.0%
1989-01-01 81.3% 73.1% 71.9%
1990-01-01 83.4% 74.4% 72.7%
1991-01-01 86.8% 74.9% 72.8%
1992-01-01 89.7% 76.2% 73.9%
1993-01-01 90.9% 77.6% 74.4%
1994-01-01 90.8% 78.4% 76.3%
1995-01-01 88.2% 76.7% 76.6%
1996-01-01 87.2% 77.6% 77.0%
1997-01-01 87.0% 79.0% 75.2%
1998-01-01 89.4% 78.2% 76.7%
1999-01-01 87.6% 76.9% 77.0%
2000-01-01 87.3% 78.0% 75.6%
2001-01-01 87.3% 78.5% 75.7%
2002-01-01 89.6% 80.1% 76.2%
2003-01-01 89.4% 81.0% 76.8%
2004-01-01 89.3% 81.8% 75.3%
2005-01-01 88.3% 82.0% 77.2%
2006-01-01 88.8% 82.2% 77.9%
2007-01-01 89.9% 81.5% 77.2%
2008-01-01 90.3% 82.6% 77.0%
2009-01-01 92.3% 81.7% 74.6%
2010-01-01 92.9% 83.3% 76.8%
2011-01-01 93.4% 84.0% 77.9%
2012-01-01 91.7% 82.8% 74.5%
2013-01-01 91.8% 83.4% 76.1%
2014-01-01 90.9% 82.9% 78.6%


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Note: The xth-percentile wage is the wage at which x% of wage earners earn less and (100-x)% earn more.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

Hourly wages of Hispanic workers as a percent of white hourly wages, at the 10th, 50th, and 95th wage percentiles, 1979–2013

Year 10th percentile 50th percentile 95th percentile
1979/01/01 95.5% 81.2% 78.6%
1980/01/01 94.6% 81.4% 77.7%
1981/01/01 96.0% 79.6% 79.1%
1982/01/01 95.9% 79.0% 75.1%
1983/01/01 95.5% 79.4% 75.3%
1984/01/01 94.8% 78.7% 78.0%
1985/01/01 94.1% 77.3% 76.2%
1986/01/01 92.0% 76.1% 78.4%
1987/01/01 91.1% 76.2% 74.0%
1988/01/01 91.2% 76.1% 75.2%
1989/01/01 90.0% 73.9% 74.0%
1990/01/01 87.4% 71.8% 72.9%
1991/01/01 86.5% 72.0% 74.2%
1992/01/01 88.2% 73.3% 77.3%
1993/01/01 86.9% 72.9% 74.7%
1994/01/01 86.1% 70.8% 73.0%
1995/01/01 86.4% 69.8% 71.5%
1996/01/01 86.2% 70.3% 70.1%
1997/01/01 85.5% 68.6% 71.3%
1998/01/01 86.8% 70.0% 70.1%
1999/01/01 86.8% 69.3% 69.6%
2000/01/01 85.6% 68.8% 68.3%
2001/01/01 85.3% 69.8% 65.7%
2002/01/01 86.8% 69.0% 66.4%
2003/01/01 87.8% 68.5% 67.7%
2004/01/01 88.2% 67.7% 67.5%
2005/01/01 86.7% 68.5% 67.9%
2006/01/01 87.1% 69.8% 67.5%
2007/01/01 89.2% 70.7% 69.4%
2008/01/01 91.4% 70.8% 68.1%
2009/01/01 91.5% 69.8% 69.1%
2010/01/01 92.5% 68.6% 69.0%
2011/01/01 92.5% 68.7% 67.6%
2012/01/01 91.4% 68.3% 66.1%
2013/01/01 90.0% 68.5% 66.5%
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Note: The xth-percentile wage is the wage at which x% of wage earners earn less and (100-x)% earn more. Shaded areas denote recessions. Race/ethnicity categories are mutually exclusive (i.e., white non-Hispanic, black non-Hispanic, and Hispanic any race).

Source: Authors' analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

Hourly wages of black workers as a percent of white hourly wages, at the 10th, 50th, and 95th wage percentiles, 1979–2013

YEAR 10th percentile 50th percentile 95th percentile
1979/01/01 94.7% 82.8% 78.9%
1980/01/01 93.2% 81.9% 78.1%
1981/01/01 95.9% 82.4% 79.5%
1982/01/01 95.4% 79.6% 75.3%
1983/01/01 95.3% 80.6% 76.2%
1984/01/01 94.3% 79.6% 77.4%
1985/01/01 93.7% 78.4% 75.1%
1986/01/01 92.6% 80.2% 75.2%
1987/01/01 91.0% 80.1% 77.5%
1988/01/01 89.5% 81.2% 77.3%
1989/01/01 88.7% 79.5% 76.0%
1990/01/01 87.8% 78.5% 72.9%
1991/01/01 88.7% 78.8% 76.0%
1992/01/01 91.2% 79.2% 77.4%
1993/01/01 92.4% 79.8% 78.1%
1994/01/01 92.8% 78.3% 76.1%
1995/01/01 92.4% 78.1% 75.8%
1996/01/01 89.7% 77.8% 73.5%
1997/01/01 88.3% 76.7% 73.9%
1998/01/01 92.2% 80.1% 73.9%
1999/01/01 92.2% 78.6% 72.8%
2000/01/01 90.5% 79.2% 72.1%
2001/01/01 89.6% 77.1% 72.4%
2002/01/01 91.9% 77.6% 72.6%
2003/01/01 92.9% 79.7% 73.1%
2004/01/01 92.1% 79.8% 72.6%
2005/01/01 90.2% 76.8% 72.5%
2006/01/01 90.1% 78.1% 74.5%
2007/01/01 92.1% 76.3% 72.9%
2008/01/01 92.6% 76.2% 72.5%
2009/01/01 94.0% 77.6% 70.5%
2010/01/01 93.8% 77.6% 70.4%
2011/01/01 93.5% 76.9% 73.1%
2012/01/01 91.6% 75.4% 70.5%
2013/01/01 90.8% 76.7% 70.0%
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Note: The xth-percentile wage is the wage at which x% of wage earners earn less and (100-x)% earn more. Shaded areas denote recessions. Race/ethnicity categories are mutually exclusive (i.e., white non-Hispanic, black non-Hispanic, and Hispanic any race).

Source: Authors' analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

Women earn less than men at every education level: Average hourly wages, by gender and education, 2014

Education level Men’s hourly wages Women’s hourly wages
Less than high school $13.37 $10.44
High school $18.12 $14.29
Some college $20.19 $16.20
College $33.35 $25.94
Advanced degree $44.10 $32.82


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SourceEPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

The gender wage gap persists, but has narrowed since 1979: Median hourly wages, by gender, 1979–2014

Women’s median hourly wages Men’s median hourly wages
1979-01-01 $12.61 $20.13
1980-01-01 $12.58 $19.83
1981-01-01 $12.47 $19.42
1982-01-01 $12.49 $19.27
1983-01-01 $12.65 $19.01
1984-01-01 $12.76 $18.92
1985-01-01 $12.82 $19.10
1986-01-01 $13.15 $19.64
1987-01-01 $13.49 $19.53
1988-01-01 $13.61 $19.16
1989-01-01 $13.60 $18.61
1990-01-01 $13.64 $18.32
1991-01-01 $13.70 $18.28
1992-01-01 $13.80 $18.13
1993-01-01 $13.96 $17.98
1994-01-01 $13.84 $17.66
1995-01-01 $13.75 $17.93
1996-01-01 $13.82 $17.81
1997-01-01 $14.16 $17.92
1998-01-01 $14.51 $18.56
1999-01-01 $14.64 $19.04
2000-01-01 $14.94 $19.16
2001-01-01 $15.26 $19.43
2002-01-01 $15.64 $19.52
2003-01-01 $15.68 $19.36
2004-01-01 $15.65 $19.13
2005-01-01 $15.54 $18.97
2006-01-01 $15.56 $18.93
2007-01-01 $15.69 $19.24
2008-01-01 $15.80 $19.13
2009-01-01 $16.07 $19.67
2010-01-01 $15.96 $19.16
2011-01-01 $15.67 $18.64
2012-01-01 $15.39 $18.60
2013-01-01 $15.35 $18.41
2014-01-01 $15.21 $18.35  


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Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

Real average hourly wages of young workers, by education, 1989–2015*

Date All Men Women All Men Women
1989-12-01  $      10.02   $    10.78   $       9.16   $       16.85   $    17.53   $    16.36 
1990-01-01  $      10.02  $    10.74  $       9.24  $       16.94  $    17.72  $    16.39
1990-02-01  $      10.04  $    10.76  $       9.22  $       16.92  $    17.72  $    16.36
1990-03-01  $      10.00  $    10.75  $       9.15  $       16.99  $    17.78  $    16.45
1990-04-01  $      10.10  $    10.83  $       9.28  $       17.15  $    18.22  $    16.40
1990-05-01  $      10.07  $    10.82  $       9.24  $       17.38  $    18.22  $    16.78
1990-06-01  $      10.08  $    10.83  $       9.26  $       17.40  $    18.25  $    16.76
1990-07-01  $      10.10  $    10.87  $       9.24  $       17.36  $    18.33  $    16.59
1990-08-01  $      10.12  $    10.88  $       9.28  $       17.37  $    18.35  $    16.60
1990-09-01  $      10.09  $    10.80  $       9.31  $       17.43  $    18.41  $    16.66
1990-10-01  $      10.07  $    10.73  $       9.33  $       17.37  $    18.44  $    16.56
1990-11-01  $      10.03  $    10.68  $       9.30  $       17.45  $    18.45  $    16.69
1990-12-01  $      10.03  $    10.67  $       9.33  $       17.43  $    18.41  $    16.67
1991-01-01  $      10.02  $    10.69  $       9.27  $       17.46  $    18.33  $    16.76
1991-02-01  $      10.01  $    10.70  $       9.27  $       17.42  $    18.29  $    16.74
1991-03-01  $      10.03  $    10.71  $       9.28  $       17.28  $    18.30  $    16.49
1991-04-01  $        9.98  $    10.64  $       9.26  $       17.14  $    17.85  $    16.55
1991-05-01  $        9.97  $    10.61  $       9.27  $       17.05  $    18.10  $    16.22
1991-06-01  $        9.99  $    10.61  $       9.30  $       16.95  $    17.92  $    16.21
1991-07-01  $        9.97  $    10.57  $       9.30  $       17.09  $    18.07  $    16.34
1991-08-01  $        9.93  $    10.53  $       9.27  $       16.99  $    18.03  $    16.20
1991-09-01  $        9.92  $    10.52  $       9.25  $       16.85  $    17.97  $    15.98
1991-10-01  $        9.89  $    10.48  $       9.24  $       16.80  $    17.76  $    16.06
1991-11-01  $        9.85  $    10.42  $       9.22  $       16.69  $    17.58  $    15.98
1991-12-01  $        9.80  $    10.39  $       9.16  $       16.64  $    17.52  $    15.94
1992-01-01  $        9.76  $    10.33  $       9.14  $       16.59  $    17.46  $    15.91
1992-02-01  $        9.78  $    10.33  $       9.18  $       16.57  $    17.44  $    15.88
1992-03-01  $        9.74  $    10.27  $       9.15  $       16.55  $    17.32  $    15.93
1992-04-01  $        9.74  $    10.31  $       9.11  $       16.58  $    17.42  $    15.89
1992-05-01  $        9.70  $    10.30  $       9.06  $       16.38  $    17.06  $    15.84
1992-06-01  $        9.66  $    10.25  $       9.02  $       16.43  $    17.10  $    15.90
1992-07-01  $        9.65  $    10.21  $       9.04  $       16.35  $    16.90  $    15.90
1992-08-01  $        9.65  $    10.18  $       9.07  $       16.29  $    16.82  $    15.84
1992-09-01  $        9.62  $    10.17  $       9.02  $       16.30  $    16.68  $    15.98
1992-10-01  $        9.63  $    10.14  $       9.06  $       16.36  $    16.83  $    15.95
1992-11-01  $        9.64  $    10.14  $       9.08  $       16.28  $    16.81  $    15.84
1992-12-01  $        9.62  $    10.11  $       9.07  $       16.10  $    16.64  $    15.66
1993-01-01  $        9.59  $    10.08  $       9.05  $       16.17  $    16.82  $    15.62
1993-02-01  $        9.52  $       9.99  $       9.03  $       16.14  $    16.92  $    15.49
1993-03-01  $        9.49  $       9.92  $       9.02  $       16.21  $    17.08  $    15.50
1993-04-01  $        9.42  $       9.88  $       8.94  $       16.08  $    16.85  $    15.47
1993-05-01  $        9.47  $       9.91  $       8.99  $       16.16  $    16.89  $    15.57
1993-06-01  $        9.46  $       9.89  $       8.99  $       16.22  $    16.90  $    15.68
1993-07-01  $        9.44  $       9.87  $       8.96  $       16.06  $    16.60  $    15.63
1993-08-01  $        9.40  $       9.85  $       8.89  $       16.07  $    16.64  $    15.60
1993-09-01  $        9.38  $       9.82  $       8.90  $       15.99  $    16.74  $    15.40
1993-10-01  $        9.37  $       9.87  $       8.81  $       16.09  $    16.80  $    15.56
1993-11-01  $        9.35  $       9.91  $       8.73  $       16.06  $    16.80  $    15.52
1993-12-01  $        9.34  $       9.92  $       8.69  $       16.16  $    16.93  $    15.58
1994-01-01  $        9.34  $       9.90  $       8.72  $       16.21  $    16.90  $    15.72
1994-02-01  $        9.34  $       9.92  $       8.69  $       16.33  $    17.11  $    15.82
1994-03-01  $        9.48  $    10.18  $       8.72  $       16.31  $    17.00  $    15.84
1994-04-01  $        9.54  $    10.18  $       8.84  $       16.28  $    17.01  $    15.77
1994-05-01  $        9.54  $    10.21  $       8.80  $       16.24  $    17.11  $    15.61
1994-06-01  $        9.55  $    10.25  $       8.81  $       16.15  $    17.14  $    15.43
1994-07-01  $        9.55  $    10.25  $       8.80  $       16.15  $    17.34  $    15.28
1994-08-01  $        9.54  $    10.23  $       8.81  $       16.10  $    17.12  $    15.38
1994-09-01  $        9.60  $    10.30  $       8.84  $       16.13  $    17.06  $    15.46
1994-10-01  $        9.65  $    10.39  $       8.85  $       16.12  $    17.19  $    15.29
1994-11-01  $        9.69  $    10.43  $       8.88  $       16.19  $    17.40  $    15.28
1994-12-01  $        9.79  $    10.61  $       8.90  $       16.18  $    17.26  $    15.35
1995-01-01  $        9.87  $    10.74  $       8.95  $       16.07  $    17.17  $    15.20
1995-02-01  $        9.89  $    10.77  $       8.93  $       16.01  $    16.94  $    15.24
1995-03-01  $        9.80  $    10.55  $       8.96  $       15.90  $    16.84  $    15.15
1995-04-01  $        9.76  $    10.55  $       8.87  $       15.96  $    16.94  $    15.18
1995-05-01  $        9.73  $    10.50  $       8.87  $       15.92  $    16.81  $    15.22
1995-06-01  $        9.73  $    10.47  $       8.89  $       15.93  $    16.78  $    15.26
1995-07-01  $        9.74  $    10.52  $       8.87  $       15.99  $    16.71  $    15.44
1995-08-01  $        9.81  $    10.64  $       8.87  $       15.96  $    16.80  $    15.31
1995-09-01  $        9.78  $    10.62  $       8.83  $       15.90  $    16.77  $    15.23
1995-10-01  $        9.77  $    10.58  $       8.87  $       15.72  $    16.49  $    15.16
1995-11-01  $        9.79  $    10.63  $       8.86  $       15.76  $    16.44  $    15.26
1995-12-01  $        9.72  $    10.53  $       8.84  $       15.77  $    16.52  $    15.22
1996-01-01  $        9.68  $    10.40  $       8.86  $       15.72  $    16.57  $    15.15
1996-02-01  $        9.73  $    10.46  $       8.90  $       15.65  $    16.42  $    15.13
1996-03-01  $        9.78  $    10.54  $       8.89  $       15.82  $    16.43  $    15.39
1996-04-01  $        9.76  $    10.53  $       8.86  $       15.78  $    16.35  $    15.39
1996-05-01  $        9.73  $    10.50  $       8.83  $       15.73  $    16.24  $    15.38
1996-06-01  $        9.74  $    10.55  $       8.79  $       15.65  $    16.12  $    15.32
1996-07-01  $        9.72  $    10.50  $       8.79  $       15.60  $    16.10  $    15.25
1996-08-01  $        9.69  $    10.45  $       8.79  $       15.91  $    16.25  $    15.67
1996-09-01  $        9.76  $    10.43  $       8.97  $       15.94  $    16.31  $    15.67
1996-10-01  $        9.73  $    10.40  $       8.93  $       15.93  $    16.35  $    15.67
1996-11-01  $        9.73  $    10.35  $       9.00  $       15.83  $    16.25  $    15.55
1996-12-01  $        9.77  $    10.39  $       9.03  $       15.83  $    16.24  $    15.57
1997-01-01  $        9.79  $    10.39  $       9.07  $       15.86  $    16.19  $    15.60
1997-02-01  $        9.77  $    10.32  $       9.13  $       15.75  $    16.21  $    15.42
1997-03-01  $        9.73  $    10.30  $       9.08  $       15.92  $    16.60  $    15.40
1997-04-01  $        9.78  $    10.38  $       9.12  $       16.00  $    16.74  $    15.45
1997-05-01  $        9.84  $    10.45  $       9.17  $       16.08  $    16.84  $    15.51
1997-06-01  $      10.00  $    10.65  $       9.27  $       16.21  $    16.96  $    15.66
1997-07-01  $      10.02  $    10.66  $       9.28  $       16.29  $    17.16  $    15.67
1997-08-01  $      10.01  $    10.64  $       9.31  $       16.14  $    17.12  $    15.43
1997-09-01  $        9.97  $    10.66  $       9.17  $       16.28  $    17.26  $    15.57
1997-10-01  $      10.03  $    10.71  $       9.24  $       16.35  $    17.28  $    15.65
1997-11-01  $      10.02  $    10.70  $       9.23  $       16.40  $    17.39  $    15.65
1997-12-01  $      10.00  $    10.61  $       9.29  $       16.46  $    17.60  $    15.63
1998-01-01  $      10.04  $    10.70  $       9.26  $       16.54  $    17.74  $    15.67
1998-02-01  $      10.05  $    10.72  $       9.26  $       16.78  $    18.09  $    15.81
1998-03-01  $      10.07  $    10.72  $       9.28  $       16.72  $    18.22  $    15.65
1998-04-01  $      10.09  $    10.71  $       9.34  $       16.91  $    18.63  $    15.75
1998-05-01  $      10.12  $    10.71  $       9.41  $       17.15  $    18.82  $    16.03
1998-06-01  $      10.07  $    10.56  $       9.48  $       17.18  $    18.85  $    16.05
1998-07-01  $      10.15  $    10.64  $       9.58  $       17.18  $    18.74  $    16.11
1998-08-01  $      10.24  $    10.77  $       9.64  $       17.59  $    19.71  $    16.09
1998-09-01  $      10.26  $    10.77  $       9.67  $       17.81  $    20.04  $    16.13
1998-10-01  $      10.30  $    10.81  $       9.73  $       17.96  $    20.14  $    16.33
1998-11-01  $      10.37  $    10.88  $       9.78  $       18.17  $    20.39  $    16.51
1998-12-01  $      10.46  $    11.00  $       9.86  $       18.28  $    20.49  $    16.63
1999-01-01  $      10.52  $    11.06  $       9.91  $       18.47  $    20.46  $    17.03
1999-02-01  $      10.54  $    11.07  $       9.91  $       18.47  $    20.41  $    17.05
1999-03-01  $      10.61  $    11.13  $       9.98  $       18.45  $    20.08  $    17.24
1999-04-01  $      10.64  $    11.17  $    10.01  $       18.23  $    19.47  $    17.23
1999-05-01  $      10.65  $    11.22  $       9.98  $       18.17  $    19.67  $    17.02
1999-06-01  $      10.62  $    11.21  $       9.90  $       18.29  $    19.95  $    17.07
1999-07-01  $      10.69  $    11.26  $       9.98  $       18.57  $    20.11  $    17.43
1999-08-01  $      10.69  $    11.25  $    10.00  $       18.28  $    19.19  $    17.65
1999-09-01  $      10.75  $    11.32  $    10.03  $       18.07  $    18.84  $    17.63
1999-10-01  $      10.78  $    11.41  $       9.96  $       18.17  $    19.02  $    17.68
1999-11-01  $      10.89  $    11.59  $    10.00  $       18.12  $    18.94  $    17.68
1999-12-01  $      10.85  $    11.59  $       9.91  $       18.37  $    19.14  $    17.93
2000-01-01  $      10.85  $    11.60  $       9.89  $       18.36  $    19.41  $    17.67
2000-02-01  $      10.92  $    11.69  $       9.94  $       18.37  $    19.35  $    17.75
2000-03-01  $      11.01  $    11.78  $    10.05  $       18.41  $    19.44  $    17.74
2000-04-01  $      11.06  $    11.90  $    10.01  $       18.53  $    19.85  $    17.71
2000-05-01  $      11.14  $    11.98  $    10.10  $       18.45  $    19.66  $    17.67
2000-06-01  $      11.22  $    12.09  $    10.16  $       18.60  $    19.62  $    17.92
2000-07-01  $      11.21  $    12.13  $    10.11  $       18.48  $    19.63  $    17.68
2000-08-01  $      11.19  $    12.09  $    10.10  $       18.54  $    19.68  $    17.75
2000-09-01  $      11.22  $    12.14  $    10.11  $       18.67  $    19.70  $    17.94
2000-10-01  $      11.23  $    12.09  $    10.21  $       18.70  $    19.72  $    17.99
2000-11-01  $      11.23  $    12.03  $    10.28  $       18.70  $    19.57  $    18.06
2000-12-01  $      11.23  $    12.02  $    10.30  $       18.67  $    19.54  $    18.04
2001-01-01  $      11.27  $    12.08  $    10.32  $       18.53  $    19.36  $    17.95
2001-02-01  $      11.22  $    12.07  $    10.21  $       18.59  $    19.37  $    18.03
2001-03-01  $      11.13  $    11.96  $    10.13  $       18.80  $    19.81  $    18.14
2001-04-01  $      11.14  $    11.92  $    10.21  $       18.86  $    19.96  $    18.10
2001-05-01  $      11.09  $    11.91  $    10.14  $       19.11  $    20.31  $    18.27
2001-06-01  $      11.09  $    11.80  $    10.26  $       18.94  $    20.23  $    18.07
2001-07-01  $      11.08  $    11.77  $    10.26  $       19.00  $    20.15  $    18.23
2001-08-01  $      11.12  $    11.82  $    10.29  $       18.98  $    20.29  $    18.04
2001-09-01  $      11.16  $    11.80  $    10.42  $       19.14  $    20.73  $    18.01
2001-10-01  $      11.13  $    11.83  $    10.34  $       19.08  $    20.62  $    17.98
2001-11-01  $      11.09  $    11.82  $    10.28  $       19.06  $    20.58  $    17.98
2001-12-01  $      11.12  $    11.81  $    10.32  $       18.85  $    20.38  $    17.76
2002-01-01  $      11.10  $    11.74  $    10.35  $       19.01  $    20.56  $    17.93
2002-02-01  $      11.14  $    11.73  $    10.48  $       19.18  $    20.83  $    18.05
2002-03-01  $      11.22  $    11.84  $    10.50  $       18.85  $    20.31  $    17.80
2002-04-01  $      11.21  $    11.87  $    10.46  $       18.79  $    19.94  $    17.95
2002-05-01  $      11.23  $    11.84  $    10.52  $       18.61  $    19.64  $    17.88
2002-06-01  $      11.18  $    11.86  $    10.40  $       18.64  $    19.74  $    17.86
2002-07-01  $      11.15  $    11.80  $    10.42  $       18.50  $    19.72  $    17.63
2002-08-01  $      11.16  $    11.83  $    10.36  $       18.46  $    19.65  $    17.65
2002-09-01  $      11.07  $    11.83  $    10.18  $       18.45  $    19.74  $    17.60
2002-10-01  $      11.05  $    11.80  $    10.16  $       18.48  $    19.80  $    17.61
2002-11-01  $      11.01  $    11.74  $    10.14  $       18.64  $    20.04  $    17.69
2002-12-01  $      10.99  $    11.74  $    10.09  $       18.66  $    20.14  $    17.69
2003-01-01  $      11.01  $    11.77  $    10.09  $       18.68  $    20.11  $    17.75
2003-02-01  $      10.94  $    11.73  $       9.97  $       18.44  $    19.75  $    17.58
2003-03-01  $      10.85  $    11.63  $       9.92  $       18.45  $    19.60  $    17.70
2003-04-01  $      10.83  $    11.57  $       9.93  $       18.46  $    19.63  $    17.69
2003-05-01  $      10.81  $    11.52  $       9.94  $       18.47  $    19.72  $    17.66
2003-06-01  $      10.82  $    11.55  $       9.89  $       18.45  $    19.60  $    17.70
2003-07-01  $      10.83  $    11.58  $       9.89  $       18.36  $    19.42  $    17.68
2003-08-01  $      10.84  $    11.57  $       9.95  $       18.32  $    19.43  $    17.59
2003-09-01  $      10.98  $    11.74  $    10.03  $       18.15  $    19.16  $    17.48
2003-10-01  $      10.99  $    11.73  $    10.06  $       18.20  $    19.37  $    17.42
2003-11-01  $      11.06  $    11.72  $    10.24  $       18.02  $    19.19  $    17.25
2003-12-01  $      11.08  $    11.70  $    10.30  $       17.99  $    18.85  $    17.43
2004-01-01  $      11.04  $    11.66  $    10.27  $       17.79  $    18.43  $    17.39
2004-02-01  $      11.12  $    11.69  $    10.40  $       17.87  $    18.67  $    17.35
2004-03-01  $      11.16  $    11.74  $    10.45  $       17.95  $    18.84  $    17.38
2004-04-01  $      11.16  $    11.68  $    10.49  $       18.18  $    18.94  $    17.68
2004-05-01  $      11.29  $    11.94  $    10.44  $       18.27  $    18.96  $    17.80
2004-06-01  $      11.31  $    11.95  $    10.47  $       18.13  $    18.96  $    17.57
2004-07-01  $      11.25  $    11.94  $    10.36  $       18.34  $    19.09  $    17.82
2004-08-01  $      11.21  $    11.89  $    10.34  $       18.31  $    18.99  $    17.86
2004-09-01  $      11.09  $    11.69  $    10.31  $       18.36  $    19.17  $    17.78
2004-10-01  $      11.03  $    11.58  $    10.29  $       18.32  $    18.87  $    17.92
2004-11-01  $      10.95  $    11.54  $    10.18  $       18.27  $    19.00  $    17.74
2004-12-01  $      11.06  $    11.86  $    10.10  $       18.26  $    19.12  $    17.61
2005-01-01  $      11.02  $    11.81  $    10.06  $       18.39  $    19.47  $    17.58
2005-02-01  $      10.99  $    11.80  $    10.00  $       18.25  $    19.12  $    17.58
2005-03-01  $      10.90  $    11.73  $       9.91  $       18.14  $    19.10  $    17.41
2005-04-01  $      10.84  $    11.70  $       9.81  $       17.96  $    19.19  $    17.04
2005-05-01  $      10.73  $    11.49  $       9.83  $       18.01  $    19.57  $    16.82
2005-06-01  $      10.75  $    11.55  $       9.81  $       18.15  $    19.77  $    16.93
2005-07-01  $      10.81  $    11.62  $       9.88  $       18.06  $    19.88  $    16.72
2005-08-01  $      10.82  $    11.65  $       9.83  $       18.19  $    20.11  $    16.76
2005-09-01  $      10.83  $    11.67  $       9.82  $       18.06  $    19.71  $    16.86
2005-10-01  $      10.95  $    11.92  $       9.80  $       17.97  $    19.64  $    16.76
2005-11-01  $      10.92  $    11.93  $       9.74  $       18.04  $    19.48  $    17.00
2005-12-01  $      10.76  $    11.60  $       9.74  $       17.95  $    19.37  $    16.93
2006-01-01  $      10.84  $    11.67  $       9.83  $       17.82  $    19.25  $    16.78
2006-02-01  $      10.81  $    11.66  $       9.75  $       18.10  $    19.53  $    17.07
2006-03-01  $      10.87  $    11.74  $       9.76  $       18.17  $    19.63  $    17.14
2006-04-01  $      10.92  $    11.79  $       9.79  $       18.13  $    19.38  $    17.25
2006-05-01  $      10.89  $    11.78  $       9.76  $       17.95  $    18.81  $    17.37
2006-06-01  $      10.86  $    11.79  $       9.71  $       17.85  $    18.69  $    17.27
2006-07-01  $      10.83  $    11.70  $       9.74  $       18.03  $    18.77  $    17.52
2006-08-01  $      10.79  $    11.67  $       9.68  $       17.81  $    18.37  $    17.42
2006-09-01  $      10.83  $    11.71  $       9.72  $       17.87  $    18.47  $    17.45
2006-10-01  $      10.73  $    11.53  $       9.70  $       17.98  $    18.69  $    17.48
2006-11-01  $      10.75  $    11.57  $       9.68  $       18.01  $    18.86  $    17.41
2006-12-01  $      10.79  $    11.60  $       9.72  $       18.08  $    19.05  $    17.40
2007-01-01  $      10.77  $    11.62  $       9.66  $       18.16  $    19.21  $    17.41
2007-02-01  $      10.84  $    11.67  $       9.75  $       18.30  $    19.60  $    17.37
2007-03-01  $      10.93  $    11.69  $       9.95  $       18.31  $    19.61  $    17.33
2007-04-01  $      11.02  $    11.74  $    10.09  $       18.37  $    19.94  $    17.25
2007-05-01  $      11.06  $    11.77  $    10.13  $       18.39  $    20.00  $    17.23
2007-06-01  $      11.03  $    11.70  $    10.11  $       18.44  $    20.19  $    17.19
2007-07-01  $      11.01  $    11.71  $    10.06  $       18.26  $    20.29  $    16.82
2007-08-01  $      11.05  $    11.74  $    10.10  $       18.48  $    20.56  $    17.00
2007-09-01  $      11.01  $    11.74  $    10.03  $       18.64  $    20.64  $    17.22
2007-10-01  $      11.08  $    11.85  $    10.05  $       18.59  $    20.74  $    17.10
2007-11-01  $      11.05  $    11.79  $    10.06  $       18.60  $    20.60  $    17.20
2007-12-01  $      11.14  $    11.99  $    10.05  $       18.56  $    20.34  $    17.33
2008-01-01  $      11.12  $    12.00  $    10.02  $       18.46  $    19.92  $    17.46
2008-02-01  $      11.06  $    11.91  $       9.98  $       18.16  $    19.35  $    17.36
2008-03-01  $      10.94  $    11.79  $       9.84  $       18.27  $    19.43  $    17.52
2008-04-01  $      10.89  $    11.73  $       9.80  $       18.27  $    19.34  $    17.51
2008-05-01  $      10.86  $    11.74  $       9.73  $       18.28  $    19.26  $    17.58
2008-06-01  $      10.83  $    11.69  $       9.78  $       18.34  $    19.05  $    17.83
2008-07-01  $      10.78  $    11.61  $       9.74  $       18.26  $    18.80  $    17.84
2008-08-01  $      10.76  $    11.58  $       9.74  $       18.25  $    19.02  $    17.72
2008-09-01  $      10.70  $    11.50  $       9.70  $       18.07  $    18.94  $    17.47
2008-10-01  $      10.67  $    11.43  $       9.73  $       18.05  $    18.64  $    17.63
2008-11-01  $      10.86  $    11.67  $       9.80  $       18.02  $    18.66  $    17.55
2008-12-01  $      10.76  $    11.46  $       9.79  $       18.17  $    18.86  $    17.66
2009-01-01  $      10.74  $    11.39  $       9.84  $       18.29  $    19.15  $    17.65
2009-02-01  $      10.73  $    11.38  $       9.82  $       18.24  $    19.26  $    17.51
2009-03-01  $      10.74  $    11.43  $       9.79  $       18.16  $    19.14  $    17.48
2009-04-01  $      10.69  $    11.44  $       9.68  $       18.16  $    19.19  $    17.49
2009-05-01  $      10.71  $    11.51  $       9.68  $       18.18  $    19.44  $    17.34
2009-06-01  $      10.70  $    11.47  $       9.68  $       18.29  $    19.69  $    17.32
2009-07-01  $      10.75  $    11.53  $       9.72  $       18.65  $    20.35  $    17.54
2009-08-01  $      10.80  $    11.49  $       9.89  $       18.59  $    20.19  $    17.52
2009-09-01  $      10.79  $    11.48  $       9.88  $       18.63  $    20.03  $    17.72
2009-10-01  $      10.67  $    11.31  $       9.82  $       18.45  $    19.86  $    17.52
2009-11-01  $      10.47  $    11.04  $       9.72  $       18.78  $    20.90  $    17.40
2009-12-01  $      10.46  $    11.09  $       9.66  $       18.60  $    20.85  $    17.13
2010-01-01  $      10.45  $    11.12  $       9.58  $       18.56  $    20.91  $    17.05
2010-02-01  $      10.46  $    11.08  $       9.65  $       18.51  $    20.91  $    16.94
2010-03-01  $      10.40  $    11.05  $       9.58  $       18.59  $    21.20  $    16.85
2010-04-01  $      10.36  $    11.00  $       9.51  $       18.73  $    21.43  $    16.84
2010-05-01  $      10.32  $    10.90  $       9.53  $       18.47  $    21.12  $    16.64
2010-06-01  $      10.38  $    10.97  $       9.55  $       18.22  $    20.66  $    16.57
2010-07-01  $      10.38  $    10.99  $       9.53  $       17.84  $    19.73  $    16.50
2010-08-01  $      10.27  $    10.93  $       9.38  $       17.89  $    19.69  $    16.61
2010-09-01  $      10.34  $    10.95  $       9.51  $       17.80  $    19.94  $    16.25
2010-10-01  $      10.41  $    11.01  $       9.58  $       17.99  $    20.19  $    16.39
2010-11-01  $      10.42  $    11.03  $       9.60  $       17.60  $    19.12  $    16.45
2010-12-01  $      10.41  $    10.98  $       9.65  $       17.58  $    19.07  $    16.47
2011-01-01  $      10.50  $    11.08  $       9.72  $       17.45  $    18.80  $    16.42
2011-02-01  $      10.46  $    11.10  $       9.62  $       17.53  $    18.90  $    16.48
2011-03-01  $      10.47  $    11.06  $       9.69  $       17.67  $    19.20  $    16.44
2011-04-01  $      10.35  $    10.90  $       9.65  $       17.40  $    18.71  $    16.39
2011-05-01  $      10.34  $    10.87  $       9.63  $       17.56  $    18.80  $    16.59
2011-06-01  $      10.28  $    10.78  $       9.61  $       17.53  $    18.86  $    16.50
2011-07-01  $      10.21  $    10.71  $       9.54  $       17.69  $    19.11  $    16.64
2011-08-01  $      10.22  $    10.70  $       9.57  $       17.70  $    19.20  $    16.56
2011-09-01  $      10.13  $    10.61  $       9.49  $       17.69  $    18.99  $    16.71
2011-10-01  $      10.10  $    10.61  $       9.41  $       17.55  $    18.91  $    16.54
2011-11-01  $      10.04  $    10.55  $       9.31  $       17.56  $    19.04  $    16.43
2011-12-01  $        9.99  $    10.56  $       9.22  $       17.68  $    19.20  $    16.54
2012-01-01  $        9.84  $    10.35  $       9.15  $       17.57  $    19.11  $    16.37
2012-02-01  $        9.82  $    10.34  $       9.08  $       17.35  $    18.74  $    16.25
2012-03-01  $        9.85  $    10.37  $       9.10  $       16.86  $    17.85  $    16.13
2012-04-01  $        9.96  $    10.52  $       9.17  $       16.84  $    17.98  $    16.00
2012-05-01  $        9.90  $    10.44  $       9.17  $       16.85  $    18.01  $    15.99
2012-06-01  $        9.89  $    10.44  $       9.16  $       16.91  $    18.08  $    16.02
2012-07-01  $        9.88  $    10.40  $       9.18  $       16.90  $    18.41  $    15.78
2012-08-01  $        9.94  $    10.51  $       9.17  $       16.79  $    18.26  $    15.71
2012-09-01  $        9.90  $    10.50  $       9.07  $       16.85  $    18.30  $    15.77
2012-10-01  $        9.89  $    10.50  $       9.04  $       16.84  $    18.35  $    15.75
2012-11-01  $        9.85  $    10.46  $       9.03  $       16.96  $    18.39  $    15.93
2012-12-01  $        9.81  $    10.41  $       9.01  $       17.07  $    18.44  $    16.08
2013-01-01  $        9.82  $    10.47  $       8.96  $       17.21  $    18.55  $    16.25
2013-02-01  $        9.84  $    10.46  $       9.04  $       17.31  $    18.67  $    16.34
2013-03-01  $        9.80  $    10.37  $       9.06  $       17.46  $    18.93  $    16.41
2013-04-01  $        9.85  $    10.35  $       9.20  $       17.41  $    18.85  $    16.31
2013-05-01  $        9.87  $    10.36  $       9.23  $       17.44  $    18.99  $    16.24
2013-06-01  $        9.82  $    10.33  $       9.17  $       17.39  $    18.91  $    16.21
2013-07-01  $        9.84  $    10.36  $       9.18  $       17.24  $    18.52  $    16.21
2013-08-01  $        9.78  $    10.31  $       9.14  $       17.40  $    18.87  $    16.20
2013-09-01  $        9.81  $    10.33  $       9.19  $       17.38  $    19.07  $    16.06
2013-10-01  $        9.83  $    10.34  $       9.19  $       17.50  $    19.30  $    16.05
2013-11-01  $        9.98  $    10.55  $       9.23  $       17.47  $    19.27  $    16.03
2013-12-01  $      10.03  $    10.56  $       9.30  $       17.27  $    19.21  $    15.74
2014-01-01  $      10.00  $    10.52  $       9.29  $       17.27  $    19.45  $    15.57
2014-02-01  $        9.99  $    10.54  $       9.24  $       17.24  $    19.44  $    15.53
2014-03-01  $      10.00  $    10.59  $       9.20  $       17.23  $    19.46  $    15.46
2014-04-01  $        9.99  $    10.71  $       9.01  $       17.40  $    19.60  $    15.71
2014-05-01  $        9.99  $    10.75  $       8.95  $       17.36  $    19.48  $    15.73
2014-06-01  $      10.07  $    10.78  $       9.09  $       17.45  $    19.81  $    15.67
2014-07-01  $      10.06  $    10.76  $       9.09  $       17.62  $    20.23  $    15.64
2014-08-01  $      10.09  $    10.79  $       9.11  $       17.58  $    20.16  $    15.61
2014-09-01  $      10.14  $    10.85  $       9.14  $       17.58  $    19.98  $    15.69
2014-10-01  $      10.16  $    10.89  $       9.16  $       17.56  $    19.74  $    15.82
2014-11-01  $      10.13  $    10.78  $       9.24  $       17.64  $    19.98  $    15.79
2014-12-01  $      10.17  $    10.87  $       9.19  $       17.81  $    20.08  $    16.00
2015-01-01  $      10.21  $    10.86  $       9.31  $       17.76  $    19.73  $    16.17
2015-02-01  $      10.31  $    10.96  $       9.38  $       17.94  $    19.72  $    16.48
2015-03-01  $      10.40  $    11.06  $       9.42  $       17.94  $    19.64  $    16.56
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* Data reflect 12-month moving averages; data for 2015 represent 12-month average from April 2014 to March 2015.

Note: Data are for college graduates age 21–24 who do not have an advanced degree and are not enrolled in further schooling, and high school graduates age 17–20 who are not enrolled in further schooling. Shaded areas denote recessions.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

Real average hourly wages of workers with a high school degree, by age, 1989–2015*

Date All Men Women All Men Women
1989-12-01  $      10.02   $    10.78   $       9.16   $    16.15   $    18.80   $    13.61 
1990-01-01  $      10.02  $    10.74  $       9.24  $    16.15  $    18.81  $    13.58
1990-02-01  $      10.04  $    10.76  $       9.22  $    16.13  $    18.74  $    13.57
1990-03-01  $      10.00  $    10.75  $       9.15  $    16.14  $    18.74  $    13.57
1990-04-01  $      10.10  $    10.83  $       9.28  $    16.16  $    18.74  $    13.57
1990-05-01  $      10.07  $    10.82  $       9.24  $    16.16  $    18.71  $    13.58
1990-06-01  $      10.08  $    10.83  $       9.26  $    16.16  $    18.69  $    13.58
1990-07-01  $      10.10  $    10.87  $       9.24  $    16.18  $    18.68  $    13.61
1990-08-01  $      10.12  $    10.88  $       9.28  $    16.19  $    18.66  $    13.62
1990-09-01  $      10.09  $    10.80  $       9.31  $    16.14  $    18.62  $    13.57
1990-10-01  $      10.07  $    10.73  $       9.33  $    16.10  $    18.53  $    13.57
1990-11-01  $      10.03  $    10.68  $       9.30  $    16.06  $    18.47  $    13.55
1990-12-01  $      10.03  $    10.67  $       9.33  $    16.03  $    18.42  $    13.53
1991-01-01  $      10.02  $    10.69  $       9.27  $    16.04  $    18.42  $    13.54
1991-02-01  $      10.01  $    10.70  $       9.27  $    16.03  $    18.38  $    13.57
1991-03-01  $      10.03  $    10.71  $       9.28  $    16.04  $    18.36  $    13.61
1991-04-01  $        9.98  $    10.64  $       9.26  $    16.01  $    18.31  $    13.61
1991-05-01  $        9.97  $    10.61  $       9.27  $    16.02  $    18.30  $    13.63
1991-06-01  $        9.99  $    10.61  $       9.30  $    16.01  $    18.24  $    13.66
1991-07-01  $        9.97  $    10.57  $       9.30  $    16.00  $    18.23  $    13.66
1991-08-01  $        9.93  $    10.53  $       9.27  $    15.99  $    18.24  $    13.64
1991-09-01  $        9.92  $    10.52  $       9.25  $    16.02  $    18.26  $    13.68
1991-10-01  $        9.89  $    10.48  $       9.24  $    16.04  $    18.28  $    13.70
1991-11-01  $        9.85  $    10.42  $       9.22  $    16.04  $    18.25  $    13.74
1991-12-01  $        9.80  $    10.39  $       9.16  $    16.06  $    18.26  $    13.78
1992-01-01  $        9.76  $    10.33  $       9.14  $    16.06  $    18.23  $    13.81
1992-02-01  $        9.78  $    10.33  $       9.18  $    16.07  $    18.27  $    13.80
1992-03-01  $        9.74  $    10.27  $       9.15  $    16.04  $    18.24  $    13.78
1992-04-01  $        9.74  $    10.31  $       9.11  $    16.07  $    18.26  $    13.81
1992-05-01  $        9.70  $    10.30  $       9.06  $    16.05  $    18.24  $    13.79
1992-06-01  $        9.66  $    10.25  $       9.02  $    16.04  $    18.26  $    13.75
1992-07-01  $        9.65  $    10.21  $       9.04  $    16.04  $    18.25  $    13.75
1992-08-01  $        9.65  $    10.18  $       9.07  $    16.07  $    18.25  $    13.79
1992-09-01  $        9.62  $    10.17  $       9.02  $    16.06  $    18.23  $    13.79
1992-10-01  $        9.63  $    10.14  $       9.06  $    16.04  $    18.19  $    13.78
1992-11-01  $        9.64  $    10.14  $       9.08  $    16.01  $    18.16  $    13.75
1992-12-01  $        9.62  $    10.11  $       9.07  $    16.01  $    18.16  $    13.76
1993-01-01  $        9.59  $    10.08  $       9.05  $    15.97  $    18.13  $    13.72
1993-02-01  $        9.52  $       9.99  $       9.03  $    15.97  $    18.11  $    13.72
1993-03-01  $        9.49  $       9.92  $       9.02  $    15.96  $    18.09  $    13.72
1993-04-01  $        9.42  $       9.88  $       8.94  $    15.94  $    18.09  $    13.68
1993-05-01  $        9.47  $       9.91  $       8.99  $    15.94  $    18.06  $    13.71
1993-06-01  $        9.46  $       9.89  $       8.99  $    15.95  $    18.06  $    13.73
1993-07-01  $        9.44  $       9.87  $       8.96  $    15.98  $    18.08  $    13.76
1993-08-01  $        9.40  $       9.85  $       8.89  $    15.98  $    18.07  $    13.77
1993-09-01  $        9.38  $       9.82  $       8.90  $    15.98  $    18.05  $    13.78
1993-10-01  $        9.37  $       9.87  $       8.81  $    15.98  $    18.05  $    13.80
1993-11-01  $        9.35  $       9.91  $       8.73  $    16.02  $    18.10  $    13.81
1993-12-01  $        9.34  $       9.92  $       8.69  $    16.01  $    18.06  $    13.82
1994-01-01  $        9.34  $       9.90  $       8.72  $    16.08  $    18.13  $    13.90
1994-02-01  $        9.34  $       9.92  $       8.69  $    16.15  $    18.20  $    13.96
1994-03-01  $        9.48  $    10.18  $       8.72  $    16.15  $    18.22  $    13.95
1994-04-01  $        9.54  $    10.18  $       8.84  $    16.13  $    18.17  $    13.97
1994-05-01  $        9.54  $    10.21  $       8.80  $    16.16  $    18.18  $    14.02
1994-06-01  $        9.55  $    10.25  $       8.81  $    16.19  $    18.20  $    14.04
1994-07-01  $        9.55  $    10.25  $       8.80  $    16.18  $    18.17  $    14.05
1994-08-01  $        9.54  $    10.23  $       8.81  $    16.17  $    18.19  $    14.01
1994-09-01  $        9.60  $    10.30  $       8.84  $    16.21  $    18.20  $    14.07
1994-10-01  $        9.65  $    10.39  $       8.85  $    16.24  $    18.23  $    14.10
1994-11-01  $        9.69  $    10.43  $       8.88  $    16.24  $    18.22  $    14.11
1994-12-01  $        9.79  $    10.61  $       8.90  $    16.27  $    18.27  $    14.13
1995-01-01  $        9.87  $    10.74  $       8.95  $    16.23  $    18.20  $    14.09
1995-02-01  $        9.89  $    10.77  $       8.93  $    16.18  $    18.11  $    14.09
1995-03-01  $        9.80  $    10.55  $       8.96  $    16.19  $    18.10  $    14.11
1995-04-01  $        9.76  $    10.55  $       8.87  $    16.18  $    18.12  $    14.07
1995-05-01  $        9.73  $    10.50  $       8.87  $    16.17  $    18.11  $    14.03
1995-06-01  $        9.73  $    10.47  $       8.89  $    16.14  $    18.10  $    13.98
1995-07-01  $        9.74  $    10.52  $       8.87  $    16.12  $    18.12  $    13.93
1995-08-01  $        9.81  $    10.64  $       8.87  $    16.12  $    18.11  $    13.94
1995-09-01  $        9.78  $    10.62  $       8.83  $    16.12  $    18.16  $    13.89
1995-10-01  $        9.77  $    10.58  $       8.87  $    16.12  $    18.16  $    13.88
1995-11-01  $        9.79  $    10.63  $       8.86  $    16.12  $    18.17  $    13.87
1995-12-01  $        9.72  $    10.53  $       8.84  $    16.06  $    18.10  $    13.83
1996-01-01  $        9.68  $    10.40  $       8.86  $    16.06  $    18.10  $    13.82
1996-02-01  $        9.73  $    10.46  $       8.90  $    16.04  $    18.11  $    13.78
1996-03-01  $        9.78  $    10.54  $       8.89  $    16.02  $    18.08  $    13.76
1996-04-01  $        9.76  $    10.53  $       8.86  $    16.03  $    18.08  $    13.78
1996-05-01  $        9.73  $    10.50  $       8.83  $    16.03  $    18.14  $    13.73
1996-06-01  $        9.74  $    10.55  $       8.79  $    16.00  $    18.10  $    13.71
1996-07-01  $        9.72  $    10.50  $       8.79  $    16.00  $    18.08  $    13.73
1996-08-01  $        9.69  $    10.45  $       8.79  $    16.01  $    18.08  $    13.76
1996-09-01  $        9.76  $    10.43  $       8.97  $    15.99  $    18.02  $    13.77
1996-10-01  $        9.73  $    10.40  $       8.93  $    15.97  $    17.99  $    13.76
1996-11-01  $        9.73  $    10.35  $       9.00  $    15.99  $    18.02  $    13.77
1996-12-01  $        9.77  $    10.39  $       9.03  $    16.00  $    18.03  $    13.77
1997-01-01  $        9.79  $    10.39  $       9.07  $    16.00  $    18.05  $    13.77
1997-02-01  $        9.77  $    10.32  $       9.13  $    16.03  $    18.10  $    13.78
1997-03-01  $        9.73  $    10.30  $       9.08  $    16.04  $    18.16  $    13.75
1997-04-01  $        9.78  $    10.38  $       9.12  $    16.08  $    18.18  $    13.80
1997-05-01  $        9.84  $    10.45  $       9.17  $    16.11  $    18.19  $    13.85
1997-06-01  $      10.00  $    10.65  $       9.27  $    16.15  $    18.23  $    13.88
1997-07-01  $      10.02  $    10.66  $       9.28  $    16.19  $    18.29  $    13.89
1997-08-01  $      10.01  $    10.64  $       9.31  $    16.20  $    18.29  $    13.90
1997-09-01  $        9.97  $    10.66  $       9.17  $    16.22  $    18.35  $    13.89
1997-10-01  $      10.03  $    10.71  $       9.24  $    16.22  $    18.37  $    13.87
1997-11-01  $      10.02  $    10.70  $       9.23  $    16.23  $    18.35  $    13.92
1997-12-01  $      10.00  $    10.61  $       9.29  $    16.28  $    18.42  $    13.96
1998-01-01  $      10.04  $    10.70  $       9.26  $    16.31  $    18.44  $    13.98
1998-02-01  $      10.05  $    10.72  $       9.26  $    16.31  $    18.42  $    14.01
1998-03-01  $      10.07  $    10.72  $       9.28  $    16.35  $    18.43  $    14.06
1998-04-01  $      10.09  $    10.71  $       9.34  $    16.37  $    18.47  $    14.05
1998-05-01  $      10.12  $    10.71  $       9.41  $    16.38  $    18.48  $    14.06
1998-06-01  $      10.07  $    10.56  $       9.48  $    16.41  $    18.50  $    14.11
1998-07-01  $      10.15  $    10.64  $       9.58  $    16.44  $    18.53  $    14.14
1998-08-01  $      10.24  $    10.77  $       9.64  $    16.51  $    18.63  $    14.19
1998-09-01  $      10.26  $    10.77  $       9.67  $    16.54  $    18.66  $    14.22
1998-10-01  $      10.30  $    10.81  $       9.73  $    16.58  $    18.64  $    14.30
1998-11-01  $      10.37  $    10.88  $       9.78  $    16.62  $    18.70  $    14.32
1998-12-01  $      10.46  $    11.00  $       9.86  $    16.67  $    18.74  $    14.37
1999-01-01  $      10.52  $    11.06  $       9.91  $    16.71  $    18.80  $    14.40
1999-02-01  $      10.54  $    11.07  $       9.91  $    16.73  $    18.83  $    14.40
1999-03-01  $      10.61  $    11.13  $       9.98  $    16.74  $    18.83  $    14.43
1999-04-01  $      10.64  $    11.17  $    10.01  $    16.78  $    18.87  $    14.47
1999-05-01  $      10.65  $    11.22  $       9.98  $    16.81  $    18.88  $    14.52
1999-06-01  $      10.62  $    11.21  $       9.90  $    16.83  $    18.91  $    14.51
1999-07-01  $      10.69  $    11.26  $       9.98  $    16.87  $    18.93  $    14.57
1999-08-01  $      10.69  $    11.25  $    10.00  $    16.87  $    18.92  $    14.59
1999-09-01  $      10.75  $    11.32  $    10.03  $    16.90  $    18.99  $    14.59
1999-10-01  $      10.78  $    11.41  $       9.96  $    16.93  $    19.06  $    14.57
1999-11-01  $      10.89  $    11.59  $    10.00  $    16.92  $    19.07  $    14.54
1999-12-01  $      10.85  $    11.59  $       9.91  $    16.91  $    19.06  $    14.52
2000-01-01  $      10.85  $    11.60  $       9.89  $    16.92  $    19.06  $    14.55
2000-02-01  $      10.92  $    11.69  $       9.94  $    16.96  $    19.12  $    14.57
2000-03-01  $      11.01  $    11.78  $    10.05  $    17.01  $    19.20  $    14.58
2000-04-01  $      11.06  $    11.90  $    10.01  $    17.02  $    19.21  $    14.59
2000-05-01  $      11.14  $    11.98  $    10.10  $    17.02  $    19.23  $    14.57
2000-06-01  $      11.22  $    12.09  $    10.16  $    17.01  $    19.21  $    14.57
2000-07-01  $      11.21  $    12.13  $    10.11  $    16.97  $    19.19  $    14.51
2000-08-01  $      11.19  $    12.09  $    10.10  $    16.97  $    19.19  $    14.52
2000-09-01  $      11.22  $    12.14  $    10.11  $    16.94  $    19.11  $    14.55
2000-10-01  $      11.23  $    12.09  $    10.21  $    16.96  $    19.14  $    14.54
2000-11-01  $      11.23  $    12.03  $    10.28  $    16.98  $    19.16  $    14.56
2000-12-01  $      11.23  $    12.02  $    10.30  $    16.99  $    19.19  $    14.57
2001-01-01  $      11.27  $    12.08  $    10.32  $    17.00  $    19.17  $    14.58
2001-02-01  $      11.22  $    12.07  $    10.21  $    17.00  $    19.16  $    14.60
2001-03-01  $      11.13  $    11.96  $    10.13  $    17.01  $    19.12  $    14.65
2001-04-01  $      11.14  $    11.92  $    10.21  $    17.01  $    19.11  $    14.67
2001-05-01  $      11.09  $    11.91  $    10.14  $    17.02  $    19.11  $    14.69
2001-06-01  $      11.09  $    11.80  $    10.26  $    17.07  $    19.17  $    14.74
2001-07-01  $      11.08  $    11.77  $    10.26  $    17.08  $    19.18  $    14.73
2001-08-01  $      11.12  $    11.82  $    10.29  $    17.11  $    19.23  $    14.74
2001-09-01  $      11.16  $    11.80  $    10.42  $    17.14  $    19.25  $    14.80
2001-10-01  $      11.13  $    11.83  $    10.34  $    17.16  $    19.26  $    14.83
2001-11-01  $      11.09  $    11.82  $    10.28  $    17.20  $    19.30  $    14.88
2001-12-01  $      11.12  $    11.81  $    10.32  $    17.23  $    19.30  $    14.92
2002-01-01  $      11.10  $    11.74  $    10.35  $    17.28  $    19.36  $    14.98
2002-02-01  $      11.14  $    11.73  $    10.48  $    17.33  $    19.40  $    15.03
2002-03-01  $      11.22  $    11.84  $    10.50  $    17.35  $    19.43  $    15.04
2002-04-01  $      11.21  $    11.87  $    10.46  $    17.38  $    19.47  $    15.05
2002-05-01  $      11.23  $    11.84  $    10.52  $    17.41  $    19.47  $    15.11
2002-06-01  $      11.18  $    11.86  $    10.40  $    17.42  $    19.49  $    15.11
2002-07-01  $      11.15  $    11.80  $    10.42  $    17.43  $    19.45  $    15.17
2002-08-01  $      11.16  $    11.83  $    10.36  $    17.44  $    19.46  $    15.17
2002-09-01  $      11.07  $    11.83  $    10.18  $    17.47  $    19.49  $    15.20
2002-10-01  $      11.05  $    11.80  $    10.16  $    17.48  $    19.49  $    15.21
2002-11-01  $      11.01  $    11.74  $    10.14  $    17.51  $    19.52  $    15.25
2002-12-01  $      10.99  $    11.74  $    10.09  $    17.52  $    19.52  $    15.26
2003-01-01  $      11.01  $    11.77  $    10.09  $    17.50  $    19.50  $    15.25
2003-02-01  $      10.94  $    11.73  $       9.97  $    17.48  $    19.49  $    15.23
2003-03-01  $      10.85  $    11.63  $       9.92  $    17.49  $    19.50  $    15.23
2003-04-01  $      10.83  $    11.57  $       9.93  $    17.50  $    19.48  $    15.27
2003-05-01  $      10.81  $    11.52  $       9.94  $    17.50  $    19.48  $    15.28
2003-06-01  $      10.82  $    11.55  $       9.89  $    17.50  $    19.46  $    15.30
2003-07-01  $      10.83  $    11.58  $       9.89  $    17.56  $    19.54  $    15.33
2003-08-01  $      10.84  $    11.57  $       9.95  $    17.56  $    19.53  $    15.34
2003-09-01  $      10.98  $    11.74  $    10.03  $    17.56  $    19.52  $    15.35
2003-10-01  $      10.99  $    11.73  $    10.06  $    17.59  $    19.52  $    15.41
2003-11-01  $      11.06  $    11.72  $    10.24  $    17.57  $    19.48  $    15.40
2003-12-01  $      11.08  $    11.70  $    10.30  $    17.58  $    19.47  $    15.44
2004-01-01  $      11.04  $    11.66  $    10.27  $    17.58  $    19.47  $    15.45
2004-02-01  $      11.12  $    11.69  $    10.40  $    17.57  $    19.45  $    15.44
2004-03-01  $      11.16  $    11.74  $    10.45  $    17.57  $    19.45  $    15.42
2004-04-01  $      11.16  $    11.68  $    10.49  $    17.59  $    19.47  $    15.44
2004-05-01  $      11.29  $    11.94  $    10.44  $    17.58  $    19.47  $    15.42
2004-06-01  $      11.31  $    11.95  $    10.47  $    17.59  $    19.50  $    15.40
2004-07-01  $      11.25  $    11.94  $    10.36  $    17.57  $    19.47  $    15.38
2004-08-01  $      11.21  $    11.89  $    10.34  $    17.55  $    19.45  $    15.37
2004-09-01  $      11.09  $    11.69  $    10.31  $    17.56  $    19.47  $    15.36
2004-10-01  $      11.03  $    11.58  $    10.29  $    17.50  $    19.38  $    15.32
2004-11-01  $      10.95  $    11.54  $    10.18  $    17.49  $    19.38  $    15.31
2004-12-01  $      11.06  $    11.86  $    10.10  $    17.49  $    19.41  $    15.26
2005-01-01  $      11.02  $    11.81  $    10.06  $    17.48  $    19.40  $    15.25
2005-02-01  $      10.99  $    11.80  $    10.00  $    17.49  $    19.42  $    15.24
2005-03-01  $      10.90  $    11.73  $       9.91  $    17.45  $    19.35  $    15.24
2005-04-01  $      10.84  $    11.70  $       9.81  $    17.42  $    19.33  $    15.18
2005-05-01  $      10.73  $    11.49  $       9.83  $    17.41  $    19.30  $    15.19
2005-06-01  $      10.75  $    11.55  $       9.81  $    17.42  $    19.30  $    15.19
2005-07-01  $      10.81  $    11.62  $       9.88  $    17.38  $    19.24  $    15.17
2005-08-01  $      10.82  $    11.65  $       9.83  $    17.35  $    19.17  $    15.18
2005-09-01  $      10.83  $    11.67  $       9.82  $    17.35  $    19.13  $    15.21
2005-10-01  $      10.95  $    11.92  $       9.80  $    17.34  $    19.18  $    15.16
2005-11-01  $      10.92  $    11.93  $       9.74  $    17.33  $    19.17  $    15.13
2005-12-01  $      10.76  $    11.60  $       9.74  $    17.29  $    19.10  $    15.12
2006-01-01  $      10.84  $    11.67  $       9.83  $    17.28  $    19.09  $    15.09
2006-02-01  $      10.81  $    11.66  $       9.75  $    17.24  $    19.02  $    15.08
2006-03-01  $      10.87  $    11.74  $       9.76  $    17.27  $    19.09  $    15.06
2006-04-01  $      10.92  $    11.79  $       9.79  $    17.29  $    19.12  $    15.06
2006-05-01  $      10.89  $    11.78  $       9.76  $    17.24  $    19.09  $    15.00
2006-06-01  $      10.86  $    11.79  $       9.71  $    17.20  $    19.05  $    14.97
2006-07-01  $      10.83  $    11.70  $       9.74  $    17.18  $    19.04  $    14.94
2006-08-01  $      10.79  $    11.67  $       9.68  $    17.21  $    19.08  $    14.96
2006-09-01  $      10.83  $    11.71  $       9.72  $    17.19  $    19.09  $    14.87
2006-10-01  $      10.73  $    11.53  $       9.70  $    17.23  $    19.15  $    14.90
2006-11-01  $      10.75  $    11.57  $       9.68  $    17.26  $    19.18  $    14.93
2006-12-01  $      10.79  $    11.60  $       9.72  $    17.32  $    19.24  $    14.97
2007-01-01  $      10.77  $    11.62  $       9.66  $    17.33  $    19.25  $    15.00
2007-02-01  $      10.84  $    11.67  $       9.75  $    17.40  $    19.33  $    15.05
2007-03-01  $      10.93  $    11.69  $       9.95  $    17.44  $    19.35  $    15.12
2007-04-01  $      11.02  $    11.74  $    10.09  $    17.43  $    19.34  $    15.12
2007-05-01  $      11.06  $    11.77  $    10.13  $    17.40  $    19.28  $    15.11
2007-06-01  $      11.03  $    11.70  $    10.11  $    17.41  $    19.27  $    15.14
2007-07-01  $      11.01  $    11.71  $    10.06  $    17.42  $    19.30  $    15.14
2007-08-01  $      11.05  $    11.74  $    10.10  $    17.43  $    19.32  $    15.12
2007-09-01  $      11.01  $    11.74  $    10.03  $    17.43  $    19.31  $    15.14
2007-10-01  $      11.08  $    11.85  $    10.05  $    17.38  $    19.24  $    15.12
2007-11-01  $      11.05  $    11.79  $    10.06  $    17.33  $    19.20  $    15.07
2007-12-01  $      11.14  $    11.99  $    10.05  $    17.29  $    19.16  $    15.02
2008-01-01  $      11.12  $    12.00  $    10.02  $    17.25  $    19.11  $    15.00
2008-02-01  $      11.06  $    11.91  $       9.98  $    17.20  $    19.06  $    14.94
2008-03-01  $      10.94  $    11.79  $       9.84  $    17.12  $    18.96  $    14.87
2008-04-01  $      10.89  $    11.73  $       9.80  $    17.09  $    18.92  $    14.85
2008-05-01  $      10.86  $    11.74  $       9.73  $    17.15  $    19.01  $    14.87
2008-06-01  $      10.83  $    11.69  $       9.78  $    17.15  $    19.04  $    14.84
2008-07-01  $      10.78  $    11.61  $       9.74  $    17.12  $    19.00  $    14.84
2008-08-01  $      10.76  $    11.58  $       9.74  $    17.10  $    18.99  $    14.79
2008-09-01  $      10.70  $    11.50  $       9.70  $    17.05  $    18.95  $    14.74
2008-10-01  $      10.67  $    11.43  $       9.73  $    17.09  $    19.02  $    14.71
2008-11-01  $      10.86  $    11.67  $       9.80  $    17.13  $    19.04  $    14.78
2008-12-01  $      10.76  $    11.46  $       9.79  $    17.14  $    19.07  $    14.77
2009-01-01  $      10.74  $    11.39  $       9.84  $    17.17  $    19.15  $    14.75
2009-02-01  $      10.73  $    11.38  $       9.82  $    17.20  $    19.16  $    14.80
2009-03-01  $      10.74  $    11.43  $       9.79  $    17.26  $    19.22  $    14.87
2009-04-01  $      10.69  $    11.44  $       9.68  $    17.33  $    19.29  $    14.93
2009-05-01  $      10.71  $    11.51  $       9.68  $    17.37  $    19.32  $    14.99
2009-06-01  $      10.70  $    11.47  $       9.68  $    17.41  $    19.30  $    15.12
2009-07-01  $      10.75  $    11.53  $       9.72  $    17.45  $    19.35  $    15.14
2009-08-01  $      10.80  $    11.49  $       9.89  $    17.49  $    19.39  $    15.19
2009-09-01  $      10.79  $    11.48  $       9.88  $    17.51  $    19.38  $    15.24
2009-10-01  $      10.67  $    11.31  $       9.82  $    17.50  $    19.34  $    15.28
2009-11-01  $      10.47  $    11.04  $       9.72  $    17.54  $    19.38  $    15.31
2009-12-01  $      10.46  $    11.09  $       9.66  $    17.54  $    19.38  $    15.31
2010-01-01  $      10.45  $    11.12  $       9.58  $    17.57  $    19.42  $    15.34
2010-02-01  $      10.46  $    11.08  $       9.65  $    17.52  $    19.36  $    15.31
2010-03-01  $      10.40  $    11.05  $       9.58  $    17.49  $    19.33  $    15.27
2010-04-01  $      10.36  $    11.00  $       9.51  $    17.43  $    19.24  $    15.25
2010-05-01  $      10.32  $    10.90  $       9.53  $    17.39  $    19.20  $    15.22
2010-06-01  $      10.38  $    10.97  $       9.55  $    17.35  $    19.19  $    15.13
2010-07-01  $      10.38  $    10.99  $       9.53  $    17.34  $    19.17  $    15.11
2010-08-01  $      10.27  $    10.93  $       9.38  $    17.31  $    19.08  $    15.15
2010-09-01  $      10.34  $    10.95  $       9.51  $    17.31  $    19.11  $    15.13
2010-10-01  $      10.41  $    11.01  $       9.58  $    17.28  $    19.04  $    15.13
2010-11-01  $      10.42  $    11.03  $       9.60  $    17.26  $    19.04  $    15.09
2010-12-01  $      10.41  $    10.98  $       9.65  $    17.23  $    19.00  $    15.08
2011-01-01  $      10.50  $    11.08  $       9.72  $    17.18  $    18.88  $    15.09
2011-02-01  $      10.46  $    11.10  $       9.62  $    17.19  $    18.91  $    15.06
2011-03-01  $      10.47  $    11.06  $       9.69  $    17.15  $    18.85  $    15.04
2011-04-01  $      10.35  $    10.90  $       9.65  $    17.14  $    18.86  $    14.99
2011-05-01  $      10.34  $    10.87  $       9.63  $    17.12  $    18.84  $    14.95
2011-06-01  $      10.28  $    10.78  $       9.61  $    17.09  $    18.82  $    14.91
2011-07-01  $      10.21  $    10.71  $       9.54  $    17.05  $    18.78  $    14.87
2011-08-01  $      10.22  $    10.70  $       9.57  $    16.99  $    18.75  $    14.78
2011-09-01  $      10.13  $    10.61  $       9.49  $    16.99  $    18.72  $    14.79
2011-10-01  $      10.10  $    10.61  $       9.41  $    16.96  $    18.71  $    14.75
2011-11-01  $      10.04  $    10.55  $       9.31  $    16.87  $    18.58  $    14.71
2011-12-01  $        9.99  $    10.56  $       9.22  $    16.89  $    18.62  $    14.69
2012-01-01  $        9.84  $    10.35  $       9.15  $    16.87  $    18.63  $    14.64
2012-02-01  $        9.82  $    10.34  $       9.08  $    16.83  $    18.57  $    14.63
2012-03-01  $        9.85  $    10.37  $       9.10  $    16.80  $    18.55  $    14.58
2012-04-01  $        9.96  $    10.52  $       9.17  $    16.81  $    18.56  $    14.60
2012-05-01  $        9.90  $    10.44  $       9.17  $    16.78  $    18.52  $    14.58
2012-06-01  $        9.89  $    10.44  $       9.16  $    16.79  $    18.55  $    14.56
2012-07-01  $        9.88  $    10.40  $       9.18  $    16.77  $    18.51  $    14.56
2012-08-01  $        9.94  $    10.51  $       9.17  $    16.80  $    18.52  $    14.62
2012-09-01  $        9.90  $    10.50  $       9.07  $    16.78  $    18.52  $    14.57
2012-10-01  $        9.89  $    10.50  $       9.04  $    16.82  $    18.56  $    14.60
2012-11-01  $        9.85  $    10.46  $       9.03  $    16.82  $    18.56  $    14.57
2012-12-01  $        9.81  $    10.41  $       9.01  $    16.77  $    18.48  $    14.57
2013-01-01  $        9.82  $    10.47  $       8.96  $    16.75  $    18.43  $    14.58
2013-02-01  $        9.84  $    10.46  $       9.04  $    16.76  $    18.43  $    14.59
2013-03-01  $        9.80  $    10.37  $       9.06  $    16.81  $    18.47  $    14.64
2013-04-01  $        9.85  $    10.35  $       9.20  $    16.77  $    18.43  $    14.61
2013-05-01  $        9.87  $    10.36  $       9.23  $    16.76  $    18.41  $    14.64
2013-06-01  $        9.82  $    10.33  $       9.17  $    16.73  $    18.33  $    14.65
2013-07-01  $        9.84  $    10.36  $       9.18  $    16.75  $    18.38  $    14.64
2013-08-01  $        9.78  $    10.31  $       9.14  $    16.70  $    18.36  $    14.56
2013-09-01  $        9.81  $    10.33  $       9.19  $    16.69  $    18.33  $    14.56
2013-10-01  $        9.83  $    10.34  $       9.19  $    16.66  $    18.29  $    14.55
2013-11-01  $        9.98  $    10.55  $       9.23  $    16.61  $    18.21  $    14.55
2013-12-01  $      10.03  $    10.56  $       9.30  $    16.62  $    18.22  $    14.55
2014-01-01  $      10.00  $    10.52  $       9.29  $    16.60  $    18.20  $    14.51
2014-02-01  $        9.99  $    10.54  $       9.24  $    16.60  $    18.21  $    14.51
2014-03-01  $      10.00  $    10.59  $       9.20  $    16.57  $    18.16  $    14.50
2014-04-01  $        9.99  $    10.71  $       9.01  $    16.57  $    18.17  $    14.49
2014-05-01  $        9.99  $    10.75  $       8.95  $    16.55  $    18.14  $    14.46
2014-06-01  $      10.07  $    10.78  $       9.09  $    16.54  $    18.15  $    14.42
2014-07-01  $      10.06  $    10.76  $       9.09  $    16.69  $    18.38  $    14.45
2014-08-01  $      10.09  $    10.79  $       9.11  $    16.72  $    18.40  $    14.48
2014-09-01  $      10.14  $    10.85  $       9.14  $    16.73  $    18.40  $    14.51
2014-10-01  $      10.16  $    10.89  $       9.16  $    16.72  $    18.38  $    14.50
2014-11-01  $      10.13  $    10.78  $       9.24  $    16.77  $    18.47  $    14.51
2014-12-01  $      10.17  $    10.87  $       9.19  $    16.79  $    18.51  $    14.50
2015-01-01  $      10.21  $    10.86  $       9.31  $    16.87  $    18.59  $    14.58
2015-02-01  $      10.31  $    10.96  $       9.38  $    16.89  $    18.64  $    14.56
2015-03-01  $      10.40   $    11.06   $       9.42   $    16.93   $    18.70   $    14.57 
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* Data reflect 12-month moving averages; data for 2015 represent 12-month average from April 2014 to March 2015.

Note: The age 17–20 cohort includes only those workers who are not enrolled in further schooling. Shaded areas denote recessions.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

Real average hourly wages of workers with a bachelor's degree, by age, 1989–2015*

Date All Men Women All Men Women
1989-12-01 $16.85  $17.53  $16.36  $25.39  $29.31  $21.14 
1990-01-01 $16.94 $17.72 $16.39 $25.51 $29.37 $21.26
1990-02-01 $16.92 $17.72 $16.36 $25.58 $29.44 $21.28
1990-03-01 $16.99 $17.78 $16.45 $25.70 $29.58 $21.32
1990-04-01 $17.15 $18.22 $16.40 $25.78 $29.65 $21.39
1990-05-01 $17.38 $18.22 $16.78 $25.83 $29.69 $21.46
1990-06-01 $17.40 $18.25 $16.76 $25.87 $29.67 $21.51
1990-07-01 $17.36 $18.33 $16.59 $25.97 $29.79 $21.57
1990-08-01 $17.37 $18.35 $16.60 $25.93 $29.68 $21.60
1990-09-01 $17.43 $18.41 $16.66 $25.96 $29.71 $21.64
1990-10-01 $17.37 $18.44 $16.56 $25.92 $29.74 $21.54
1990-11-01 $17.45 $18.45 $16.69 $25.90 $29.67 $21.62
1990-12-01 $17.43 $18.41 $16.67 $25.89 $29.59 $21.66
1991-01-01 $17.46 $18.33 $16.76 $25.85 $29.54 $21.66
1991-02-01 $17.42 $18.29 $16.74 $25.80 $29.46 $21.68
1991-03-01 $17.28 $18.30 $16.49 $25.74 $29.33 $21.72
1991-04-01 $17.14 $17.85 $16.55 $25.68 $29.25 $21.68
1991-05-01 $17.05 $18.10 $16.22 $25.62 $29.23 $21.61
1991-06-01 $16.95 $17.92 $16.21 $25.52 $29.06 $21.60
1991-07-01 $17.09 $18.07 $16.34 $25.54 $29.08 $21.62
1991-08-01 $16.99 $18.03 $16.20 $25.52 $29.03 $21.63
1991-09-01 $16.85 $17.97 $15.98 $25.54 $29.04 $21.64
1991-10-01 $16.80 $17.76 $16.06 $25.53 $28.97 $21.70
1991-11-01 $16.69 $17.58 $15.98 $25.50 $28.98 $21.63
1991-12-01 $16.64 $17.52 $15.94 $25.52 $29.03 $21.62
1992-01-01 $16.59 $17.46 $15.91 $25.65 $29.17 $21.72
1992-02-01 $16.57 $17.44 $15.88 $25.70 $29.25 $21.75
1992-03-01 $16.55 $17.32 $15.93 $25.70 $29.30 $21.70
1992-04-01 $16.58 $17.42 $15.89 $25.80 $29.42 $21.79
1992-05-01 $16.38 $17.06 $15.84 $25.92 $29.50 $21.96
1992-06-01 $16.43 $17.10 $15.90 $25.96 $29.55 $21.97
1992-07-01 $16.35 $16.90 $15.90 $26.02 $29.59 $22.03
1992-08-01 $16.29 $16.82 $15.84 $25.99 $29.56 $22.05
1992-09-01 $16.30 $16.68 $15.98 $26.10 $29.63 $22.21
1992-10-01 $16.36 $16.83 $15.95 $26.14 $29.66 $22.26
1992-11-01 $16.28 $16.81 $15.84 $26.16 $29.63 $22.33
1992-12-01 $16.10 $16.64 $15.66 $26.17 $29.63 $22.36
1993-01-01 $16.17 $16.82 $15.62 $26.15 $29.62 $22.34
1993-02-01 $16.14 $16.92 $15.49 $26.13 $29.59 $22.35
1993-03-01 $16.21 $17.08 $15.50 $26.14 $29.55 $22.41
1993-04-01 $16.08 $16.85 $15.47 $26.09 $29.48 $22.38
1993-05-01 $16.16 $16.89 $15.57 $26.10 $29.48 $22.38
1993-06-01 $16.22 $16.90 $15.68 $26.11 $29.47 $22.44
1993-07-01 $16.06 $16.60 $15.63 $26.09 $29.46 $22.42
1993-08-01 $16.07 $16.64 $15.60 $26.13 $29.51 $22.44
1993-09-01 $15.99 $16.74 $15.40 $26.06 $29.45 $22.36
1993-10-01 $16.09 $16.80 $15.56 $26.12 $29.53 $22.41
1993-11-01 $16.06 $16.80 $15.52 $26.18 $29.65 $22.39
1993-12-01 $16.16 $16.93 $15.58 $26.17 $29.60 $22.43
1994-01-01 $16.21 $16.90 $15.72 $26.18 $29.59 $22.47
1994-02-01 $16.33 $17.11 $15.82 $26.24 $29.59 $22.59
1994-03-01 $16.31 $17.00 $15.84 $26.32 $29.64 $22.67
1994-04-01 $16.28 $17.01 $15.77 $26.35 $29.65 $22.73
1994-05-01 $16.24 $17.11 $15.61 $26.38 $29.71 $22.73
1994-06-01 $16.15 $17.14 $15.43 $26.47 $29.89 $22.71
1994-07-01 $16.15 $17.34 $15.28 $26.48 $29.91 $22.72
1994-08-01 $16.10 $17.12 $15.38 $26.50 $29.85 $22.81
1994-09-01 $16.13 $17.06 $15.46 $26.58 $29.96 $22.86
1994-10-01 $16.12 $17.19 $15.29 $26.58 $29.91 $22.91
1994-11-01 $16.19 $17.40 $15.28 $26.57 $29.84 $22.96
1994-12-01 $16.18 $17.26 $15.35 $26.69 $30.00 $23.02
1995-01-01 $16.07 $17.17 $15.20 $26.64 $29.90 $23.01
1995-02-01 $16.01 $16.94 $15.24 $26.69 $29.98 $23.03
1995-03-01 $15.90 $16.84 $15.15 $26.62 $29.91 $22.97
1995-04-01 $15.96 $16.94 $15.18 $26.64 $30.00 $22.92
1995-05-01 $15.92 $16.81 $15.22 $26.69 $30.04 $22.99
1995-06-01 $15.93 $16.78 $15.26 $26.70 $29.93 $23.11
1995-07-01 $15.99 $16.71 $15.44 $26.73 $29.94 $23.16
1995-08-01 $15.96 $16.80 $15.31 $26.66 $29.85 $23.13
1995-09-01 $15.90 $16.77 $15.23 $26.67 $29.83 $23.15
1995-10-01 $15.72 $16.49 $15.16 $26.68 $29.88 $23.11
1995-11-01 $15.76 $16.44 $15.26 $26.71 $29.97 $23.09
1995-12-01 $15.77 $16.52 $15.22 $26.68 $29.97 $23.04
1996-01-01 $15.72 $16.57 $15.15 $26.78 $30.19 $23.07
1996-02-01 $15.65 $16.42 $15.13 $26.75 $30.16 $23.05
1996-03-01 $15.82 $16.43 $15.39 $26.77 $30.19 $23.06
1996-04-01 $15.78 $16.35 $15.39 $26.71 $30.07 $23.11
1996-05-01 $15.73 $16.24 $15.38 $26.65 $30.07 $22.98
1996-06-01 $15.65 $16.12 $15.32 $26.55 $30.06 $22.84
1996-07-01 $15.60 $16.10 $15.25 $26.44 $29.91 $22.77
1996-08-01 $15.91 $16.25 $15.67 $26.50 $30.02 $22.78
1996-09-01 $15.94 $16.31 $15.67 $26.51 $30.04 $22.80
1996-10-01 $15.93 $16.35 $15.67 $26.46 $29.99 $22.74
1996-11-01 $15.83 $16.25 $15.55 $26.49 $30.03 $22.77
1996-12-01 $15.83 $16.24 $15.57 $26.35 $29.79 $22.76
1997-01-01 $15.86 $16.19 $15.60 $26.33 $29.71 $22.76
1997-02-01 $15.75 $16.21 $15.42 $26.38 $29.76 $22.80
1997-03-01 $15.92 $16.60 $15.40 $26.40 $29.75 $22.83
1997-04-01 $16.00 $16.74 $15.45 $26.43 $29.84 $22.82
1997-05-01 $16.08 $16.84 $15.51 $26.45 $29.77 $22.93
1997-06-01 $16.21 $16.96 $15.66 $26.51 $29.81 $23.00
1997-07-01 $16.29 $17.16 $15.67 $26.64 $29.96 $23.13
1997-08-01 $16.14 $17.12 $15.43 $26.77 $30.13 $23.21
1997-09-01 $16.28 $17.26 $15.57 $26.81 $30.20 $23.26
1997-10-01 $16.35 $17.28 $15.65 $26.91 $30.32 $23.34
1997-11-01 $16.40 $17.39 $15.65 $27.02 $30.45 $23.43
1997-12-01 $16.46 $17.60 $15.63 $27.17 $30.69 $23.48
1998-01-01 $16.54 $17.74 $15.67 $27.27 $30.84 $23.55
1998-02-01 $16.78 $18.09 $15.81 $27.34 $30.94 $23.60
1998-03-01 $16.72 $18.22 $15.65 $27.48 $31.13 $23.69
1998-04-01 $16.91 $18.63 $15.75 $27.64 $31.29 $23.84
1998-05-01 $17.15 $18.82 $16.03 $27.72 $31.36 $23.94
1998-06-01 $17.18 $18.85 $16.05 $27.81 $31.40 $24.06
1998-07-01 $17.18 $18.74 $16.11 $27.91 $31.55 $24.07
1998-08-01 $17.59 $19.71 $16.09 $27.97 $31.60 $24.14
1998-09-01 $17.81 $20.04 $16.13 $28.04 $31.67 $24.21
1998-10-01 $17.96 $20.14 $16.33 $28.24 $31.92 $24.30
1998-11-01 $18.17 $20.39 $16.51 $28.32 $32.02 $24.37
1998-12-01 $18.28 $20.49 $16.63 $28.47 $32.22 $24.46
1999-01-01 $18.47 $20.46 $17.03 $28.49 $32.19 $24.51
1999-02-01 $18.47 $20.41 $17.05 $28.56 $32.23 $24.60
1999-03-01 $18.45 $20.08 $17.24 $28.61 $32.29 $24.64
1999-04-01 $18.23 $19.47 $17.23 $28.66 $32.40 $24.63
1999-05-01 $18.17 $19.67 $17.02 $28.79 $32.68 $24.61
1999-06-01 $18.29 $19.95 $17.07 $28.90 $32.86 $24.65
1999-07-01 $18.57 $20.11 $17.43 $29.01 $32.96 $24.77
1999-08-01 $18.28 $19.19 $17.65 $29.02 $32.97 $24.83
1999-09-01 $18.07 $18.84 $17.63 $29.06 $33.12 $24.76
1999-10-01 $18.17 $19.02 $17.68 $29.08 $33.10 $24.85
1999-11-01 $18.12 $18.94 $17.68 $29.08 $32.99 $24.97
1999-12-01 $18.37 $19.14 $17.93 $29.15 $33.10 $24.99
2000-01-01 $18.36 $19.41 $17.67 $29.25 $33.25 $25.02
2000-02-01 $18.37 $19.35 $17.75 $29.35 $33.38 $25.09
2000-03-01 $18.41 $19.44 $17.74 $29.36 $33.39 $25.10
2000-04-01 $18.53 $19.85 $17.71 $29.34 $33.34 $25.11
2000-05-01 $18.45 $19.66 $17.67 $29.37 $33.37 $25.17
2000-06-01 $18.60 $19.62 $17.92 $29.49 $33.56 $25.22
2000-07-01 $18.48 $19.63 $17.68 $29.56 $33.70 $25.23
2000-08-01 $18.54 $19.68 $17.75 $29.67 $33.84 $25.29
2000-09-01 $18.67 $19.70 $17.94 $29.75 $33.76 $25.51
2000-10-01 $18.70 $19.72 $17.99 $29.73 $33.71 $25.54
2000-11-01 $18.70 $19.57 $18.06 $29.72 $33.78 $25.44
2000-12-01 $18.67 $19.54 $18.04 $29.75 $33.71 $25.58
2001-01-01 $18.53 $19.36 $17.95 $29.82 $33.86 $25.58
2001-02-01 $18.59 $19.37 $18.03 $29.76 $33.88 $25.46
2001-03-01 $18.80 $19.81 $18.14 $29.83 $33.95 $25.53
2001-04-01 $18.86 $19.96 $18.10 $29.91 $34.02 $25.59
2001-05-01 $19.11 $20.31 $18.27 $29.92 $33.99 $25.65
2001-06-01 $18.94 $20.23 $18.07 $30.00 $34.03 $25.76
2001-07-01 $19.00 $20.15 $18.23 $29.96 $33.94 $25.77
2001-08-01 $18.98 $20.29 $18.04 $30.16 $34.06 $26.04
2001-09-01 $19.14 $20.73 $18.01 $30.17 $34.14 $25.97
2001-10-01 $19.08 $20.62 $17.98 $30.21 $34.18 $25.99
2001-11-01 $19.06 $20.58 $17.98 $30.23 $34.16 $26.06
2001-12-01 $18.85 $20.38 $17.76 $30.33 $34.31 $26.14
2002-01-01 $19.01 $20.56 $17.93 $30.35 $34.27 $26.21
2002-02-01 $19.18 $20.83 $18.05 $30.56 $34.57 $26.34
2002-03-01 $18.85 $20.31 $17.80 $30.62 $34.71 $26.33
2002-04-01 $18.79 $19.94 $17.95 $30.72 $34.85 $26.41
2002-05-01 $18.61 $19.64 $17.88 $30.68 $34.76 $26.41
2002-06-01 $18.64 $19.74 $17.86 $30.61 $34.72 $26.31
2002-07-01 $18.50 $19.72 $17.63 $30.68 $34.77 $26.42
2002-08-01 $18.46 $19.65 $17.65 $30.55 $34.65 $26.29
2002-09-01 $18.45 $19.74 $17.60 $30.52 $34.57 $26.34
2002-10-01 $18.48 $19.80 $17.61 $30.52 $34.60 $26.31
2002-11-01 $18.64 $20.04 $17.69 $30.55 $34.66 $26.32
2002-12-01 $18.66 $20.14 $17.69 $30.47 $34.63 $26.22
2003-01-01 $18.68 $20.11 $17.75 $30.44 $34.61 $26.17
2003-02-01 $18.44 $19.75 $17.58 $30.34 $34.44 $26.17
2003-03-01 $18.45 $19.60 $17.70 $30.34 $34.43 $26.16
2003-04-01 $18.46 $19.63 $17.69 $30.38 $34.46 $26.21
2003-05-01 $18.47 $19.72 $17.66 $30.47 $34.54 $26.31
2003-06-01 $18.45 $19.60 $17.70 $30.49 $34.54 $26.35
2003-07-01 $18.36 $19.42 $17.68 $30.41 $34.51 $26.24
2003-08-01 $18.32 $19.43 $17.59 $30.33 $34.52 $26.07
2003-09-01 $18.15 $19.16 $17.48 $30.30 $34.52 $26.01
2003-10-01 $18.20 $19.37 $17.42 $30.38 $34.61 $26.08
2003-11-01 $18.02 $19.19 $17.25 $30.44 $34.70 $26.11
2003-12-01 $17.99 $18.85 $17.43 $30.42 $34.60 $26.15
2004-01-01 $17.79 $18.43 $17.39 $30.47 $34.66 $26.20
2004-02-01 $17.87 $18.67 $17.35 $30.40 $34.51 $26.18
2004-03-01 $17.95 $18.84 $17.38 $30.39 $34.46 $26.21
2004-04-01 $18.18 $18.94 $17.68 $30.25 $34.23 $26.16
2004-05-01 $18.27 $18.96 $17.80 $30.20 $34.30 $26.01
2004-06-01 $18.13 $18.96 $17.57 $30.27 $34.49 $25.95
2004-07-01 $18.34 $19.09 $17.82 $30.30 $34.45 $26.06
2004-08-01 $18.31 $18.99 $17.86 $30.39 $34.56 $26.12
2004-09-01 $18.36 $19.17 $17.78 $30.51 $34.64 $26.27
2004-10-01 $18.32 $18.87 $17.92 $30.47 $34.57 $26.26
2004-11-01 $18.27 $19.00 $17.74 $30.40 $34.45 $26.25
2004-12-01 $18.26 $19.12 $17.61 $30.41 $34.51 $26.20
2005-01-01 $18.39 $19.47 $17.58 $30.33 $34.35 $26.20
2005-02-01 $18.25 $19.12 $17.58 $30.42 $34.55 $26.22
2005-03-01 $18.14 $19.10 $17.41 $30.44 $34.56 $26.25
2005-04-01 $17.96 $19.19 $17.04 $30.47 $34.67 $26.23
2005-05-01 $18.01 $19.57 $16.82 $30.51 $34.69 $26.30
2005-06-01 $18.15 $19.77 $16.93 $30.37 $34.43 $26.28
2005-07-01 $18.06 $19.88 $16.72 $30.47 $34.53 $26.38
2005-08-01 $18.19 $20.11 $16.76 $30.39 $34.41 $26.35
2005-09-01 $18.06 $19.71 $16.86 $30.33 $34.41 $26.22
2005-10-01 $17.97 $19.64 $16.76 $30.34 $34.45 $26.22
2005-11-01 $18.04 $19.48 $17.00 $30.28 $34.37 $26.20
2005-12-01 $17.95 $19.37 $16.93 $30.34 $34.44 $26.25
2006-01-01 $17.82 $19.25 $16.78 $30.35 $34.45 $26.25
2006-02-01 $18.10 $19.53 $17.07 $30.33 $34.46 $26.24
2006-03-01 $18.17 $19.63 $17.14 $30.23 $34.41 $26.14
2006-04-01 $18.13 $19.38 $17.25 $30.28 $34.45 $26.18
2006-05-01 $17.95 $18.81 $17.37 $30.21 $34.25 $26.22
2006-06-01 $17.85 $18.69 $17.27 $30.36 $34.40 $26.36
2006-07-01 $18.03 $18.77 $17.52 $30.25 $34.27 $26.29
2006-08-01 $17.81 $18.37 $17.42 $30.28 $34.26 $26.39
2006-09-01 $17.87 $18.47 $17.45 $30.26 $34.19 $26.39
2006-10-01 $17.98 $18.69 $17.48 $30.19 $34.15 $26.29
2006-11-01 $18.01 $18.86 $17.41 $30.25 $34.25 $26.31
2006-12-01 $18.08 $19.05 $17.40 $30.22 $34.23 $26.28
2007-01-01 $18.16 $19.21 $17.41 $30.21 $34.23 $26.25
2007-02-01 $18.30 $19.60 $17.37 $30.11 $34.05 $26.21
2007-03-01 $18.31 $19.61 $17.33 $30.17 $34.01 $26.32
2007-04-01 $18.37 $19.94 $17.25 $30.15 $34.04 $26.25
2007-05-01 $18.39 $20.00 $17.23 $30.25 $34.30 $26.20
2007-06-01 $18.44 $20.19 $17.19 $30.29 $34.45 $26.17
2007-07-01 $18.26 $20.29 $16.82 $30.37 $34.66 $26.14
2007-08-01 $18.48 $20.56 $17.00 $30.37 $34.67 $26.11
2007-09-01 $18.64 $20.64 $17.22 $30.42 $34.73 $26.16
2007-10-01 $18.59 $20.74 $17.10 $30.43 $34.75 $26.20
2007-11-01 $18.60 $20.60 $17.20 $30.45 $34.74 $26.20
2007-12-01 $18.56 $20.34 $17.33 $30.49 $34.76 $26.26
2008-01-01 $18.46 $19.92 $17.46 $30.46 $34.75 $26.24
2008-02-01 $18.16 $19.35 $17.36 $30.55 $34.90 $26.28
2008-03-01 $18.27 $19.43 $17.52 $30.62 $35.05 $26.28
2008-04-01 $18.27 $19.34 $17.51 $30.55 $34.91 $26.27
2008-05-01 $18.28 $19.26 $17.58 $30.47 $34.79 $26.23
2008-06-01 $18.34 $19.05 $17.83 $30.31 $34.56 $26.13
2008-07-01 $18.26 $18.80 $17.84 $30.18 $34.38 $26.03
2008-08-01 $18.25 $19.02 $17.72 $30.18 $34.38 $26.04
2008-09-01 $18.07 $18.94 $17.47 $30.17 $34.39 $26.00
2008-10-01 $18.05 $18.64 $17.63 $30.27 $34.47 $26.10
2008-11-01 $18.02 $18.66 $17.55 $30.42 $34.81 $26.08
2008-12-01 $18.17 $18.86 $17.66 $30.42 $34.79 $26.12
2009-01-01 $18.29 $19.15 $17.65 $30.69 $35.16 $26.27
2009-02-01 $18.24 $19.26 $17.51 $30.70 $35.20 $26.29
2009-03-01 $18.16 $19.14 $17.48 $30.66 $35.23 $26.20
2009-04-01 $18.16 $19.19 $17.49 $30.76 $35.41 $26.22
2009-05-01 $18.18 $19.44 $17.34 $30.80 $35.48 $26.25
2009-06-01 $18.29 $19.69 $17.32 $30.92 $35.66 $26.33
2009-07-01 $18.65 $20.35 $17.54 $31.04 $35.84 $26.42
2009-08-01 $18.59 $20.19 $17.52 $31.09 $35.96 $26.40
2009-09-01 $18.63 $20.03 $17.72 $31.11 $35.95 $26.46
2009-10-01 $18.45 $19.86 $17.52 $30.96 $35.76 $26.38
2009-11-01 $18.78 $20.90 $17.40 $30.79 $35.53 $26.31
2009-12-01 $18.60 $20.85 $17.13 $30.68 $35.40 $26.20
2010-01-01 $18.56 $20.91 $17.05 $30.54 $35.20 $26.14
2010-02-01 $18.51 $20.91 $16.94 $30.49 $35.14 $26.08
2010-03-01 $18.59 $21.20 $16.85 $30.38 $34.94 $26.04
2010-04-01 $18.73 $21.43 $16.84 $30.44 $34.92 $26.15
2010-05-01 $18.47 $21.12 $16.64 $30.47 $34.98 $26.16
2010-06-01 $18.22 $20.66 $16.57 $30.40 $34.81 $26.20
2010-07-01 $17.84 $19.73 $16.50 $30.37 $34.72 $26.24
2010-08-01 $17.89 $19.69 $16.61 $30.38 $34.67 $26.32
2010-09-01 $17.80 $19.94 $16.25 $30.44 $34.77 $26.31
2010-10-01 $17.99 $20.19 $16.39 $30.56 $34.93 $26.41
2010-11-01 $17.60 $19.12 $16.45 $30.55 $34.86 $26.44
2010-12-01 $17.58 $19.07 $16.47 $30.69 $35.01 $26.55
2011-01-01 $17.45 $18.80 $16.42 $30.68 $35.06 $26.51
2011-02-01 $17.53 $18.90 $16.48 $30.61 $34.91 $26.49
2011-03-01 $17.67 $19.20 $16.44 $30.67 $34.96 $26.55
2011-04-01 $17.40 $18.71 $16.39 $30.53 $34.76 $26.49
2011-05-01 $17.56 $18.80 $16.59 $30.47 $34.64 $26.48
2011-06-01 $17.53 $18.86 $16.50 $30.36 $34.46 $26.43
2011-07-01 $17.69 $19.11 $16.64 $30.19 $34.19 $26.33
2011-08-01 $17.70 $19.20 $16.56 $30.08 $34.07 $26.22
2011-09-01 $17.69 $18.99 $16.71 $29.94 $33.93 $26.10
2011-10-01 $17.55 $18.91 $16.54 $29.81 $33.78 $25.98
2011-11-01 $17.56 $19.04 $16.43 $29.80 $33.78 $25.94
2011-12-01 $17.68 $19.20 $16.54 $29.76 $33.82 $25.84
2012-01-01 $17.57 $19.11 $16.37 $29.76 $33.74 $25.87
2012-02-01 $17.35 $18.74 $16.25 $29.70 $33.60 $25.90
2012-03-01 $16.86 $17.85 $16.13 $29.75 $33.77 $25.84
2012-04-01 $16.84 $17.98 $16.00 $29.78 $33.88 $25.80
2012-05-01 $16.85 $18.01 $15.99 $29.76 $33.88 $25.80
2012-06-01 $16.91 $18.08 $16.02 $29.87 $34.07 $25.82
2012-07-01 $16.90 $18.41 $15.78 $30.03 $34.40 $25.79
2012-08-01 $16.79 $18.26 $15.71 $30.01 $34.44 $25.71
2012-09-01 $16.85 $18.30 $15.77 $30.10 $34.48 $25.86
2012-10-01 $16.84 $18.35 $15.75 $30.17 $34.69 $25.82
2012-11-01 $16.96 $18.39 $15.93 $30.14 $34.80 $25.67
2012-12-01 $17.07 $18.44 $16.08 $30.16 $34.77 $25.73
2013-01-01 $17.21 $18.55 $16.25 $30.15 $34.72 $25.75
2013-02-01 $17.31 $18.67 $16.34 $30.30 $34.96 $25.80
2013-03-01 $17.46 $18.93 $16.41 $30.28 $34.85 $25.84
2013-04-01 $17.41 $18.85 $16.31 $30.46 $35.10 $25.95
2013-05-01 $17.44 $18.99 $16.24 $30.50 $35.18 $25.95
2013-06-01 $17.39 $18.91 $16.21 $30.50 $35.12 $26.02
2013-07-01 $17.24 $18.52 $16.21 $30.43 $35.03 $25.97
2013-08-01 $17.40 $18.87 $16.20 $30.53 $35.07 $26.13
2013-09-01 $17.38 $19.07 $16.06 $30.60 $35.28 $26.06
2013-10-01 $17.50 $19.30 $16.05 $30.53 $35.12 $26.05
2013-11-01 $17.47 $19.27 $16.03 $30.63 $35.07 $26.30
2013-12-01 $17.27 $19.21 $15.74 $30.70 $35.08 $26.40
2014-01-01 $17.27 $19.45 $15.57 $30.69 $35.07 $26.37
2014-02-01 $17.24 $19.44 $15.53 $30.61 $34.90 $26.39
2014-03-01 $17.23 $19.46 $15.46 $30.59 $34.77 $26.50
2014-04-01 $17.40 $19.60 $15.71 $30.42 $34.46 $26.45
2014-05-01 $17.36 $19.48 $15.73 $30.35 $34.27 $26.51
2014-06-01 $17.45 $19.81 $15.67 $30.35 $34.34 $26.45
2014-07-01 $17.62 $20.23 $15.64 $30.29 $34.23 $26.47
2014-08-01 $17.58 $20.16 $15.61 $30.28 $34.26 $26.41
2014-09-01 $17.58 $19.98 $15.69 $30.22 $34.12 $26.42
2014-10-01 $17.56 $19.74 $15.82 $30.26 $34.13 $26.49
2014-11-01 $17.64 $19.98 $15.79 $30.27 $34.11 $26.53
2014-12-01 $17.81 $20.08 $16.00 $30.20 $34.01 $26.48
2015-01-01 $17.76 $19.73 $16.17 $30.29 $34.21 $26.48
2015-02-01 $17.94 $19.72 $16.48 $30.48 $34.49 $26.56
2015-03-01 $17.94 $19.64 $16.56 $30.54 $34.64 $26.56
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* Data reflect 12-month moving averages; data for 2015 represent 12-month average from April 2014 to March 2015.

Note: The age 21–24 cohort includes only those who do not have an advanced degree and are not enrolled in further schooling. Shaded areas denote recessions.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

Share of private-sector workers with employer-provided health insurance, by race and ethnicity, 1979–2012

All White Black Hispanic
1979 69.0% 70.3% 63.1% 60.4%
1980 70.2% 71.4% 64.7% 62.2%
1981 70.5% 71.8% 65.1% 61.5%
1982 69.6% 70.6% 65.5% 61.9%
1983 68.6% 69.7% 64.1% 61.3%
1984 67.1% 68.6% 63.0% 56.0%
1985 67.0% 68.6% 62.1% 55.6%
1986 66.2% 68.1% 61.3% 52.9%
1987 62.4% 64.9% 55.1% 46.1%
1988 61.7% 64.1% 54.1% 47.2%
1989 61.5% 64.0% 56.3% 46.0%
1990 59.9% 62.4% 53.3% 45.1%
1991 59.7% 62.4% 52.2% 44.9%
1992 58.3% 61.2% 50.4% 41.6%
1993 58.9% 62.0% 52.2% 43.0%
1994 58.7% 61.8% 54.4% 40.1%
1995 58.5% 61.7% 53.0% 42.1%
1996 59.1% 62.1% 55.7% 42.4%
1997 58.0% 61.2% 54.4% 41.2%
1998 58.7% 62.1% 53.9% 41.7%
1999 58.9% 62.4% 55.7% 41.3%
2000 58.9% 62.7% 55.4% 41.8%
2001 58.2% 62.1% 55.7% 40.5%
2002 57.3% 61.2% 54.4% 41.0%
2003 56.4% 60.3% 54.3% 39.3%
2004 55.9% 59.7% 54.1% 39.7%
2005 54.9% 58.9% 52.5% 38.6%
2006 55.0% 59.6% 52.4% 37.3%
2007 55.0% 59.6% 52.4% 37.3%
2008 55.4% 59.7% 53.4% 38.6%
2009 53.6% 58.2% 50.2% 35.9%
2010 53.1% 57.8% 49.5% 36.3%
2011 52.3% 56.9% 50.0% 35.7%
2012 51.6% 56.3% 48.5% 35.3%
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Note: Race/ethnicity categories are mutually exclusive (i.e., white non-Hispanic, black non-Hispanic, and Hispanic any race). Sample is of private-sector wage-and-salary earners age 18–64 who worked at least 20 hours per week and 26 weeks per year. Coverage is defined as being included in an employer-provided plan for which the employer paid for at least some of the coverage.

Source: Authors' analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement microdata

UPDATED FROM: Figure 4I in The State of Working America, 12th Edition, an Economic Policy Institute book published by Cornell University Press in 2012

Share of private-sector workers with employer-provided pension coverage, by educational attainment, 1979–2012

All High school graduate College graduate
1979 50.6% 51.2% 61.0%
1980 50.0% 50.8% 58.3%
1981 49.0% 48.8% 58.0%
1982 48.0% 47.9% 55.9%
1983 47.5% 47.7% 57.3%
1984 46.0% 45.7% 56.4%
1985 46.2% 45.3% 56.8%
1986 45.4% 44.5% 56.4%
1987 42.5% 42.0% 52.8%
1988 42.8% 42.8% 52.6%
1989 43.7% 42.9% 55.4%
1990 43.9% 43.3% 55.8%
1991 44.5% 42.7% 56.3%
1992 44.5% 43.0% 56.6%
1993 43.7% 41.4% 56.9%
1994 45.7% 43.2% 59.1%
1995 45.8% 43.2% 58.8%
1996 47.1% 44.2% 61.7%
1997 47.1% 43.8% 61.9%
1998 48.5% 46.0% 63.3%
1999 48.6% 44.9% 63.1%
2000 48.3% 43.8% 63.7%
2001 47.1% 42.8% 62.1%
2002 45.5% 41.4% 59.9%
2003 45.9% 40.9% 60.2%
2004 45.5% 40.2% 60.6%
2005 44.1% 39.0% 58.7%
2006 42.8% 37.1% 57.0%
2007 44.6% 38.8% 58.2%
2008 43.4% 38.1% 56.3%
2009 42.6% 36.3% 54.9%
2010 42.8% 36.3% 56.1%
2011 42.4% 35.7% 54.0%
2012 42.3% 35.2% 55.0%
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Note: Sample is of private-sector wage-and-salary earners age 18–64 who worked at least 20 hours per week and 26 weeks per year.

Source: Authors' analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement microdata

Why did this happen?

What can we do about this?


CEO-to-worker compensation ratio, 1965–2014

Year CEO-to-worker compensation ratio
1965/01/01 20.0
1966/01/01 21.2
1967/01/01 22.4
1968/01/01 23.7
1969/01/01 23.4
1970/01/01 23.2
1971/01/01 22.9
1972/01/01 22.6
1973/01/01 22.3
1974/01/01 23.7
1975/01/01 25.1
1976/01/01 26.6
1977/01/01 28.2
1978/01/01 29.9
1979/01/01 31.8
1980/01/01 33.8
1981/01/01 35.9
1982/01/01 38.2
1983/01/01 40.6
1984/01/01 43.2
1985/01/01 45.9
1986/01/01 48.9
1987/01/01 51.9
1988/01/01 55.2
1989/01/01 58.7
1990/01/01 71.2
1991/01/01 86.2
1992/01/01 104.4
1993/01/01 111.8
1994/01/01 87.3
1995/01/01 122.6
1996/01/01 153.8
1997/01/01 233.0
1998/01/01 321.8
1999/01/01 286.7
2000/01/01 376.1
2001/01/01 214.2
2002/01/01 188.5
2003/01/01 227.5
2004/01/01 256.6
2005/01/01 308.0
2006/01/01 341.4
2007/01/01 345.3
2008/01/01 239.3
2009/01/01 195.8
2010/01/01 229.7
2011/01/01 235.5
2012/01/01 285.3
2013/01/01 303.1
2014/01/01 303.4


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Note: CEO annual compensation is computed using the "options realized" compensation series, which includes salary, bonus, restricted stock grants, options exercised, and long-term incentive payouts for CEOs at the top 350 U.S. firms ranked by sales.

Source: Authors' analysis of data from Compustat's ExecuComp database, Current Employment Statistics program, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis NIPA tables

Minimum Wage

The minimum wage would be over $18 had it risen along with productivity: Real value of the federal minimum wage compared with its value had it grown at the rate of productivity and average hourly wages, 1968–2014

Year Real minimum wage Real hourly wage Productivity 
1968  $                    9.58  $                       9.58  $                     9.58
1969  $                    9.17  $                       9.78  $                     9.62
1970  $                    8.75  $                       9.85  $                     9.76
1971  $                    8.38  $                     10.07  $                  10.12
1972  $                    8.14  $                     10.51  $                  10.39
1973  $                    7.65  $                     10.49  $                  10.64
1974  $                    8.70  $                     10.21  $                  10.47
1975  $                    8.44  $                     10.07  $                  10.70
1976  $                    8.74  $                     10.19  $                  11.00
1977  $                    8.22  $                     10.30  $                  11.13
1978  $                    8.86  $                     10.42  $                  11.24
1979  $                    8.85  $                     10.25  $                  11.26
1980  $                    8.52  $                       9.97  $                  11.17
1981  $                    8.40  $                       9.89  $                  11.41
1982  $                    7.93  $                       9.86  $                  11.24
1983  $                    7.60  $                       9.86  $                  11.58
1984  $                    7.30  $                       9.80  $                  11.88
1985  $                    7.06  $                       9.76  $                  12.08
1986  $                    6.93  $                       9.79  $                  12.33
1987  $                    6.71  $                       9.70  $                  12.39
1988  $                    6.47  $                       9.66  $                  12.54
1989  $                    6.20  $                       9.61  $                  12.64
1990  $                    6.70  $                       9.53  $                  12.82
1991  $                    7.24  $                       9.48  $                  12.92
1992  $                    7.06  $                       9.47  $                  13.39
1993  $                    6.89  $                       9.49  $                  13.43
1994  $                    6.74  $                       9.53  $                  13.56
1995  $                    6.58  $                       9.56  $                  13.57
1996  $                    7.17  $                       9.63  $                  13.90
1997  $                    7.61  $                       9.79  $                  14.09
1998  $                    7.50  $                     10.04  $                  14.37
1999  $                    7.35  $                     10.20  $                  14.72
2000  $                    7.11  $                     10.26  $                  15.07
2001  $                    6.92  $                     10.35  $                  15.30
2002  $                    6.81  $                     10.48  $                  15.73
2003  $                    6.66   $                     10.53   $                  16.24 
2004  $                    6.48  $                     10.46  $                  16.68
2005  $                    6.27  $                     10.40  $                  16.97
2006  $                    6.07  $                     10.47  $                  17.07
2007  $                    6.71  $                     10.58  $                  17.19
2008  $                    7.23  $                     10.57  $                  17.22
2009  $                    8.04  $                     10.93  $                  17.58
2010  $                    7.91  $                     11.01  $                  18.09
2011  $                    7.66  $                     10.89  $                  18.12
2012  $                    7.51  $                     10.83  $                  18.26
2013  $                    7.40  $                     10.89  $                  18.43
2014  $                    7.25   $                     10.89   $                  18.42 
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Note: Real average hourly wages are of production/nonsupervisory workers in the private sector, and productivity is net productivity of the total economy.

Note: Real average hourly wages are of production/nonsupervisory workers  in the private sector, and productivity is net productivity of the total economy. 2014 values reflect average of the first half of 2014.

Source: EPI analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics and Labor Wage and Hour Division

Source: Productivity data are unpublished data from the BLS Labor Productivity and Costs program's Major Sector Productivity and Costs and Industry Productivity and Costs databases; wage data come from the BLS Current Employment Statistics program's Employment, Hours and Earnings—National database; Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata from the CPS survey con­ducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics;  and U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division's online chart, “History of Federal Minimum Wage Rates Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938-2009.

Adapted from Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 Would Save Safety Net Programs Billions and Help Ensure Businesses Are Doing Their Fair Share, by David Cooper, Economic Policy Institute, 2014.


Decline in union membership mirrors income gains of top 10%: Union membership and share of income going to the top 10%, 1917–2012

Year Union membership Share of income going to the top 10 percent
1917 11.0% 40.3%
1918 12.1% 39.9%
1919 14.3% 39.5%
1920 17.5% 38.1%
1921 17.6% 42.9%
1922 14.0% 43.0%
1923 11.7% 40.6%
1924 11.3% 43.3%
1925 11.0% 44.2%
1926 10.7% 44.1%
1927 10.6% 44.7%
1928 10.4% 46.1%
1929 10.1% 43.8%
1930 10.7% 43.1%
1931 11.2% 44.4%
1932 11.3% 46.3%
1933 9.5% 45.0%
1934 9.8% 45.2%
1935 10.8% 43.4%
1936 11.1% 44.8%
1937 18.6% 43.4%
1938 23.9% 43.0%
1939 24.8% 44.6%
1940 23.5% 44.4%
1941 25.4% 41.0%
1942 24.2% 35.5%
1943 30.1% 32.7%
1944 32.5% 31.6%
1945 33.4% 32.6%
1946 31.9% 34.6%
1947 31.1% 33.0%
1948 30.5% 33.7%
1949 29.6% 33.8%
1950 30.0% 33.9%
1951 32.4% 32.8%
1952 31.5% 32.1%
1953 33.2% 31.4%
1954 32.7% 32.1%
1955 32.9% 31.8%
1956 33.2% 31.8%
1957 32.0% 31.7%
1958 31.1% 32.1%
1959 31.6% 32.0%
1960 30.7% 31.7%
1961 28.7% 31.9%
1962 29.1% 32.0%
1963 28.5% 32.0%
1964 28.5% 31.6%
1965 28.6% 31.5%
1966 28.7% 32.0%
1967 28.6% 32.1%
1968 28.7% 32.0%
1969 28.3% 31.8%
1970 27.9% 31.5%
1971 27.4% 31.8%
1972 27.5% 31.6%
1973 27.1% 31.9%
1974 26.5% 32.4%
1975 25.7% 32.6%
1976 25.7% 32.4%
1977 25.2% 32.4%
1978 24.7% 32.4%
1979 25.4% 32.4%
1980 23.6% 32.9%
1981 22.3% 32.7%
1982 21.6% 33.2%
1983 21.4% 33.7%
1984 20.5% 34.0%
1985 19.0% 34.3%
1986 18.5% 34.6%
1987 17.9% 36.5%
1988 17.6% 38.6%
1989 17.2% 38.5%
1990 16.7% 38.8%
1991 16.2% 38.4%
1992 16.2% 39.8%
1993 16.2% 39.5%
1994 16.1% 39.6%
1995 15.3% 40.5%
1996 14.9% 41.2%
1997 14.7% 41.7%
1998 14.2% 42.1%
1999 14.2% 42.7%
2000 13.6% 43.1%
2001 13.7% 42.2%
2002 13.5% 42.4%
2003 13.0% 42.8%
2004 12.6% 43.6%
2005 12.5% 44.9%
2006 12.0% 45.5%
2007 12.1% 45.7%
2008 12.5% 46.0%
2009 12.4% 45.5%
2010 11.9% 46.4%
2011 11.8% 46.6%
2012 11.3% 48.2%
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Source: Data on union density follow the composite series found in Historical Statistics of the United States, updated to 2012 from Income inequality (share of income to top 10%) from Piketty and Saez, “Income Inequality in the United States, 1913-1998," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118(1), 2003, 1–39. Updated and downloadable data, for this series and other countries, are available at The World's Top Income Database. Updated September 2013.

Median hourly compensation growth is lower in states where collective bargaining coverage declined the most, 1979–2012

Median hourly compensation growth is lower in states where collective bargaining coverage declined the most, 1979–2012

Note: Excludes Alaska and the District of Columbia.

Source: EPI analysis of wage data from the Current Population Survey; compensation data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, State/National Income and Product Accounts public data series; and collective bargaining data from the Current Population Survey


Share of salaried workers covered by the salary threshold in 1975 and 2014

Year Share of salaried workers covered by the salary threshold in 1975 and 2014
1975 62%
2014 8%
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Note: The sample included salaried (nonhourly), full-time workers who are 18 years or older. It excluded teachers (pre-K through college) and religious workers who are automatically exempt from overtime protections.

Source: Economic Policy Institute analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

Federal Reserve: prioritize full employment

Reducing unemployment would disproportionately boost low- and moderate-wage workers' wages: Effect on hourly wages of a one-point decline in unemployment rate, by decile and gender

Men Women 
10th 2.0% 1.4%
20th 1.6% 1.0%
30th 1.5% 1.0%
40th 1.0% 0.9%
50th 0.9% 0.9%
60th 0.8% 0.7%
70th 0.9% 0.5%
80th 0.8% 0.6%
90th 0.5% 0.8%


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Note: Figure is based on data from 1979 to 2007.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

What can happen if we do raise wages?

What should you be making?

Women’s wages go up by 70%

Eliminating the gender and inequality wage gap would raise women’s wages by more than 70%: Median hourly wages for men and women, compared with wages for all workers had they increased in tandem with productivity, 1979–2014

Wages for all workers Men’s wages Women’s wages Wages for all workers had they grown in tandem with productivity
1979 $16.00 $20.13 $12.61 $16.00
1980 $15.85 $19.83 $12.58 $15.88
1981 $15.43 $19.42 $12.47 $16.22
1982 $15.65 $19.27 $12.49 $15.98
1983 $15.57 $19.01 $12.65 $16.46
1984 $15.65 $18.92 $12.76 $16.89
1985 $15.79 $19.10 $12.82 $17.18
1986 $16.09 $19.64 $13.15 $17.53
1987 $16.10 $19.53 $13.49 $17.62
1988 $16.00 $19.16 $13.61 $17.82
1989 $15.91 $18.61 $13.60 $17.97
1990 $15.90 $18.32 $13.64 $18.22
1991 $16.00 $18.28 $13.70 $18.37
1992 $16.14 $18.13 $13.80 $19.03
1993 $16.02 $17.98 $13.96 $19.10
1994 $15.74 $17.66 $13.84 $19.28
1995 $15.62 $17.93 $13.75 $19.29
1996 $15.55 $17.81 $13.82 $19.75
1997 $15.92 $17.92 $14.16 $20.03
1998 $16.36 $18.56 $14.51 $20.43
1999 $16.87 $19.04 $14.64 $20.92
2000 $16.83 $19.16 $14.94 $21.41
2001 $17.18 $19.43 $15.26 $21.75
2002 $17.33 $19.52 $15.64 $22.36
2003 $17.54 $19.36 $15.68 $23.08
2004 $17.54 $19.13 $15.65 $23.70
2005 $17.33 $18.97 $15.54 $24.12
2006 $17.40 $18.93 $15.56 $24.26
2007 $17.26 $19.24 $15.69 $24.44
2008 $17.32 $19.13 $15.80 $24.48
2009 $17.61 $19.67 $16.07 $24.98
2010 $17.38 $19.16 $15.96 $25.71
2011 $16.91 $18.64 $15.67 $25.75
2012 $16.81 $18.60 $15.39 $25.88
2013 $16.97 $18.41 $15.35 $25.91
2014 $16.90  $18.35  $15.21   $26.04  
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Source: EPI analysis of unpublished Total Economy Productivity data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Labor Productivity and Costs program, wage data from the Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group

Reduce Poverty

Simulated change in 2013 market-based poverty rate if wages had increased at same rate as productivity growth over 1979–2013 and if the economy were at full employment in 2013

Percentage point reduction by growing wages with average wage growth
Non-<br>elderly 100% of poverty -4.188
Age 18–64 Male -3.14
Female -3.904
White -2.373
Black -5.445
Hispanic -6.722
Children (under 18) All children -5.937
White -3.384
Black -8.332
Hispanic -10.279


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Note: The simulation assumes that wages increased in tandem with growth in "usable" productivity. See the technical appendix for details.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) microdata

Increase incomes

The U.S. middle class had $17,867 less income in 2007 because of the growth of inequality since 1979: Household income of the broad middle class, actual and projected assuming no growth in inequality, 1979–2011

Actual Projected
1979/01/01 $61,542.17 $61,542.17
1980/01/01 $59,460.37 $59,579.37
1981/01/01 $59,210.54 $59,456.53
1982/01/01 $58,036.98 $59,071.83
1983/01/01 $57,202.97 $59,479.82
1984/01/01 $60,446.87 $62,779.71
1985/01/01 $60,428.61 $63,811.15
1986/01/01 $62,282.04 $68,495.45
1987/01/01 $61,406.97 $66,243.89
1988/01/01 $62,294.60 $69,102.25
1989/01/01 $63,153.24 $69,773.54
1990/01/01 $63,356.58 $69,050.00
1991/01/01 $62,372.76 $67,405.82
1992/01/01 $62,736.36 $69,303.97
1993/01/01 $63,537.30 $69,703.89
1994/01/01 $63,937.79 $70,532.26
1995/01/01 $65,895.09 $73,271.98
1996/01/01 $66,618.03 $75,655.23
1997/01/01 $67,717.28 $78,559.19
1998/01/01 $70,025.47 $82,314.50
1999/01/01 $71,827.31 $85,754.07
2000/01/01 $71,685.32  $87,083.66 
2001/01/01 $71,738.64 $82,561.12
2002/01/01 $70,107.92 $79,126.24
2003/01/01 $70,232.82 $80,397.74
2004/01/01 $72,563.23 $85,031.93
2005/01/01 $73,700.24 $89,259.28
2006/01/01 $74,417.13 $91,994.00
2007/01/01 $76,442.90  $94,310.00  
2008/01/01 $73,539.98 $86,971.41
2009/01/01 $72,708.64 $82,490.43
2010/01/01 $72,875.68 $84,737.13
2011/01/01 $72,036.33 $83,665.79
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Note: Data show average income of households in the middle three-fifths.

Source: EPI analysis of data from The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2011, the Congressional Budget Office, 2014.

Reproduced from Figure I in Raising America’s Pay: Why It’s Our Central Economic Policy Challenge, by Josh Bivens, Elise Gould, Lawrence Mishel, and Heidi Shierholz, Economic Policy Institute, 2014.

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