States lowering alcohol service age laws already pay low minimum wage rates. Wages for tipped workers and youth are even lower.: Regular minimum wage, tipped minimum wage, and youth subminimum wage in states lowering alcohol service age

State  Regular minimum wage  Tipped minimum wage  Youth subminimum wage 
Alabama  None  None No state minimum wage, so federal rate applies. Under federal law, workers under 20 can be paid $4.25 an hour ($3 less than the federal minimum wage) for the first 90 days (FLSA training wage). 
Kentucky  $7.25 $2.13  Workers under 20 can be paid $4.25 an hour for the first 90 days. 
Idaho  $7.25  $3.35  Workers under 20 can be paid $4.25 an hour for the first 90 days. 
Iowa  $7.25  $4.35  Any worker can be paid $6.35 an hour for the first 90 days. 
Michigan  $10.10  $3.84  Workers under 20 can be paid $4.25 an hour for the first 90 days. Youth 17 and under can be paid 85% of the regular minimum wage. 
Ohio  $10.10  $5.05  Youth under 16 can be paid the federal minimum wage of $7.25. 
West Virginia  $8.75  $2.63  Workers under 20 can be paid $6.40 an hour for the first 90 days. 
Wisconsin  $7.25  $2.33  Workers under 20 can be paid $5.90 an hour for the first 90 days. 

Sources: Regular and tipped minimum wages for each state are from EPI’s Minimum Wage Tracker. Youth subminimum wages are from state minimum wage statutes. 

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