Nearly one-third of workers experiencing minimum wage violations receive some form of public assistance: Public assistance usage among minimum-wage-eligible workers and those experiencing minimum wage violations

Category Minimum-wage-eligible workers Eligible workers experiencing minimum wage violations
 Number  Share receiving public assistance benefit  Number Share receiving public assistance benefit
All minimum-wage-eligible workers 59,014,000 2,422,000
Family receives some public assistance 13,517,000 22.9% 802,000 33.1%
Family receives food-purchasing assistance 4,282,000 7.3% 429,000 17.7%
Family receives energy assistance 771,000 1.3% 81,000 3.4%
Child in family receives reduced or free school lunch 10,373,000 17.6% 496,000 20.5%
Family receives housing subsidy 838,000 1.4% 95,000 3.9%

Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding. Shares are computed based on unrounded numbers.

Sample includes workers age 16 to 85 in the 10 most populous states: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group and March Supplement data, 2013–2016

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