Black workers and women are more likely to be employed in local government: Demographic breakdown of private-sector and local government workers

Sector White Black Hispanic AAPI/other Women Mean age
Private sector 63% 10% 19% 9% 43% 40.2
Local government 71% 11% 13% 6% 57% 43.2
Private sector 62% 16% 11% 11% 44% 40.0
Local government 70% 19% 6% 5% 63% 43.3
Northern Virginia
Private sector 55% 11% 18% 17% 43% 39.6
Local government 65% 15% 13% 7% 71% 42.8

Notes: Statistics shown are for wage and salary workers ages 18–64 working 35 or more hours per week. Racial and ethnic categories may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Hispanic refers to Hispanic workers of any race while white, Black, and AAPI/other refer to non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic Blacks, and non-Hispanic Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and other racial categories, respectively.

Source: Author’s analysis of U.S. Census Bureau Current Population Survey microdata, pooled years 2015–2019.

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