An example of Pareto interpolation for Pennsylvania in 2015


Row # Income brackets Lower bound (si) Number of returns (Ni) Cumulative # of returns (Ni*) Adjusted gross income (Yi) Cumulative adjusted gross income (Yi*)
1 Under $1 0 70,220 6,200,580 -$4,832,017,000 $405,142,214,000
2 $1 to $24,999 1 2,234,270 6,130,360 $25,883,054,000 $409,974,231,000
3 $25,000 to $49,999 25,000 1,428,170 3,896,090 $51,938,139,000 $384,091,177,000
4 $50,000 to $74,999 50,000 864,230 2,467,920 $53,231,431,000 $332,153,038,000
5 $75,000 to $99,999 75,000 573,080 1,603,690 $49,640,844,000 $278,921,607,000
6 $100,000 to $199,999 100,000 776,750 1,030,610 $104,312,881,000 $229,280,763,000
7 $200,000 to $499,999 200,000 207,390 253,860 $59,138,493,000 $124,967,882,000
8 $500,000 to $999,999 500,000 32,210 46,470 $21,558,860,000 $65,829,389,000
10 $1,000,000 or more 1,000,000 14,260 14,260 $44,270,529,000 $44,270,529,000
Total 6,200,580 $405,142,214,000
Row # (yi = Yi*/Ni*) Pareto coefficient (bi = yi/si) ai = (bi/(bi – 1) pi% = Ni*/N* ki = si * [pi power(1/ai)]
3 98,584 3.9434 1.340 0.573 16,498
4 134,588 2.6918 1.591 0.363 26,445
5 173,925 2.3190 1.758 0.236 32,979
6 222,471 2.2247 1.817 0.152 35,395
7 492,271 2.4614 1.684 0.037 28,397
8 1,416,600 2.8332 1.545 0.007 19,858
10 3,104,525 3.1045 1.475 0.002 15,289
Row # Min [Abs(pi – 10)] P90 = ki/[0.1 power 1/ai] Min [Abs(pi – 5)] P95 = ki/[0.05 power 1/ai] Min [Abs(pi – 1)] P99 = ki/[0.01 power 1/ai]
3 0.473 0.523 0.563
4 0.263 0.313 0.353
5 0.136 0.186 0.226
6 0.052 $125,730 0.102 0.142
7 0.063 0.013 $168,161 0.027
8 0.093 0.043 0.003 $390,860
10 0.098 0.048 0.008

Note: N* (tax units for Pennsylvania in 2015) is 6,799,252.

Source: Authors’ analysis of state-level tax data from Sommeiller 2006 extended to 2015 using state-level data from the Internal Revenue Service SOI Tax Stats (various years) and Piketty and Saez 2016

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