Net U.S. jobs eliminated by U.S. trade deficit with TPP countries, by state, 2015 (as a share of total state employment)

State Net jobs displaced  State employment (in 2011)  Jobs displaced as share
of state employment
Alabama 46,000 1,981,100 2.32%
Alaska 6,300 344,300 1.83%
Arizona 21,000 2,688,000 0.78%
Arkansas 20,100 1,235,800 1.63%
California 227,500 16,426,700 1.38%
Colorado 28,600 2,492,400 1.15%
Connecticut 10,400 1,742,500 0.60%
Delaware 1,800 420,400 0.43%
District of Columbia 1,500 310,600 0.48%
Florida 68,200 8,101,900 0.84%
Georgia 43,100 4,193,800 1.03%
Hawaii 5,100 629,500 0.81%
Idaho 7,100 684,900 1.04%
Illinois 78,800 5,926,900 1.33%
Indiana 103,800 2,934,500 3.54%
Iowa 19,800 1,538,800 1.29%
Kansas 13,500 1,389,000 0.97%
Kentucky 53,700 1,838,400 2.92%
Louisiana 24,700 1,973,900 1.25%
Maine 8,000 643,100 1.24%
Maryland 20,100 2,894,600 0.69%
Massachusetts 29,900 3,284,700 0.91%
Michigan 214,600 4,191,900 5.12%
Minnesota 29,000 2,728,900 1.06%
Mississippi 22,000 1,181,300 1.86%
Missouri 39,200 2,742,100 1.43%
Montana 4,900 480,000 1.02%
Nebraska 10,000 943,600 1.06%
Nevada 9,100 1,204,900 0.76%
New Hampshire 7,400 684,800 1.08%
New Jersey 37,700 4,152,500 0.91%
New Mexico 11,600 869,800 1.33%
New York 97,300 8,959,000 1.09%
North Carolina 60,700 4,195,800 1.45%
North Dakota 4,300 370,800 1.16%
Ohio 112,500 5,213,500 2.16%
Oklahoma 35,300 1,681,800 2.10%
Oregon 24,900 1,710,300 1.46%
Pennsylvania 68,900 5,853,300 1.18%
Rhode Island 3,400 511,200 0.67%
South Carolina 33,600 1,968,900 1.71%
South Dakota 5,300 415,600 1.28%
Tennessee 61,000 2,784,500 2.19%
Texas 172,600 11,455,100 1.51%
Utah 13,000 1,260,800 1.03%
Vermont 2,900 327,300 0.89%
Virginia 33,100 3,860,100 0.86%
Washington 17,800 3,118,000 0.57%
West Virginia 8,400 748,600 1.12%
Wisconsin 39,600 2,819,500 1.40%
Wyoming 6,800 290,000 2.34%
2,025,800 140,399,600 1.44%

* 10 least-impacted states, plus D.C.
** 10 next-least-impacted states
*** 10 midde-impacted states
**** 10 next-most-impacted states
***** 10 most-impacted states.

Source: Authors’ analysis of Bivens (2014), U.S. Census Bureau (2013), U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC 2016), Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS 2016a and 2016b), and BLS Employment Projections program (BLS-EP 2014a, 2014b, and 2015). For a more detailed explanation of data sources and computations, see the appendix.

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