Shares of teachers who reported participating in various professional development activities in the past 12 months, by type and by subject, in all schools and in low- and high-poverty schools

All Low-poverty High-poverty Gap
(high- minus low-poverty)
Four standard types of professional development
Workshops, conferences, or training sessions (teacher is not the presenter)
Yes 91.9% 90.8% 92.7% 1.9 ppt.
No 8.10% 9.20% 7.3% -1.9 ppt.
University courses related to teaching
Yes 26.6% 27.5% 25.3% -2.2 ppt.
No 73.4% 72.5% 74.7% 2.2 ppt.
Workshops, conferences, or training sessions (teacher is the presenter)
Yes 23.1% 23.4% 23.0% -0.4 ppt.
No 76.9% 76.6% 77.0% 0.4 ppt.
Observational visits to other schools
Yes 21.6% 22.5% 20.9% -1.6 ppt.
No 78.4% 77.5% 79.1% 1.6 ppt.
Any type of professional development focused on a specific area (content or subject)
Content of the subject(s) they teach
Yes 85.1% 84.0% 86.4% 2.4 ppt.
No 14.9% 16.0% 13.6% -2.4 ppt.
Use of computers for instruction
Yes 67.7% 70.4% 66.8% -3.6 ppt.
No 32.3% 29.6% 33.2% 3.6 ppt.
Reading instruction
Yes 57.0% 51.7% 61.1% 9.4 ppt.
No 43.0% 48.3% 38.9% -9.4 ppt.
Student discipline and management in the classroom
Yes 42.3% 35.7% 47.2% 11.5 ppt.
No 57.7% 64.3% 52.8% -11.5 ppt.
Teaching students with disabilities
Yes 37.2% 36.6% 38.3% 1.7 ppt.
No 62.8% 63.4% 61.7% -1.7 ppt.
Teaching English language learners (ELLs)
Yes 26.7% 19.3% 33.6% 14.2 ppt.
No 73.3% 80.7% 66.5% -14.2 ppt.
Other activities that offer professional development opportunities
Engage in research on a topic of interest to them professionally
Yes 45.1% 49.5% 42.7% -6.8 ppt.
No 54.9% 50.5% 57.3% 6.8 ppt.
Participate in regularly scheduled collaboration with other teachers on issues of instruction (excluding administrative meetings)
Yes 80.8% 81.2% 81.1% -0.1 ppt.
No 19.2% 18.8% 18.9% 0.1 ppt.
Observe, or be observed by, other teachers in the classroom
Yes 67.0% 65.8% 68.7% 2.9 ppt.
No 33.0% 34.2% 31.3% -2.9 ppt.

Notes: Data are for teachers in public noncharter schools. Teachers were asked, “In the past 12 months, have you participated in any of the following professional development activities?” For “other activities,” teachers were asked, “In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following?”

Source: 2011–2012 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) microdata from the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

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