Cumulative percent change in inflation-adjusted median hourly wages for all workers by race/ethnicity, 1979–2017

White Black Hispanic Asian American/Pacific Islander (imputed) Asian American/Pacific Islander
1979 0% 0% 0% 0%
1980 0.308261 -1.24816 -1.34228 -0.97339
1981 -2.40444 -3.30396 -5.59284 1.10318
1982 -0.61652 -3.52423 -3.80313 -0.64893
1983 -1.10974 -4.62555 -5.36913 -2.46593
1984 -0.06165 -3.01028 -3.95227 2.84E-14
1985 -1.47965 -4.03818 -4.77256 2.790396
1986 3.082614 -2.27606 -4.17599 1.752109
1987 2.219482 -2.34949 -4.99627 4.931862
1988 2.219482 0.220264 -5.4437 2.855289 2.855289%
1989 2.836005 -3.89134 -7.08427 3.958469
1990 2.774353 -1.90896 -7.00969 4.400845
1991 4.377312 -2.79001 -10.2908 8.63502
1992 3.390875 -1.54185 -9.3214 5.980761
1993 0.863132 -3.89134 -8.50112 3.389699
1994 0.246609 -5.28634 -11.0365 2.188963
1995 1.541307 -3.96476 -12.528 2.631339
1996 3.329223 -4.91924 -10.3654 1.809783
1997 4.808878 -1.46843 -11.0365 6.043958
1998 8.816276 2.56975 -6.78598 7.244694
1999 10.17263 5.800294 -5.9657 13.81714
2000 11.71393 4.919236 -6.41312 16.91378
2001 14.48829 5.506608 -1.41685 20.01041
2002 15.16646 7.782673 -0.44743 18.05132
2003 16.09125 10.57269 -2.68456 22.91746
2004 17.5709 11.96769 -5.21999 20.51599
2005 13.74846 8.370044 -3.72856 24.37098
2006 14.18002 8.443465 -2.31171 26.64606
2007 14.42663 6.240822 -0.37286 28.03639
2008 15.65968 6.461087 -0.22371 26.83565
2009 17.4476 10.64611 0.149142 32.96573
2010 17.4476 9.17768 -1.49142 25.8877
2011 15.16646 5.800294 -4.47427 23.54943
2012 16.02959 3.671072 -3.95227 25.57172
2013 14.36498 5.947137 -3.95227 25.25574
2014 14.91985 4.185022 -1.71514 28.16278
2015 18.61899 4.111601 0.820283 32.14417
2016 18.55734 9.985316 4.399702 32.71294
2017 23.30456 10.13216 11.85682 36.69433

Note: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders were included in the “Other” race category until 1989. From 1979 to 1989, we estimate wage growth for Asians Americans and Pacific Islanders using the “Other” category, which includes Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, and other groups. Race/ethnicity categories are mutually exclusive (i.e., white non-Hispanic, black non-Hispanic, Asian American/Pacific Islander non-Hispanic, and Hispanic any race).

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

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