How much have rates of students missing more than 10 days changed since 2003?: Percentage-point change in the share of eighth-graders who were absent from school more than 10 days in the month prior to the NAEP mathematics assessment, between 2003 and 2015, by group

More than 10 days
Native American or other -2.5
Has an IEP -2.3
Hispanic non-ELL -1.4
Free-lunch-eligible -1.4
Hispanic ELL -1.2
Male -1.1
Reduced-price-lunch-eligible -1.1
Asian non-ELL -0.8
All students -0.7
Black -0.7
Not eligible for FRPL -0.7
White -0.6
Not IEP-eligible -0.6
Female -0.3
Asian ELL 1.3

Notes: Students are grouped by gender, race/ethnicity and ELL status, FRPL status, and IEP status. ELL stands for English language learner; IEP stands for individualized education program (learning plan designed for each student who is identified as having a disability); and FRPL stands for free or reduced-price lunch (federally funded meal programsĀ for students of families meeting certain income guidelines).

Source: EPI analysis of National Assessment of Educational Progress microdata, 2003 and 2015

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