Which groups of students had the highest shares missing more than 10 days?: Share of eighth-graders missing more than 10 days of school in the month prior to the 2015 NAEP mathematics assessment, by group

More than 10 days
Hispanic ELL 3.9%
Has an IEP 3.2%
Asian ELL 3.2%
Free-lunch-eligible 2.3%
Native American or other 2.2%
Black 2.0%
Boy 1.7%
All students 1.7%
Girl 1.6%
Hispanic non-ELL 1.6%
Not IEP-eligible 1.5%
White 1.4%
Reduced-price-lunch-eligible 1.3%
Not eligible for FRPL 1.1%
Asian non-ELL 0.6%

Notes: Students are grouped by gender, race/ethnicity and ELL status, FRPL status, and IEP status. ELL stands for English language learner; IEP stands for individualized education program (learning plan designed for each student who is identified as having a disability); and FRPL stands for free or reduced-price lunch (federally funded meal programs for students of families meeting certain income guidelines).

Source: EPI analysis of National Assessment of Educational Progress microdata, 2015

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