Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) initial claims by state: PUA initial claims filed during the weeks ending May 2–May 16

State Week ending May 2 Week ending May 9 Week ending May 16 Three–week sum
Alabama 0 0 0 0
Alaska 0 0 0 0
Arizona 0 0 0 0
Arkansas 0 0 1,498 1,498
California 297,738 136,659 112,791 547,188
Colorado 13,149 9,125 7,633 29,907
Connecticut 0 11,750 7,450 19,200
Delaware 0 0 0 0
District of Columbia 0 0 0 0
Florida 0 0 0 0
Georgia 0 0 0 0
Hawaii 0 0 0 0
Idaho 0 0 5,193 5,193
Illinois 0 0 74,515 74,515
Indiana 0 68,834 0 68,834
Iowa 4,509 3,910 4,552 12,971
Kansas 0 0 0 0
Kentucky 0 0 0 0
Louisiana 20,245 17,556 3,396 41,197
Maine 10,498 11,488 7,043 29,029
Maryland 44,280 18,982 15,448 78,710
Massachusetts 68,826 70,464 115,952 255,242
Michigan 86,009 138,051 164,689 388,749
Minnesota 1,015 7,680 3,036 11,731
Mississippi 0 0 0 0
Missouri 17,784 7,082 7,787 32,653
Montana 3,524 2,163 2,466 8,153
Nebraska 1,633 0 1,700 3,333
Nevada 0 0 0 0
New Hampshire 0 0 7,666 7,666
New Jersey 76,100 51,241 34,000 161,341
New Mexico 17,850 4,714 3,256 25,820
New York 38,700 53,042 177,684 269,426
North Carolina 89,951 52,351 42,002 184,304
North Dakota 5,827 526 638 6,991
Ohio 0 0 134,468 134,468
Oklahoma 2,124 0 3,016 5,140
Oregon 0 0 0 0
Pennsylvania 43,889 51,591 60,750 156,230
Rhode Island 5,815 4,954 3,768 14,537
South Carolina 0 0 19,706 19,706
South Dakota 99 693 901 1,693
Tennessee 10,617 5,741 3,615 19,973
Texas 56,548 47,088 43,997 147,633
Utah 0 0 2,600 2,600
Vermont 0 0 0 0
Virginia 0 0 13,906 13,906
Washington 66,652 48,665 61,471 176,788
West Virginia 0 0 0 0
Wisconsin 18,652 11,194 8,591 38,437
Wyoming 572 1,709 897 3,178
U.S. total 1,002,606 837,253 1,158,081 2,997,940

Unless otherwise noted, the numbers in this blog post are the ones reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, which they receive from the state agencies that administer UI. While the DOL is asking states to report regular UI claims and PUA claims separately, many states appear to also be including some or all PUA claimants in their reported regular UI claims. As state agencies work to get these new programs up and running, there will likely continue to be some misreporting. Since the number of UI claims is one of the most up-to-date measures we have of labor market weakness and access to benefits, we will still be analyzing it each week as reported by DOL, but ask that you keep these caveats in mind when interpreting the data.

Source: U.S. Employment and Training Administration, Initial Claims [ICSA], retrieved from Department of Labor (DOL), and, May 21, 2020

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