New and cumulative jobless claims by state: Number of workers either receiving unemployment benefits or waiting for approval during the week ending August 8

Regular UI Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Other programs
State Most recent continued claims: 8/1/2020 Most recent week initial claims: 8/8/2020 Most recent continued claims: 7/25/2020 Total initial claims, most recent two weeks Most recent continued claims: 7/25/2020 Total receiving UI or waiting for approval*
Alabama 60,914 7,008  40,802  4,764  74,937  188,425
Alaska 33,901 4,822  17,051  1,124  4,990  61,888
Arizona 212,889 12,283  317,680  41,748  19,902  604,502
Arkansas 60,167 5,472  119,977  21,201  28,509  235,326
California 2,984,954 213,482  2,543,133  367,699  355,234  6,464,502
Colorado 201,119 6,077  75,616  16,633  12,058  311,503
Connecticut 232,364 7,453  67,122  3,606  13,991  324,536
Delaware 39,764 1,634  9,251  550  2,894  54,093
District of Columbia 68,445 1,630  13,953  738  3,134  87,900
Florida 531,130 55,106  –  23,504  54,698  664,438
Georgia 578,158 62,279  336,623  16,931  1,178  995,169
Hawaii 124,957 5,458  87,688  5,663  490  224,256
Idaho 19,046 3,057  16,372  331  5,875  44,681
Illinois 627,271 22,387  136,738  8,219  44,820  839,435
Indiana 191,613 10,549  141,990  14,021  9,200  367,373
Iowa 92,853 5,282  14,833  2,778  18,192  133,938
Kansas 81,930 11,345  100,634  14,699  16,442  225,050
Kentucky 141,539 17,272  20,425  4,892  368  184,496
Louisiana 291,001 9,919  159,251  9,960  4,224  474,355
Maine 49,243 1,581  26,417  748  6,173  84,162
Maryland 180,831 7,633  253,450  10,682  15,340  467,936
Massachusetts 450,888 14,181  438,596  18,515  50,332  972,512
Michigan 522,491 14,462  778,032  27,611  155,468  1,498,064
Minnesota 264,267 9,337  61,289  644  38,207  373,744
Mississippi 135,045 5,038  52,950  6,127  8,778  207,938
Missouri 140,524 8,131  64,063  3,244  31,455  247,417
Montana 27,912 1,611  43,087  3,344  3,621  79,575
Nebraska 37,643 2,640  23,437  2,306  5,524  71,550
Nevada 339,900 20,642  128,190  31,101  16,803  536,636
New Hampshire 54,259 2,430  19,626  1,151  4,156  81,622
New Jersey 423,081 13,003  422,417  30,690  72,015  961,206
New Mexico 93,933 6,518  79,140  4,356  5,979  189,926
New York 1,448,349 52,092  1,297,114  71,142  131,549  3,000,246
North Carolina 234,405 13,635  192,247  20,825  205,863  666,975
North Dakota 23,503 842  4,796  3,160  4,377  36,678
Ohio 350,702 20,090  319,350  54,968  44,288  789,398
Oklahoma 118,131 4,673  –  2,371  1,431  126,606
Oregon 190,110 6,251  93,206  29,639  45,204  364,410
Pennsylvania 675,346 26,534  954,372  127,934  58,206  1,842,392
Rhode Island 55,411 3,305  61,456  18,926  10,493  149,591
South Carolina 168,375 5,921  72,208  12,243  21,009  279,756
South Dakota 14,428 911  4,081  337  654  20,411
Tennessee 217,968 10,036  146,232  8,278  8,018  390,532
Texas 1,237,387 51,476  248,901  32,316  55,937  1,626,017
Utah 57,833 2,913  7,670  1,596  6,687  76,699
Vermont 33,099 860  9,115  1,212  1,244  45,530
Virginia 263,336 14,761  244,324  16,415  43,361  582,197
Washington 374,142 23,787  141,092  9,197  73,451  621,669
West Virginia 62,488 1,837  –  –  1,394  65,719
Wisconsin 182,121 14,254  77,901  5,356  27,806  307,438
Wyoming 17,149 2,183  3,011  544  1,516  24,403

Notes: *This is an upper bound on the number of people “on” UI, for two reasons: (1) regular state UI and PUA claims should be nonoverlapping—that is how DOL has directed agencies to report them—but some individuals may be being counted twice; (2) some states are likely including some back weeks in their continuing PUA claims, which would also lead to double-counting.

*This is an upper bound on the number of people “on” UI, for two reasons: (1) regular state UI and PUA claims should be nonoverlapping—that is how DOL has directed agencies to report them—but some individuals may be being counted twice; (2) some states are likely including some back weeks in their continuing PUA claims, which would also lead to double-counting. Non-seasonally-adjusted data are used throughout. Regular state UI continued claims are for the week ending August 1; regular state UI initial claims are for the week ending August 8. PUA continued claims are for the week ending July 25; PUA initial claims are for the weeks ending August 1 and August 8. “Other programs” are continued claims in other programs for the week ending July 25. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) is the federal program for workers who are out of work because of the virus but who are not eligible for regular state unemployment insurance (UI) benefits (e.g., the self-employed). “Other programs” includes PEUC, STC, and others; a full list can be found in the bottom panel of the table on page 4 at this link:

Source: U.S. Employment and Training Administration, Initial Claims [ICSA], retrieved from Department of Labor (DOL), and, August 13, 2020.

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