States that have adopted the ABC test for unemployment insurance eligibility and/or wage and hour protections

State ABC for unemployment insurance ABC for wage/hour/other
Alaska Yes
California Yes Yes
Connecticut Yes Yes
Delaware Yes
District of Columbia Yes for construction Yes for construction
Hawaii Yes
Illinois Yes Yes for construction
Indiana Yes
Maine Yes
Maryland Yes Yes for construction and landscaping
Massachusetts Yes Yes
Nebraska Yes Yes
Nevada Yes
New Hampshire Yes
New Jersey Yes Yes
New Mexico Yes
New York Yes for construction Yes for construction
Vermont Yes Yes
Washington Yes

Note: Maine's ABC test for UI was weakened in 2012 to an A&B or A&C test, then restored again in 2013 to a full ABC test. (See 26 ME Rev Stat § 1043 [2012.])

Source: Jon Shimabukuro, Worker Classification: Employee Status Under the National Labor Relations Act, the Fair Labor Relations Act, and the ABC Test, Congressional Research Service, April 2021. and EPI analysis of state laws.

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