Average annual wages (selected years, 2021 dollars) and percent change in annual wages over time, by wage group, 1979–2021

Average annual wages (2021$) Long-term (% change) Pandemic labor market (% change)
Year 1979 1989 2000 2007 2019 2020 2021 1979–2019 1979–2021 2020–2021 2019–2021
Bottom 90% $28,415   $29,289   $32,770   $33,814   $36,655   $36,660   $36,571  29.0% 28.7% -0.2% -0.2%
90th–99th percentile $93,226   $106,915   $137,938   $147,705   $164,760   $169,455   $167,639  76.7% 79.8% -1.1% 1.7%
90th–95th $79,140   $86,520   $110,104   $117,084   $129,259   $132,401   $129,724  63.3% 63.9% -2.0% 0.4%
95th–99th $110,833   $132,409   $172,730   $185,981   $209,137   $215,771   $215,032  88.7% 94.0% -0.3% 2.8%
Top 5% $142,159   $194,873   $270,682   $288,048   $308,487   $322,349   $335,891  117.0% 136.3% 4.2% 8.9%
Top 1% $267,464   $444,731   $662,488   $696,316   $705,887   $748,662   $819,324  163.9% 206.3% 9.4% 16.1%
99.0th⁠⁠–⁠99.9th $232,046   $341,410   $444,845   $474,979   $499,389   $521,225   $542,283  115.2% 133.7% 4.0% 8.6%
99.9th–100th $586,222   $1,374,624   $2,621,271   $2,688,346   $2,564,364   $2,795,589   $3,312,693  337.4% 465.1% 18.5% 29.2%
Average $36,639   $40,430   $48,532   $50,689   $54,877   $55,731   $56,195  49.8% 53.4% 0.8% 2.4%

Source: EPI analysis of Kopczuk, Saez, and Song, “Uncovering the American Dream: Inequality and Mobility in Social Security Earnings Data Since 1937” (2007) and Social Security Administration wage statistics.

View the underlying data on epi.org.