Change in U.S. goods trade with China, by industry, 2001–2017

U.S. imports U.S. exports Trade balance
Industry* Change ($billions, nominal) Share of total change Change ($billions, nominal) Share of total change Change ($billions, nominal) Share of total change
Total change $403.2 100.0% $111.1 100.0% $-292.1 100.0%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 2.3 0.6% 17.3 15.6% 15.0 -5.1%
Mining -0.1 0.0% 8.5 7.7% 8.6 -3.0%
Oil and gas 0.1 0.0% 6.8 6.2% 6.8 -2.3%
Minerals and ores 0.1 0.0% 1.7 1.5% 1.6 -0.5%
Manufacturing 400.8 99.4% 80.0 72.0% -320.8 109.8%
Nondurable goods 44.1 10.9% 3.5 3.2% -40.6 13.9%
Food 3.2 0.8% 2.5 2.3% -0.6 0.2%
Beverage and tobacco products 0.1 0.0% 0.2 0.2% 0.1 0.0%
Textile mills and textile product mills 11.8 2.9% 0.4 0.4% -11.4 3.9%
Apparel 20.7 5.1% 0.1 0.1% -20.7 7.1%
Leather and allied products 8.3 2.0% 0.3 0.3% -7.9 2.7%
Industrial supplies 44.5 11.0% 20.3 18.3% -24.2 8.3%
Wood products 3.1 0.8% 1.8 1.6% -1.3 0.4%
Paper 2.6 0.6% 2.2 2.0% -0.4 0.1%
Printed matter and related products 2.1 0.5% 0.1 0.1% -2.0 0.7%
Petroleum and coal products 0.5 0.1% 1.1 1.0% 0.7 -0.2%
Chemicals 16.4 4.1% 12.9 11.7% -3.4 1.2%
Plastics and rubber products 14.6 3.6% 1.5 1.3% -13.1 4.5%
Nonmetallic mineral products 5.4 1.3% 0.7 0.6% -4.7 1.6%
Durable goods 312.2 77.4% 56.2 50.6% -230.5 78.9%
Primary metals 3.6 0.9% 2.0 1.8% -1.6 0.5%
Fabricated metal products 18.8 4.7% 2.1 1.9% -16.8 5.7%
Machinery 30.5 7.6% 6.8 6.1% -23.7 8.1%
Computer and electronic parts 160.0 39.7% 11.8 10.6% -148.2 50.7%
Computer and peripheral equipment 50.4 12.5% 0.7 0.7% -49.7 17.0%
Communications, audio, and video equipment 81.3 20.2% 1.1 0.9% -80.3 27.5%
Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments 6.1 1.5% 4.6 4.1% -1.5 0.5%
Semiconductor and other electronic components, and reproducing magnetic and optical media 22.2 5.5% 5.4 4.9% -16.8 5.7%
Electrical equipment, appliances, and components 34.2 8.5% 2.8 2.5% -31.4 10.8%
Transportation equipment 17.2 4.3% 26.6 24.0% 9.4 -3.2%
Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts 14.8 3.7% 12.9 11.6% -1.9 0.6%
Aerospace products and parts 0.9 0.2% 13.7 12.3% 12.8 -4.4%
Railroad, ship, and other transportation equipment 1.6 0.4% 0.1 0.1% -1.5 0.5%
Furniture and related products 18.6 4.6% 0.2 0.1% -18.4 6.3%
Miscellaneous manufactured commodities 29.3 7.3% 3.9 3.5% -21.0 7.2%
Scrap and secondhand goods 0.2 0.1% 5.3 4.8% 5.1 -1.7%

* Excludes utilities, construction, and service sectors, which reported no goods trade in this period, and information, which reported negligible goods trade in this period.

Source: Authors’ analysis of U.S. International Trade Commission 2018. For a more detailed explanation of the data sources and computations, see the appendix.

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