U.S.–China goods trade and job displacement, 2001–2017

Change ($billions) Percent change
2001 2008 2017 2001–2017 2008–2017 2001–2017 2008–2017
U.S. goods trade with China ($billions, nominal)
U.S. total exports* $19.2 $71.5 $130.4 $111.1 $58.9 577.8% 82.4%
U.S. general imports $102.3 $337.8 $505.6 $403.3 $167.8 394.3% 49.7%
U.S. trade balance ‑$83.0 ‑$266.3 -$375.2 -$292.2 -$108.9 351.8% 40.9%
Average annual change in the trade balance -$18.26 -$15.56 9.9%
Change (thousands of jobs) Percent change
U.S. trade-related jobs supported and displaced (thousands of jobs)
U.S. total exports—jobs supported 179.2 564.2 959.1 780.0 395.0 435.3% 70.0%
U.S. general imports—jobs displaced 1,170.7 3,616.9 5,311.3 4,140.6 1,694.4 353.7% 46.8%
U.S. trade deficit—net jobs displaced 991.5 3,052.7 4,352.2 3,360.6 1,299.4 338.9% 42.6%
Average annual change in net jobs displaced 210.0 185.6 9.7%

* Total exports as reported by the U.S. International Trade Commission include re-exports. The employment estimates shown here are based on total exports. See note 2 for additional details.

Source: Authors’ analysis of U.S. Census Bureau 2013, U.S. International Trade Commission 2018, and Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Projections program 2017a and 2017b. For a more detailed explanation of data sources and computations, see the appendix.

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