Wages in manufacturing compared with wages in the rest of the economy, for workers without a college degree, 2012 and 2013

Average hourly wage (in 2013 dollars) Manufacturing wage premium
State Manufacturing Nonmanufacturing Dollars per hour Percent
United States $18.07 $16.29  $1.78 10.9%
Alabama $17.96 $15.27 $2.68 17.6%
Alaska $20.72 $19.33 $1.39 7.2%
Arizona $18.71 $16.40 $2.31 14.1%
Arkansas $16.20 $14.67 $1.53 10.5%
California $18.22 $16.99 $1.23 7.3%
Colorado $20.05 $17.48 $2.57 14.7%
Connecticut $20.83 $17.98 $2.85 15.9%
Delaware $19.03 $16.95 $2.08 12.3%
District of Columbia $16.79 $16.64 $0.14 0.9%
Florida $18.00 $16.17 $1.82 11.3%
Georgia $17.49 $15.65 $1.85 11.8%
Hawaii $19.79 $17.32 $2.47 14.3%
Idaho $17.19 $15.22 $1.97 12.9%
Illinois $17.50 $16.46 $1.05 6.4%
Indiana $17.67 $15.77 $1.90 12.0%
Iowa $17.25 $15.69 $1.56 10.0%
Kansas $17.90 $15.03 $2.87 19.1%
Kentucky $17.07 $14.50 $2.57 17.7%
Louisiana $18.64 $15.59 $3.06 19.6%
Maine $18.66 $15.62 $3.04 19.5%
Maryland $19.16 $18.16 $1.00 5.5%
Massachusetts $18.71 $17.35 $1.36 7.9%
Michigan $18.65 $15.30 $3.35 21.9%
Minnesota $19.37 $17.19 $2.18 12.7%
Mississippi $16.23 $15.70 $0.53 3.4%
Missouri $17.60 $16.26 $1.34 8.3%
Montana $19.19 $15.43 $3.76 24.4%
Nebraska $15.31 $15.68 -$0.37 -2.4%
Nevada $17.69 $16.06 $1.63 10.1%
New Hampshire $20.87 $17.71 $3.16 17.9%
New Jersey $19.56 $18.31 $1.25 6.8%
New Mexico $19.25 $15.94 $3.31 20.8%
New York $17.85 $16.95 $0.91 5.3%
North Carolina $16.85 $15.73 $1.12 7.1%
North Dakota $17.93 $16.99 $0.94 5.5%
Ohio $18.47 $15.47 $2.99 19.4%
Oklahoma $17.13 $15.45 $1.68 10.9%
Oregon $19.76 $16.52 $3.23 19.6%
Pennsylvania $18.72 $16.20 $2.52 15.6%
Rhode Island $18.28 $16.55 $1.74 10.5%
South Carolina $17.24 $14.90 $2.34 15.7%
South Dakota $15.74 $15.42 $0.32 2.0%
Tennessee $16.10 $14.75 $1.35 9.1%
Texas $17.47 $15.48 $2.00 12.9%
Utah $17.66 $16.15 $1.51 9.3%
Vermont $17.92 $16.34 $1.58 9.6%
Virginia $19.02 $17.05 $1.97 11.5%
Washington $20.92 $17.79 $3.13 17.6%
West Virginia $19.02 $16.31 $2.71 16.6%
Wisconsin $18.20 $15.89 $2.31 14.6%
Wyoming $21.75 $18.19  $3.56 19.6%

Note: Average wages by education group are from a two-year (2012–2013) pooled sample of workers by industry.

Source: Author’s analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata (U.S. Census Bureau, various years)

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