Public education revenues vary widely across states: Per-student revenues for public elementary and secondary schools, by state, 2017–2018

Jurisdiction Total revenue
United States $15050
Alabama 12830
Alaska 18690
Arizona 10320
Arkansas 13820
California 13250
Colorado 12570
Connecticut 20700
Delaware 16720
District of Columbia 25940
Florida 11050
Georgia 13600
Hawaii 15890
Idaho 10070
Illinois 19370
Indiana 14390
Iowa 15910
Kansas 15550
Kentucky 14570
Louisiana 14610
Maine 16880
Maryland 16860
Massachusetts 18230
Michigan 15230
Minnesota 16400
Mississippi 12000
Missouri 15020
Montana 14210
Nebraska 16460
Nevada 11290
New Hampshire 17400
New Jersey 20350
New Mexico 13320
New York 24410
North Carolina 11010
North Dakota 18460
Ohio 17310
Oklahoma 10980
Oregon 15280
Pennsylvania 19780
Rhode Island 19100
South Carolina 15430
South Dakota 14200
Tennessee 12140
Texas 12580
Utah 9730
Vermont 20660
Virginia 13320
Washington 15210
West Virginia 15240
Wisconsin 15360
Wyoming 20930

Note: Amounts are in 2019–2020 dollars using the consumer price index from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS-CPI 2021) and rounded to the closest $10. Amounts are adjusted for each state’s cost-of living using the historical regional Price Parities (RPPs) from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA 2021).

Source: National Center for Education Statistics’ Digest of Education Statistics (NCES 2020b).

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