Employment and change in employment for school bus drivers by class of worker and selected industries

2019 2021
Industry group Class of worker Count Share of total Count Share of total 2019 to 2021 percent change in employment
All school bus drivers Private 134,220 39.0% 102,459 35.7% -23.7%
S&L 203,436 59.2% 178,615 62.2% -12.2%
Other 6,094 1.8% 6,002 2.1% -1.5%
Total 343,750 100.0% 287,076 100.0% -16.5%
“Elementary and secondary schools” bus drivers Private 39,779 17.4% 31,163 16.2% -21.7%
S&L 186,299 81.5% 159,614 82.8% -14.3%
Other 2,382 1.0% 1,962 1.0% -17.6%
Total 228,460 100.0% 192,739 100.0% -15.6%
“Bus service and urban transit” school bus drivers Private 88,541 83.5% 66,261 76.9% -25.2%
S&L 14,258 13.4% 16,164 18.8% 13.4%
Other 3,218 3.0% 3,754 4.4% 16.7%
Total 106,017 100.0% 86,179 100.0% -18.7%

Notes: S&L stands for state and local government. "Other" includes self-employed workers, federal employees, and unpaid family workers. "Elementary and secondary schools" bus drivers includes both "school bus drivers" and "transit and intercity bus drivers."

Source: EPI analysis of American Community Survey microdata.

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