College graduation rate of women, age 25–29, in birth year of children taking NAEP tests, selected years

Year of test Fourth-grade test takers Eighth-grade test takers
White Black Ratio, black to white White Black Ratio, black to white
1973 10% 4% 0.4 9% 3% 0.4
1980 15% 7% 0.4 13% 6% 0.5
1992 21% 11% 0.5 22% 12% 0.6
2000 25% 11% 0.4 23% 11% 0.5
2003 25% 15% 0.6 24% 12% 0.5
2011 33% 18% 0.5 30% 17% 0.6

Source: U.S. Census Bureau(b)

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