The South has the lowest per capita GDP of all regions and the Southern GDP declines further without D.C., Delaware, and Maryland: GDP per capita by region, 2019 and 2022
Region | 2019 | 2022 |
USA | $73,858 | $77,178 |
Northeast | $86,942 | $88,211 |
West | $79,072 | $84,341 |
Midwest | $70,231 | $71,816 |
South | $67,220 | $69,811 |
South w/o DC | $66,327 | $68,888 |
South w/o DC, MD, and DE | $65,550 | $68,263 |
Note: GDP per capita is state GDP divided by resident population. Regional GDP is state average weighted by population. GDP in 2022 dollars.
Source: EPI analysis of state GDP data from the Bureau of Econoimic Analysis and U.S. Census Bureau Resident Population data, retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.