U.S.–China goods trade and job displacement, 2001–2015

Change ($billions) Percent change
2001 2008 2015 2001–2015 2008–2015 2001–2015
U.S. goods trade with China ($ billions, nominal)
U.S. total exports* $19.2 $71.5 $116.1 $96.8 $44.6 503.4%
U.S. general imports $102.3 $337.8 $483.2 $381.0 $145.5 372.5%
U.S. trade balance ‑$83.0 ‑$266.3 ‑$367.2 ‑$284.1 ‑$100.8 342.1%
Average annual change in the trade balance ‑$20.2 ‑$14.4 11.2%
Change (thousands of jobs) Percent change
U.S. trade-related jobs supported and displaced (thousands of jobs)
U.S. total exports–jobs supported 171.9 544.2 826.6 654.7 282.4 380.8%
U.S. general imports–jobs displaced 1,129.6 3,621.2 5,227.6 4,098.0 1,606.4 362.8%
U.S. trade deficit–net jobs displaced 957.7 3,077.0 4,401.0 3,443.3 1,324.0 359.6%
Average annual change in net jobs displaced 246.0 189.1 11.5%

* Total exports as reported by the U.S. International Trade Commission include re-exports. Domestic exports are goods produced in the United States and exclude goods produced in other countries and shipped through the United States (known as foreign exports or re-exports). Domestic exports were estimated to be $107.7 billion in 2015. The employment estimates shown here are based on total exports. See footnote 3 for additional details.

Source: Author's analysis of U.S. Census Bureau (2013), U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC 2016a), Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS 2016e), and BLS Employment Projections program (BLS-EP 2014a and 2014b). For a more detailed explanation of data sources and computations, see the appendix.

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