Inflation acceleration is global, regardless of unemployment rates : Accelerated inflation and accelerated unemployment among OECD nations
Country | Unemployment improvement | Inflation acceleration |
AUT | 0.005583 | 0.031292 |
BEL | 0.004167 | 0.02426 |
CAN | 0.006292 | 0.033041 |
CHL | -0.00345 | 0.01475 |
COL | -0.01532 | 0.065947 |
CRI | -0.02307 | 0.027358 |
CZE | -0.00263 | 0.101539 |
DEU | 0.002333 | 0.023085 |
DNK | 0.004667 | 0.030457 |
ESP | 0.014125 | 0.024595 |
EST | -0.00567 | 0.064302 |
FIN | 0.008167 | 0.033758 |
FRA | 0.014917 | 0.018085 |
GBR | 0.001542 | 0.03608 |
HUN | 0.000375 | 0.054954 |
IRL | 0.005083 | 0.036566 |
ISL | -0.00129 | 0.042115 |
ISR | 0.002024 | 0.0285 |
ITA | 0.020292 | 0.019159 |
JPN | -0.00171 | -0.0016 |
KOR | 0.010917 | 0.026003 |
LTU | 0.001333 | 0.069453 |
LUX | 0.013417 | 0.02815 |
LVA | 0.002458 | 0.042944 |
MEX | 0.000871 | 0.022772 |
NLD | 0.013833 | 0.01691 |
NOR | 0.007792 | 0.014173 |
POL | 0.009208 | 0.065441 |
PRT | 0.009667 | 0.051002 |
SVK | -0.00138 | 0.076997 |
SVN | 0.008 | 0.040865 |
SWE | -0.01021 | 0.033199 |
USA | 0.010833 | 0.038027 |
Notes: We calculate inflation “acceleration” as post-pandemic inflation minus “normal” pre-pandemic inflation. Post-pandemic inflation is constructed as an annualized rate of change in core CPI from December 2020 to May 2022. Pre-pandemic “normal” inflation is constructed with 2018 and 2019 data for each country. We calculate accelerated unemployment in the same way.
Source: Inflation and unemployment data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).