More than 2.9 million New York workers would benefit from minimum wage increases: Number, shares, and wage increases of affected workers in New York state through 2026, by select worker characteristics

Group Wage-earning workforce  Total affected directly or indirectly  Share affected directly or indirectly  Total change in annual wagebill   Average change in annual wages   Average change in hourly wages 
All workers 8,872,900 2,878,800 32.4% $9,520,204,000 $3,307 $1.95
Men 4,505,800 1,286,200 28.5% $4,361,687,000 $3,391 $1.89
Women 4,367,100 1,592,600 36.5% $5,158,517,000 $3,239 $1.99
Teenager flag
Teenager 227,200 158,900 70.0% $605,795,000 $3,811 $3.35
Age 20 or older 8,645,700 2,719,900 31.5% $8,914,409,000 $3,277 $1.87
Age category
Age 16 to 24 1,005,200 699,300 69.6% $2,763,886,000 $3,952 $2.72
Age 25 to 39 3,127,600 1,015,100 32.5% $3,437,531,000 $3,386 $1.81
Age 40 to 54 2,779,600 657,800 23.7% $1,976,905,000 $3,005 $1.61
Age 55 or older 1,960,500 506,600 25.8% $1,341,882,000 $2,649 $1.58
Race / ethnicity
White, non-Hispanic 4,761,800 1,109,800 23.3% $2,863,733,000 $2,580 $1.71
Black, non-Hispanic 1,217,500 508,600 41.8% $1,780,669,000 $3,501 $1.99
Hispanic, any race 1,792,100 904,300 50.5% $3,646,256,000 $4,032 $2.19
Asian, non-Hispanic 882,000 273,100 31.0% $968,951,000 $3,548 $2.05
Other race/ethnicity 219,600 83,100 37.8% $260,596,000 $3,136 $1.93
Person of color
Not person of color 4,761,800 1,109,800 23.3% $2,863,733,000 $2,580 $1.71
Person of color 4,111,100 1,769,000 43.0% $6,656,471,000 $3,763 $2.10
Family status
Married parent 2,114,400 461,300 21.8% $1,413,354,000 $3,064 $1.68
Single parent 720,100 342,800 47.6% $1,248,570,000 $3,642 $2.00
Married, no children 2,239,900 509,500 22.7% $1,433,300,000 $2,813 $1.58
Unmarried, no children 3,798,400 1,565,300 41.2% $5,424,980,000 $3,466 $2.14
Usual weekly work hours category
Part time (<20 hours per week) 513,600 282,600 55.0% $453,816,000 $1,606 $2.53
Mid time (20-34 hours) 1,214,200 786,100 64.7% $2,590,523,000 $3,296 $2.47
Full time (35+ hours) 7,145,100 1,810,200 25.3% $6,475,865,000 $3,577 $1.63
Educational attainment
Less than high school 796,600 560,100 70.3% $2,575,651,000 $4,599 $2.55
High school 1,984,800 1,033,200 52.1% $3,423,726,000 $3,314 $1.90
Some college, no degree 1,548,100 700,600 45.3% $2,222,889,000 $3,173 $2.03
Associates degree 828,700 259,000 31.2% $667,686,000 $2,578 $1.54
Bachelors degree or higher 3,714,700 326,000 8.8% $630,251,000 $1,933 $1.21
Major Industry
Agriculture, fishing, forestry, mining 32,100 18,200 56.8% $86,298,000 $4,732 $2.16
Construction 460,200 121,100 26.3% $317,460,000 $2,622 $1.33
Manufacturing 548,100 137,700 25.1% $395,636,000 $2,873 $1.51
Wholesale trade 207,200 58,900 28.4% $182,062,000 $3,091 $1.63
Retail trade 903,000 505,500 56.0% $1,778,209,000 $3,518 $2.25
Transportation, warehousing, utilities 484,700 142,400 29.4% $396,392,000 $2,784 $1.46
Information 265,800 32,400 12.2% $77,743,000 $2,400 $1.65
Finance, insurance, real estate 764,900 93,100 12.2% $230,131,000 $2,472 $1.38
Professional, science, management services 692,200 58,200 8.4% $124,499,000 $2,141 $1.33
Administrative, support, waste services 313,300 144,400 46.1% $479,396,000 $3,319 $1.83
Educational services 1,028,100 208,800 20.3% $444,874,000 $2,131 $1.64
Healthcare, social assistance 1,521,700 566,200 37.2% $1,822,020,000 $3,218 $1.83
Arts, entertainment, recreational services 190,600 82,700 43.4% $274,769,000 $3,322 $2.22
Accommodation 91,800 45,800 49.9% $168,815,000 $3,689 $2.04
Restaurants 557,500 435,900 78.2% $1,918,089,000 $4,400 $2.56
Other services 371,600 183,500 49.4% $723,826,000 $3,943 $2.21
Public administration 439,900 44,000 10.0% $99,985,000 $2,273 $1.31
For profit 6,391,200 2,377,000 37.2% $8,204,299,000 $3,452 $2.01
Nonprofit 1,014,700 262,800 25.9% $726,115,000 $2,763 $1.76
Government 1,466,900 239,100 16.3% $589,790,000 $2,467 $1.54
Family income category
Less than $25,000 791,800 617,800 78.0% $2,611,857,000 $4,228 $2.49
$25,000 – $49,999 1,400,900 775,600 55.4% $2,367,476,000 $3,052 $1.66
$50,000 – $74,999 1,375,500 449,200 32.7% $1,380,565,000 $3,073 $1.77
$75,000 – $99,999 1,177,600 314,900 26.7% $970,856,000 $3,083 $1.79
$100,000 – $149,999 1,735,300 363,500 20.9% $1,090,936,000 $3,001 $1.84
$150,000 or more 2,304,000 297,500 12.9% $876,361,000 $2,946 $1.90
NA 87,700 60,200 68.7% $222,153,000 $3,688 $3.06
Tipped occupations
Not tipped 8,695,600 2,701,500 31.1% $8,820,372,000 $3,265 $1.92
Tipped worker 177,300 177,300 100.0% $699,832,000 $3,947 $2.40
Family income-to-poverty status
In Poverty 538,100 421,700 78.4% $1,827,181,000 $4,333 $2.85
100 – 199% poverty 1,005,400 744,400 74.0% $2,782,079,000 $3,737 $2.04
200-399% poverty 2,323,900 990,100 42.6% $2,918,695,000 $2,948 $1.65
400%+ poverty 5,005,400 722,700 14.4% $1,992,250,000 $2,757 $1.73

Notes: Estimated effect of minimum wage increases through 2026 in order to avoid projecting labor productivity and inflation in 2027. All wages in 2021 dollars. AAPI stands for Asian American and Pacific Islander.

Source: Economic Policy Institute Minimum Wage Simulation Model; see Technical Methodology by Dave Cooper, Zane Mokhiber, and Ben Zipperer.

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