Potential loss of overtime protection due to OREA's lack of salary threshold indexation, versus new DOL rule, 2015–2035

Covered by FLSA overtime protections
  Existing law New $913 threshold
Indexed Not indexed Lost overtime protection
Share of salaried workforce
1975 49.6%
2015 9.5% 32.7% 32.7% 0.0 ppt.
2025 32.7% 23.1% 9.6 ppt.
2035 32.7% 16.1% 16.6 ppt.
Number of salaried workers
2015 5,103,115 17,565,459 17,565,459
2025 18,953,130 13,376,683 5,576,447
2035 20,446,194 10,063,659 10,382,535

Source: EPI analysis of the U.S. Department of Labor's final (May 18, 2016) rule, "Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer Employees," 29 CFR Part 541; Overtime Reform and Enhancement Act (OREA); and Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group 2015 microdata

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