Share of salaried* workers covered by the salary threshold, 1975 and 2014
Shierholz (2014)** | New*** | |
Share of workers covered in 1975 under the 1975 threshold ($52,000 annually in 2014 dollars) | 65% | 62% |
Share of workers covered in 2014 under the current threshold ($23,660 annually) | 11% | 8% |
Share of workers covered in 2014 that would have been covered under the 1975 threshold ($52,000 annually in 2014 dollars) | 47% | 44% |
* A salaried worker is a worker who is paid on a regular schedule and receives a guaranteed minimum amount on each pay date regardless of hours worked.
** The sample included salaried (nonhourly) workers ages 18–64.
*** The sample included salaried (nonhourly), full-time workers who are 18 years or older. It excluded teachers (pre-K through college), religious workers, lawyers, judges, and various medical professions (physicians and surgeons, dentists, optometrists, podiatrists, and health diagnosing practitioners) who are automatically exempt from overtime protections.
Source: EPI analysis of Shierholz (2014) and Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata