Expanding access to overtime pay could benefit over 9 million children: Number of fathers, mothers, and their children who would newly benefit from raising the overtime salary threshold to $933 per week from $455 per week, 2014

Newly covered under $933
Mothers 2,402,000
Fathers 2,219,000
Children (under age 18) 9,179,000

Note: The sample reflects salaried (nonhourly) workers who are subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This excludes certain groups of workers such as the self-employed, most federal workers, religious workers, many agricultural workers, and many transportation workers.

Source: Adapted from Figure A in Ross Eisenbrey and Lawrence Mishel, Raising the Overtime Threshold Would Directly Benefit 13.5 Million Workers: Here Is a Breakdown of Who They AreEconomic Policy Institute Report, August 3, 2015

EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

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