Racial composition of New York City registered union apprentices, 1994–2014

Race/ethnicity 1994 2004 2012 2014
White 63.7% 52.0% 33.6% 38.2%
All minorities 36.3% 48.0% 66.4% 61.8%
Black 18.3% 24.4% 33.7% 35.1%
Hispanic 16.0% 20.3% 27.6% 22.2%
All others 2.0% 3.3% 5.2% 4.5%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Source: Figure 5 in Fuchs, Warren, and Bayer (2014) based on Figueroa, Grabelsky, and Lamare (2013) and Building and Construction Trades Council of New York (2012, 2014)

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