Characteristics of Hispanic construction workers in New York City, union and nonunion, 2006–2015

Construction occupations*
Union Nonunion
Share of total Share of total
Education** 100.0% 100.0%
Less than high school 28.0% 49.2%
High school 44.8% 36.0%
Some college 17.7% 9.4%
College or more 9.5% 5.4%
Age 100.0% 100.0%
18–24 2.6% 14.7%
25–34 36.0% 34.0%
35–44 35.9% 30.5%
45–54 15.4% 15.5%
55–64 10.1% 5.4%
Immigrant status 100.0% 100.0%
Native 20.3% 12.8%
Immigrant 79.7% 87.2%
Years since immigration 100.0% 100.0%
0–5 years 13.3% 15.6%
6–10 14.9% 25.0%
11–15 24.6% 28.0%
16 or more 47.1% 31.4%

* Construction occupations in the construction sector, excluding extraction occupations

** Highest level attained

Note: Sample includes Hispanics excluding blacks.

Source: Author's analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata, 2006–2015

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