New York City construction occupation employment by race/ethnicity in union and nonunion sectors, by age, 2006–2015

Construction occupations*
Union Nonunion
Race/ethnicity Share of total Share of total
Ages 18–40
All 100.0% 100.0%
Non-Hispanic white 38.1% 20.2%
All minorities 61.9% 79.8%
Black 21.0% 14.8%
Hispanic** 36.6% 55.7%
All others 4.3% 9.3%
Ages 41–64
All 100.0% 100.0%
Non-Hispanic white 53.0% 31.3%
All minorities 47.0% 68.7%
Black 21.3% 17.2%
Hispanic** 23.3% 37.9%
All others 2.3% 13.6%

* Construction occupations in the construction sector, excluding extraction occupations
** Hispanics excluding blacks

Source: Author's analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata, 2006–2015

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