Connecticut and Massachusetts NAEP 8th grade mathematics scores, 1992–2013

Connecticut adjusted Massachusetts adjusted  Connecticut observed Massachusetts observed
1992 265.72 262.07 273.739345 272.783201
1996 271.76 270.46 279.591245 277.565642
2000 274.26 274.74 280.785142 278.949013
2003 280.52 279.57 283.729811 286.520694
2005 278.42 286.16 281.068953 291.513541
2007 277.74 291.23 282.47279 297.923344
2009 282.70 295.20 288.608513 298.854347
2011 282.83 295.57 286.999945 298.512431
2013 281.45 298.37 285.00000 301.00000

Note: Scores are adjusted within each test year for student characteristics, student family socioeconomic (SES) characteristics, and racial and SES composition of school. Test scores are adjusted across years for changing social class composition of sample by using 1996 student characteristics, family academic resources, and school racial and SES composition to weight all years.

Source: EPI analysis of NCES NAEP microdata

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