The U.S. manufacturing trade deficit has been growing above trend since 2016: U.S. manufacturing imports, exports, and trade deficit, 1997--2019 (annual)

Date Mfg exports Mfg imports Mfg trade deficit (M−X) Mfg trade deficit trend (M−X)
1997 613.3336 744.028 130.6943 188.402
1998 612.459 799.0056 186.5467 213.414
1999 627.1599 886.1852 259.0253 238.426
2000 707.1855 1024.421 317.2358 263.438
2001 656.4526 960.563 304.1104 288.45
2002 622.0002 984.6372 362.637 313.462
2003 644.9062 1048 403.0937 338.474
2004 726.5793 1214.015 487.4357 363.486
2005 805.9644 1347.361 541.3967 388.498
2006 923.1392 1481.677 558.5378 413.51
2007 1019.377 1551.459 532.0817 438.522
2008 1121.873 1577.942 456.0694 463.534
2009 916.7261 1236.014 319.2879 488.546
2010 1100.394 1513.041 412.6465 513.558
2011 1276.906 1717.455 440.5491 538.57
2012 1341.398 1809.135 467.7364 563.582
2013 1375.17 1833.984 458.8136 588.594
2014 1403.782 1930.685 526.9032 613.606
2015 1317.019 1946.797 629.7783 638.618
2016 1264.011 1911.335 647.3241 663.63
2017 1323.595 2019.639 696.0444 688.642
2018 1400.022 2182.385 782.3625 713.654
2019 1365.305 2159.552  794.2464  738.666


Source: EPI analysis of data from U.S. International Trade Commission Trade DataWeb.

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