Mean income of households age 62–79, by age group and source, 1992–2010 (2010 dollars)

Year Age Earnings Social Security Defined-benefit pension Other
1992 62-67 $15,111 $8,398 $7,144 $11,103
68-73 $4,469 $12,878 $7,130 $10,230
74-79 $2,029 $13,742 $5,699 $9,672
1998 62-67 $17,745 $10,068 $7,586 $12,383
68-73 $5,918 $15,085 $7,872 $11,461
74-79 $2,833 $14,731 $6,738 $9,121
2004 62-67 $22,096 $10,953 $7,559 $9,979
68-73 $8,554 $15,751 $8,585 $9,248
74-79 $3,588 $14,864 $6,787 $7,528
2010 62-67 $27,031 $10,470 $7,166 $10,432
68-73 $11,747 $17,463 $8,128 $8,549
74-79 $5,430 $16,721 $7,496 $7,833

Note: Regular payments from IRA, Keough, or 401(k) accounts and annuities are a small part of "other" income. Lump sum withdrawals from retirement savings plans are not included.

Source: Authors' analysis of Current Population Survey microdata

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