Median savings in retirement accounts of households age 26–79, by education, 1989–2010 (2010 dollars)

Year College degree or more education High school diploma or GED Some college No high school diploma/GED
1989 $26,312 $13,493 $15,180 $16,866
1992 $32,595 $15,161 $18,193 $10,612
1995 $32,576 $21,245 $22,661 $13,455
1998 $46,686 $22,409 $26,678 $16,007
2001 $61,268 $22,057 $24,507 $12,254
2004 $74,792 $23,013 $24,164 $14,268
2007 $78,576 $30,383 $33,526 $15,715
2010 $76,000 $25,000 $27,000 $16,300

Note: Retirement account savings include savings in 401(k) and other defined-contribution plans, IRAs (including employer-sponsored SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs) and keogh plans for small businesses. Median balances are for households with positive savings in these accounts.

Source: Authors' analysis of Survey of Consumer Finance microdata

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