Mean savings in retirement accounts of households age 26–79, by education, 1989–2010 (2010 dollars)
Year | No high school diploma/GED | High school diploma or GED | Some college | College degree or more education |
1989 | $7,093 | $12,350 | $20,645 | $53,408 |
1992 | $3,227 | $14,848 | $17,396 | $59,064 |
1995 | $5,698 | $21,529 | $31,924 | $74,332 |
1998 | $6,326 | $23,006 | $37,340 | $103,945 |
2001 | $7,976 | $28,033 | $44,749 | $145,733 |
2004 | $5,816 | $30,079 | $41,096 | $144,913 |
2007 | $11,920 | $30,388 | $49,327 | $173,724 |
2010 | $6,024 | $30,691 | $41,482 | $181,793 |
Note: Retirement account savings include savings in 401(k) and other defined-contribution plans, IRAs (including employer-sponsored SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs) and Keogh plans for small businesses.
Source: Authors' analysis of Survey of Consumer Finance microdata