Median savings in retirement accounts of households age 26–79*, by race/ethnicity, 1989–2010 (2010 dollars)

Year White, non-Hispanic Black Hispanic
1989 $20,240 $10,120 $7,253
1992 $22,741 $8,338 $9,854
1995 $25,636 $11,331 $16,996
1998 $34,681 $14,673 $14,673
2001 $42,888 $11,028 $10,710
2004 $47,176 $17,260 $16,109
2007 $53,432 $26,192 $17,811
2010 $53,000 $19,000 $19,000

*Median balances are for households with positive savings in these accounts.

Note: Retirement account savings include savings in 401(k) and other defined-contribution plans, IRAs (including employer-sponsored SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs) and Keogh plans for small businesses. In this figure, “black” and “Hispanic” are not mutually exclusive categories, so a black person of Hispanic origin will be included in both categories.

Source: Authors' analysis of Survey of Consumer Finance microdata

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