Mean retirement account savings of households age 26–79, by income fifth, 1989–2010 (2010 dollars)

Year Top Fourth Middle Second Bottom
1989 $85,799 $16,445 $9,532 $6,322 $1,137
1992 $96,508 $23,582 $9,408 $4,280 $1,349
1995 $125,973 $28,914 $15,890 $9,936 $3,222
1998 $170,667 $43,999 $21,153 $10,642 $2,381
2001 $226,812 $64,805 $31,170 $12,599 $3,852
2004 $253,737 $59,821 $27,215 $9,103 $3,274
2007 $281,891 $79,041 $32,966 $13,564 $2,011
2010 $308,674 $66,964 $34,981 $12,182 $7,543

Note: Retirement account savings include savings in 401(k) and other defined-contribution plans, IRAs (including employer-sponsored SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs) and Keogh plans for small businesses.

Source: Authors' analysis of Survey of Consumer Finance microdata

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