Single people have less, but retirement savings are too low across the board: Median savings for families age 32–61 with retirement account savings, by gender and marital status, 1989–2013 (2013 dollars)

Married or living with partner Single men  Single women 
1989 $27,114 $18,076 $12,653
1992 $31,683 $17,872 $9,749
1995 $32,331 $24,286 $16,697
1998 $44,315 $31,449 $20,299
2001 $57,782 $31,517 $19,698
2004 $66,590 $35,761 $24,170
2007 $70,736 $51,649 $35,929
2010 $65,373 $34,294 $24,649
2013 $78,000 $34,000  $30,000 

Note: Retirement account savings include 401(k)s, IRAs, and Keogh plans.

Source: EPI analysis of  Survey of Consumer Finance data, 2013.

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