Workers in states with right-to-work laws make less: Median hourly wages, by race/ethnicity, 2017 dollars

Non-RTW states Right-to-work (RTW) states
White $21.10 $17.91
Black $15.71 $13.91
Hispanic $14.30 $13.11
Other $19.57 $16.05

Notes: Calculated using 2010–2017 data. Median wages for RTW states and for non-RTW states are calculated by averaging the median wages in those states. Nationwide, 28 states have RTW laws; the remaining 22 states do not. The National Conference of State Legislatures maintains a “Right-to-Work Resources” web page that lists states with RTW laws.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata from the U.S. Census Bureau

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