Median hourly wages and wage differentials, by gender and race/ethnicity, 2017 dollars

Gender and race/ethnicity Missouri Neighboring RTW states Difference between Missouri and neighboring RTW states All non-RTW states All RTW states Difference between non-RTW and RTW states
Men $19.16 $17.55 9.1% $20.78 $18.25 13.9%
White $20.15 $18.69 7.8% $23.44 $19.98 17.3%
Black $15.07 $14.63 2.9% $16.56 $14.62 13.3%
Hispanic $13.69 $13.15 4.1% $14.97 $13.94 7.4%
Other $19.19 $16.67 15.1% $22.13 $18.01 22.8%
Women $15.28 $14.75 3.6% $17.33 $15.01 15.5%
White $15.58 $15.36 1.4% $18.98 $15.99 18.7%
Black $13.86 $13.06 6.2% $15.00 $13.27 13.0%
Hispanic $12.59 $11.18 12.7% $13.48 $11.83 14.0%
Other $15.63 $13.82 13.2% $17.34 $14.32 21.1%

Notes: Calculated using 2010–2017 data. RTW states are states with right-to-work laws; non-RTW states do not have right-to-work laws. Median wages for Missouri’s neighboring RTW states, for all RTW states, and for all non-RTW states are calculated by averaging the median wages in those states. Missouri’s neighboring RTW states are Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Nationwide, 28 states have RTW laws; the remaining 22 states do not. The National Conference of State Legislatures maintains a “Right-to-Work Resources” web page that lists states with RTW laws.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata from the U.S. Census Bureau

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