No evidence of inflation persistence: Percent change in inflation following a large increase in estimated NAIRUs for various OECD countries

First three years Second three years Third three years
Finland (1980-1986) -5.2 0 0
France (1980-1996) -5.9 0 0
Germany (1980-2007) -8.2 0 0
Ireland (1980-1989) -8.2 5.6 6.6
Italy (1980-1996) -8.9 8.6 -14.4
New Zealand (1980-1994) -10.4 0 0
Spain (1980-1995) -14.4 0 0
Sweden (1983-1999) -16.7 0 0

Note: The date range for each country encompasses the period in which the NAIRU changed, as well as the nine years following the NAIRU change.

Source: EPI analysis of Ball (2009)

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