Demographics of workers living and working in the Los Angeles metro area in families below the family budget threshold

Category Estimated total workforce Share of the total workforce Below the family budget Share of category below the family budget threshold Share of total below family budget threshold
Total         3,698,225 100.0%         1,638,830 44.3% 100.0%
Female         1,698,467 45.9%            767,498 45.2% 46.8%
Male         1,999,758 54.1%            871,332 43.6% 53.2%
Family status
Married parent         1,052,379 28.5%            462,711 44.0% 28.2%
Married, no children            728,196 19.7%            166,099 22.8% 10.1%
Single parent            432,107 11.7%            320,380 74.1% 19.5%
Single, no children         1,485,543 40.2%            689,640 46.4% 42.1%
White         1,401,824 37.9%            350,089 25.0% 21.4%
Black or African American            241,745 6.5%            110,133 45.6% 6.7%
Hispanic         1,396,744 37.8%            946,449 67.8% 57.8%
Asian or other race            657,913 17.8%            232,159 35.3% 14.2%
Less than high school            546,640 14.8%            463,750 84.8% 28.3%
High school            641,539 17.3%            403,132 62.8% 24.6%
Some college         1,060,740 28.7%            481,322 45.4% 29.4%
Bachelor’s            943,727 25.5%            224,630 23.8% 13.7%
Advanced degree            505,580 13.7%              65,997 13.1% 4.0%
Place of birth
Outside U.S.         1,520,769 41.1%            891,766 58.6% 54.4%
U.S. state         2,169,196 58.7%            744,159 34.3% 45.4%
U.S. territory                 8,260 0.2%                 2,905 35.2% 0.2%
Born citizen         2,213,573 59.9%            758,857 34.3% 46.3%
Naturalized            688,764 18.6%            285,820 41.5% 17.4%
Not U.S. citizen            795,889 21.5%            594,154 74.7% 36.3%

Note: Figures reflect employed persons in non-elderly households who fit one of the eight available family budget types. See endnote two for details.

Source: EPI analysis of American Community Survey microdata, 2011–2013

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