Demographics of workers living and working in the Los Angeles metro area in families below the family budget threshold
Category | Estimated total workforce | Share of the total workforce | Below the family budget | Share of category below the family budget threshold | Share of total below family budget threshold |
Total | 3,698,225 | 100.0% | 1,638,830 | 44.3% | 100.0% |
Sex | |||||
Female | 1,698,467 | 45.9% | 767,498 | 45.2% | 46.8% |
Male | 1,999,758 | 54.1% | 871,332 | 43.6% | 53.2% |
Family status | |||||
Married parent | 1,052,379 | 28.5% | 462,711 | 44.0% | 28.2% |
Married, no children | 728,196 | 19.7% | 166,099 | 22.8% | 10.1% |
Single parent | 432,107 | 11.7% | 320,380 | 74.1% | 19.5% |
Single, no children | 1,485,543 | 40.2% | 689,640 | 46.4% | 42.1% |
Race/ethnicity | |||||
White | 1,401,824 | 37.9% | 350,089 | 25.0% | 21.4% |
Black or African American | 241,745 | 6.5% | 110,133 | 45.6% | 6.7% |
Hispanic | 1,396,744 | 37.8% | 946,449 | 67.8% | 57.8% |
Asian or other race | 657,913 | 17.8% | 232,159 | 35.3% | 14.2% |
Education | |||||
Less than high school | 546,640 | 14.8% | 463,750 | 84.8% | 28.3% |
High school | 641,539 | 17.3% | 403,132 | 62.8% | 24.6% |
Some college | 1,060,740 | 28.7% | 481,322 | 45.4% | 29.4% |
Bachelor’s | 943,727 | 25.5% | 224,630 | 23.8% | 13.7% |
Advanced degree | 505,580 | 13.7% | 65,997 | 13.1% | 4.0% |
Place of birth | |||||
Outside U.S. | 1,520,769 | 41.1% | 891,766 | 58.6% | 54.4% |
U.S. state | 2,169,196 | 58.7% | 744,159 | 34.3% | 45.4% |
U.S. territory | 8,260 | 0.2% | 2,905 | 35.2% | 0.2% |
Citizenship | |||||
Born citizen | 2,213,573 | 59.9% | 758,857 | 34.3% | 46.3% |
Naturalized | 688,764 | 18.6% | 285,820 | 41.5% | 17.4% |
Not U.S. citizen | 795,889 | 21.5% | 594,154 | 74.7% | 36.3% |
Note: Figures reflect employed persons in non-elderly households who fit one of the eight available family budget types. See endnote two for details.
Source: EPI analysis of American Community Survey microdata, 2011–2013