Larger COVID-19 shock correlates with faster core price acceleration

Inflation Covid cases per million
Australia 0.073821882 0.071036861
Austria 1.015731419 0.662442023
Belgium 1.285955391 0.540604731
Canada 0.498668812 0.577095249
Chile 0.970940577 2.583752671
Costa Rica 1.199189101 -1.402654846
Czechia 1.809975697 4.348896972
Denmark 0.741821974 0.88212241
Estonia 1.620889462 2.64944556
Finland 0.315031634 1.557015771
France 1.183009625 0.412614452
Germany 0.605278952 1.466058419
Greece 0.792506242 -0.353910082
Hungary 0.998060265 1.882841689
Iceland 0.439897774 1.719008685
Ireland 0.98941134 3.263701861
Israel 1.571640617 1.143418377
Italy 0.869554881 0.443829567
Japan 0.150224781 -1.635369945
South Korea 0.078850099 1.744774995
Latvia 1.294983787 -0.173717625
Lithuania 1.678085686 2.275162798
Luxembourg 1.414593074 0.082178042
Mexico 0.321317823 0.73995682
Netherlands 1.395392907 -0.196001381
New Zealand 0.014430577 -0.29199599
Norway 0.419615701 -1.650428788
Poland 0.881359884 2.668149375
Portugal 1.179764618 0.60813465
Slovakia 1.816032755 4.073971819
Slovenia 1.782866311 -0.257417907
Spain 1.178545751 0.259089729
Sweden 1.267630207 0.046702118
Switzerland 1.106375252 0.308367894
Turkey 1.04215497 1.996398562
United Kingdom 1.473274995 1.473585766
United States 1.523115172 2.481138698

Notes: Core inflation acceleration measured as the percentage change in core prices (excluding food and energy) between October 2021 and October 2020 minus the average change in year-over-year prices through 2019. This attempts to normalize core inflation relative to pre-COVID19 norms for these countries. Data on both cumulative COVID-19 cases per million and the acceleration in core inflation is transformed into an index with the average value of each equal to 1.

Source: Data on COVID-19 case rates from Inflation data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

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