No association between more fiscal relief and core inflation acceleration
Inflation | Fiscal relief | |
Australia | 0.06789125 | 18.37375271 |
Austria | 0.633108167 | 11.66189412 |
Belgium | 0.516666 | 8.222936896 |
Canada | 0.551540667 | 15.88277046 |
Chile | 2.4693405 | 14.0961954 |
Costa Rica | -1.340543333 | 1.5 |
Czech Republic | 4.15632175 | 9.604767956 |
Denmark | 0.8430608 | 3.455743247 |
Estonia | 2.532124417 | 5.8 |
Finland | 1.488068942 | 4.272892601 |
France | 0.394343308 | 9.583735008 |
Germany | 1.401139308 | 13.63835285 |
Greece | -0.33823845 | 21.07210227 |
Hungary | 1.799466833 | 10.50824443 |
Iceland | 1.642888583 | 9.249744985 |
Ireland | 3.119180592 | 10.31361015 |
Israel | 1.092786217 | 10.1 |
Italy | 0.424176175 | 10.89855564 |
Japan | -1.562953483 | 16.46834717 |
Korea | 1.667513925 | 4.484902484 |
Latvia | -0.166025167 | 8.7 |
Lithuania | 2.174415417 | 7.497 |
Luxembourg | 0.078539083 | 4.209344745 |
Mexico | 0.7071905 | 0.654423967 |
The Netherlands | -0.187322167 | 10.30457984 |
New Zealand | -0.279066 | 19.28367812 |
Norway | -1.5773455 | 7.402294317 |
Poland | 2.55 | 6.463386978 |
Portugal | 0.5812056 | 5.630875374 |
Slovak Republic | 3.893570667 | 4.438161474 |
Slovenia | -0.246019083 | 7.7 |
Spain | 0.247616875 | 7.578688738 |
Sweden | 0.044634083 | 4.180506601 |
Switzerland | 0.294712933 | 7.773072114 |
Turkey | 1.90799525 | 2.7 |
United Kingdom | 1.408333333 | 16.24023041 |
United States | 2.371270417 | 25.44975175 |
Notes: The acceleration in inflation is measured as the difference between inflation over the 12 months ending October 2021 relative to average inflation in 2019. The countries included are: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. All countries with both inflation data from the OECD and COVID-19 fiscal response data from the IMF are included. Data on both cumulative COVID-19 cases per million and the acceleration in core inflation is transformed into an index with the average value of each equal to 1.
Source: Data on COVID-19 case rates from Inflation data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).