Comparison of MIT Production in the Innovation Economy (PIE) data and Current Population Survey (CPS) data

Characteristic PIE CPS (2012)
Hourly wage $16.95 $16.49*
Union 18.1% 13.7%*
Female 26.7% 26.6%
Age 30 or less 20.6% 21.3%
Age 31–40 27.5% 22.0%*
Age 41–55 35.8% 38.8%*
Age 56 plus 16.1% 17.9%*

* Significant differences at 95 percent level or higher

Note: We have used employment weights for the PIE survey and individual earnings weights for the CPS.

Source: MIT's Production in the Innovation Economy (PIE) Manufacturing Survey (2012–2013) and Current Population Survey NBER Merged Outgoing Rotation Group (MORG) data

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