Until the Great Recession, working black women worked the most hours among women: Average annual hours worked, women ages 25--54, by race and ethnicity, selected years, 1978--2016

Year White women, all  White women, earners only  Black women, all  Black women, earners only  Hispanic women, all  Hispanic women, earners only 
1978 685.8 1,486.9 780.1 1,634.4 506.3 1,510.7
1979 750.5 1,504.6 800.3 1,617.1 553.2 1,508.3
1980 765.1 1,516.2 788.3 1,637.9 531.7 1,519.2
1988 1,038.9 1,663 975.9 1,739.5 676 1,599.2
1989 1,057 1,671.6 1,006 1,744.9 692 1,626.2
1990 1,081.2 1,688.6 934.3 1,718 675 1,637.7
1994 1,115.5 1,712.6 995.2 1,752.3 682.5 1,639.9
1995 1,140.4 1,729.7 1,039.7 1,799.2 708.9 1,668.9
1996 1,148.7 1,746.1 1,055.1 1,772 726.7 1,683
1999 1,206 1,783.5 1,268.6 1,848.7 824.9 1,730.8
2000 1,187 1,794.7 1,253.5 1,878 878 1,747
2001 1,172.3 1,796.7 1,173.1 1,847.7 841.6 1,735.8
2006 1,126.6 1,807.2 1,164.3 1,869.7 826 1,786.6
2007 1,145.8 1,821.8 1,146.8 1,879 821.3 1,788.4
2008 1,125.8 1,799.8 1,103.7 1,841 801.6 1,735.8
2013 1,079.9 1,820.8 992.2 1,818.7 766.4 1,744.5
2014 1,083.5 1,837.1 1,022.3 1,818.8 765 1,761.5
2015 1,118.2 1,849.1 1,067.7 1,855.1 788.9 1,766.9
2016 1,131.6 1,853.5 1,111.2 1,845.3 838.5 1,796.2

Notes: The “all” category includes nonearners—prime-age adults who reported that they did not work any hours or earn any wages over the course of an entire year. Shaded areas denote recessions.

Source: Authors’ analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement microdata

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