Average wages of Hispanic women and white non-Hispanic men by the ten most populous occupations for Hispanic women

Occupation White non-Hispanic men Hispanic women
Maids and housekeeping cleaners $12.60 $11.18
Cashiers $11.84 $10.23
Secretaries and administrative assistants $21.42 $16.82
Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides $14.74 $12.12
Retail salespersons $20.12 $11.44
Janitors and building cleaners $14.85 $11.62
Waiters and waitresses $9.41 $8.23
Cooks $10.96 $10.00
Customer service representatives $19.89 $14.24
Elementary and middle school teachers $30.50 $25.43

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata. For more information on the data sample see EPI's State of Working America Data Library.

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