Wages lost under the 2019 proposal relative to the 2016 rule, by state, projected for 2020

States Wages lost under the 2019 proposal relative to the 2016 rule Total wage increase under the 2016 rule Total wage increase under the 2019 proposal
All states $1,214,000,000 $1,787,200,000 $573,100,000
Alabama $16,200,000 $23,700,000 $7,500,000
Alaska $2,200,000 $3,100,000 $1,000,000
Arizona $24,500,000 $35,900,000 $11,400,000
Arkansas $10,300,000 $14,600,000 $4,300,000
California $106,800,000 $167,100,000 $60,300,000
Colorado $27,700,000 $44,600,000 $16,900,000
Connecticut $8,600,000 $15,800,000 $7,200,000
Delaware $2,700,000 $4,000,000 $1,300,000
Washington, D.C. $3,500,000 $6,000,000 $2,500,000
Florida $84,800,000 $117,500,000 $32,700,000
Georgia $36,500,000 $53,200,000 $16,700,000
Hawaii $3,700,000 $5,200,000 $1,600,000
Idaho $5,500,000 $8,300,000 $2,800,000
Illinois $58,200,000 $81,000,000 $22,800,000
Indiana $30,200,000 $40,300,000 $10,100,000
Iowa $18,000,000 $23,700,000 $5,700,000
Kansas $13,400,000 $17,900,000 $4,500,000
Kentucky $18,900,000 $28,800,000 $9,800,000
Louisiana $18,500,000 $25,100,000 $6,600,000
Maine $7,800,000 $9,900,000 $2,100,000
Maryland $27,200,000 $42,100,000 $14,900,000
Massachusetts $30,000,000 $51,500,000 $21,500,000
Michigan $43,200,000 $64,100,000 $20,900,000
Minnesota $22,300,000 $34,100,000 $11,800,000
Mississippi $9,000,000 $12,400,000 $3,400,000
Missouri $30,700,000 $39,700,000 $9,000,000
Montana $4,100,000 $5,300,000 $1,300,000
Nebraska $8,700,000 $12,500,000 $3,800,000
Nevada $8,800,000 $12,200,000 $3,300,000
New Hampshire $5,300,000 $8,800,000 $3,600,000
New Jersey $28,200,000 $44,300,000 $16,100,000
New Mexico $4,800,000 $6,800,000 $2,000,000
New York $64,600,000 $99,300,000 $34,700,000
North Carolina $38,300,000 $55,100,000 $16,800,000
North Dakota $2,800,000 $3,900,000 $1,100,000
Ohio $36,800,000 $60,900,000 $24,100,000
Oklahoma $13,400,000 $19,900,000 $6,500,000
Oregon $16,800,000 $26,500,000 $9,700,000
Pennsylvania $41,900,000 $67,600,000 $25,800,000
Rhode Island $4,000,000 $6,700,000 $2,700,000
South Carolina $17,600,000 $23,700,000 $6,100,000
South Dakota $2,900,000 $3,600,000 $700,000
Tennessee $29,100,000 $42,000,000 $13,000,000
Texas $123,100,000 $173,100,000 $50,000,000
Utah $14,600,000 $19,900,000 $5,300,000
Vermont $3,700,000 $4,700,000 $1,100,000
Virginia $22,800,000 $35,300,000 $12,500,000
Washington $35,100,000 $44,800,000 $9,700,000
West Virginia $4,600,000 $6,400,000 $1,700,000
Wisconsin $19,400,000 $31,200,000 $11,800,000
Wyoming $2,300,000 $3,200,000 $900,000

Notes: Subtotals may not add up to totals due to rounding. Following the methodology used by the U.S. Department of Labor, the estimates include all workers affected by the federal salary threshold increase, and do not account for higher state salary thresholds. Calculations account only for wage increases of workers with new protections (i.e., they do not account for workers with strengthened protections).

Source: EPI analysis of pooled Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata, 2016–2018, following the methodology used in the U.S. Department of Labor’s 2019 proposed rule, “Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer Employees,” 29 CFR Part 541 (published March 22, 2019).

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