Estimated number of H-2B workers employed in the United States, 2013

Number of workers
H-2B visas issued
All visas issued in 2013 57,600
50 percent of visas issued in 2012 25,005
25 percent of visas issued in 2011 12,706
Subtotal 95,311
H-2B adjustment to LPR status via employment-based preference, 2011–2013 -307
Estimated deaths (89.5 per 100,000) -85
Total 94,919

Notes: LPR refers to lawful permanent resident. We use DOL methodology to estimate the stock of H-2B workers (U.S. DOL 2011). All references to a particular year should be understood to mean the U.S. government’s fiscal year (October 1–September 30).

Sources: U.S. DOS CA 2017a; U.S. DOL 2011; adjustment of status data acquired from USCIS through a FOIA request by Lazaro Zamora of the Bipartisan Policy Center (unpublished); mortality rate calculated from Centers for Disease Control data at (CDC 2014)

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