Workers on irregular/on-call schedules have greater work–family conflict and work stress

Full sample Salary workers  Hourly workers  Other workers
conflict coef.
stress coef.
conflict coef.
stress coef.
conflict coef.
stress coef.
conflict coef.
stress coef.
Respondent income
<$22,500 (ref.)
$22,500–$39,999 0.0687 0.0246 0.0514 0.0349 0.144** 0.0342 -0.101 0.0575
$40,000–$49,999 0.151* 0.205** 0.149 0.263** 0.192* 0.153 -0.145 -0.00553
$50,000–$59,999 0.273*** 0.203** 0.239* 0.176 0.388*** 0.241* 0.0456 0.275
Over $60,000 0.291*** 0.125* 0.263** 0.127 0.445*** 0.0992 -0.100 0.0116
Working hours 0.0134*** 0.0122*** 0.0192*** 0.0151*** 0.00911*** 0.0101*** 0.0165*** 0.0138***
Pay status
Salaried (ref.)
Hourly -0.117** -0.0880*
Other -0.00664 -0.204***
Work schedule
Day shift (ref.)
Afternoon shift 0.236** 0.0400 0.303 0.123 0.199* -0.0276 0.508 0.749*
Night shift 0.320*** 0.0152 0.364* -0.138 0.337*** 0.0532 0.0383 -0.0123
Irregular/on-call 0.438*** 0.132* 0.618*** 0.117 0.473*** 0.212* 0.131 0.0326
Rotating shift 0.352*** 0.0609 0.249 -0.0436 0.348*** 0.0395 0.540 0.639*
Split shift 0.426*** 0.0399 0.264 -0.0945 0.535*** 0.150 0.0399 -0.433
R-Squared 0.135 0.073 0.184 0.083 0.096 0.047 0.176 0.196
Observations (n=) 3,800 3,799 1,399 1,399 1,979 1,977 422 423

Note: Asterisks denote tested significant at ***p<.001, **p<.01, *p<.05. “Regular” shift includes day, afternoon, and night shifts. All models were controlled for education, survey year, age, age square, race, marital status, presence of a preschool child, and years on the job.

Source: General Social Survey Quality of Worklife Supplement (NIOSH), pooled years 2002, 2006, and 2010

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